Renal Flashcards
Define hematuria
> 20RBC/mm3 unspun urine; >5RBC/hpf spun urine
If pt has discolored urine, what three large categories can it be and how to test?
macroscopic - hematuria
dipstick positive = pigmenturia (free Hb, myoglobin)
Metabolites - porphyrins, bilirubin
Bright red/pink
papillary necrosis, UTI, obstruction, painful clots
sickle cell
Categories of non-glomerular
interstitial disease (infection, drugs, nephrocalcinosis, ATN, cystic disease); tumors (Wilm’s, TS, nephroblastoma); vascular (renal thrombosis, infants of DM mom)
Proteinuria, RBC casts, high bp, edema, weight gain, oliguria
Hematuria with preceding or concurrent illness
Hematuria with fmhx
Alport, TBMN
Hematuria with h/o bleeding/bruising
vWD, traumatic hematuria
h/o hgb AS, Ss, SC, SBthal
papillary necrosis, SC nephropathy, exercise-induced rhabdo
Pattern: progressive, sensorineural hearing loss, anterior lenticonus
Name post-renal causes of hematuria
hydronephrosis, UP junction, UV junction obstruction, posterior urethral valves, lithiasis (stone - colicky pain, fmhx) hypercalcuria (ca/cr high >0.2)
Name bladder and urethra causes of hematuria
Trauma, inflammation, viral cystitis, TB, bact, Cytoxan, hemoorhagic cystitis, hemangioma
When to biopsy in cases of renal disease
1) hi proteinuria
2) persistent hypocomplementemia
3) chronic renal insufficiency
4) fmhx of nephritis with deafness
5) recurrent gross hematuria
How do you workup for hypercalciuria
spot urine, normal is <0.2, for confirmation of >0.2 do 24hr urine collection and if >4mg/kg/day = dx hypercalciuria
Pattern: dysplasia, unilateral agenesis, brachial fistulas, preauricular pits, hearing loss
brachio-oto-renal (BOR)
Pattern: renal angiomyolipomas, cystic kidneys, renal cell carcinoma
Pattern: Renal failure with oligohydramnios, small posteriorly set ears, micrognathia, beaked nose, wide set eyes, pulmonary hypoplasia
Pattern: nephronopthisis, cystic disease, renal dysplasia, tapetoretinal degeneration, retinal dysplasia
Senior locken syndrome
Pattern: renal failure, enlarged nontrabeculated bladder with thickened walls, lung hypoplasia, b/l cyrptoorchidism
Prune belly
Pattern: diffuse mesangial sclerosis, nephrotic syndrome, Wilm’s tumor, male pseudohermaphrodism
Pattern: glomerular involvement, dermal telangectasia
Fabry’s disease
Pattern: various renal defects, absence of intrahepatic bile duct, jaundice, vertebral defects, hyperlipidemia
Pattern: renal aplasia or hypoplasia, double collecting system, unilateral aplasia of pectoralis major, ipsi synbrachydactylyl, hypoplasia or breast and nipple
Define nephrotic
Proteinuria >40mg/m2/hr (4+); dipstick 4+
Hypoalbuminemia <2.5g/dL
Pattern; endema, normal bp or low; no changes in light microscopy, epithelial foot process effacement on EM
Minimal change nephrotic
Rx for MCNS
Replete fluids and prednisone
What is the best prognostic indicator for MCNS
Response to steroids
How to eval for proteinuria?
1st morning urine dip, blood (cr, bun, electrolytes, serum albumin, cholesterol, strep serologies), imaging - renal Us, VCUG
High protein after standing
orthostaic proteinuria
Albumin leaks through nephrotic/glomerulonephritis
glomerular proteinuria
Tubulointerstitial, hereditary or acquired tubulopathies
nonglomerular (LMW proteinuria)
If serum is lo in albumin what category of proteinuria is it most likely
glomerular proteinuria
What are the complications of nephrotic syndrome
Peritonitis (IV abs) pneumococcal, enteric bacteria
Other infection (bacteremia, pneumonia, cellulitis, meningitis, varicella)
Thromboembolism - PE, renal vein thrombosis, DVT
What is the main difference between minimal change disease and acute glomerulonephritis?
Edema is the same
Pattern: RBC casts, increased Cr, fluid Na/water retention causes increased edema, htn
acute glomerulonephritis
Which 3 kidney disorders present with low C3?
APSGN (post strep GN), lupus, MPGN
Low C3 is a marker of complement consumption
Rx for acute glomerulonephritis presentation
steroids, plasmapheresis, cytoxans
Pattern: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal injury, diarrhea 5 - 10 days before, high LDH, low haptoglobin, coombs negative
HUS (E. coli 157:H7)
What are extrarenal manifestation of HUS?
CNS (seizures, obtundation, coma, stroke), liver (hepatitis, GB, hydrops)
Pancreatitis, diabetes, +/- leukocytosis, bloody diarrhea
Pattern: coombs, anemia, pulmonary infiltrate, bacteremia or meningitis
pneumococcal HUS
Pattern: microscopic hematuria, 1 epsidoe of gross hematuria, HTN, decreased GFR
Difference in onset time of post-strep and IgA
Post-strep - 1 week post-infection
IgA Immediately with infection
Pattern: palpable purpura, arthritis, arthralgia, abdominal pain, renal disease (hematuria), lower limb abnormality
Henloch Scholein Purpura
Pattern: renal agenesis, ectopia, hydronephrosis, UPJ obstruction, vertegral anomalies, anal atresia, TE fistula, radial dysplasia, cardiac defects
VATER syndrome
Pattern: membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, dextrocardia, sinusitis, immotile cilia, bronchiectasis
Kartagener syndrome
pattern: multiple glomerular lesions, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, immunodeficiency
Pattern: renal artery/vein thrombosis
infant of DM
Pattern: flank mass and red urine and HTN and nausea/vomiting, hydronephrosis
UPJ obstruction
When does primary enuresis resolve by?
When is daytime continence typically achieved by?
What are some problems that can cause incontinence?
overactive bladder, abnormal contraction during filling, void postponement, dysfunctional voiding
What is dysfuctional voiding?
Inability to relax sphincter and pelvic floor during voiding
What is the most successful way to treat enuresis?
What is the most common cause of chronic kidney disease?
Posterior urethral valves
How do you best work up posterior urethral valve?
US, bilateral hydro with big bladder and posterior urethra. Must get VCUG with voiding phase without catheter
Rx for posterior urethral valves
Which cystic disease typically only involves 1 kidney
multicystic dysplastic kidney
Which cystic disease involve both kidney
AR and ADPKD, VHL, TS, renal agenesis
Which cystic disease - single?
multicystic dysplastic kidney
Which cystic disease - microcysts
Which cystic disease - large cysts
Which cystic disease - congenital hepatic fibrosis that is periportal
Which cystic disease - associated with TS, cerebral aneurysms, hepatic cysts
Which cystic disease - HTN
Which cystic disease - abdominal mass, flank pain, hematuria
Which cystic disease - renal insufficiency after 30 years
Pattern: bilateral renal agenesis, pulmonary hypoplasia, limb deformities, flatten facies
Potter sequence
Pattern: Vertebral, cardiac, TE fistula, renal and limb chromosomal abnormality
Renal agenesis can be seen in other diseases.
Mullerian agenesis, another with absence of vas deferens
Pattern: hydronephrosis, mass, hematuria, pain, horseshow kidney
UPJ obstruction
Pattern: hydronephrosis, cystic dilation of terminal ureter within bladder, associated with duplicated system
2nd most common cause of hydronephrosis
congenital megaureter
W/u for renal trauma?
CT +/- contrast
Pattern: pelvic fracture, free fluid in cul de sac +/- gross hematuria
Bladder trauma - should CT
Pattern: perineal penile hematoma, blood at meatus, inability to void
urethral injuries
W/u for urethral injuries
male - retrograde urethrography
female - cystoscopy
Pattern: flank pain, recurrent UTI, underlying renal/urinary tract abnormalities
hypercalcuria >0.2 spot
What is preferred imaging for nephrolithiasis
CT>US>plain film
Best test for VUR and PUV
Best test for CT
UVJ or UPJ obstruction
Best test for hydronephrosis
Indication for absolute renal/bladder US
2mo to 2 yrs with febrile UTI
Which VUR grade puts patient at increased risk of acute inflammatory damage and scarring?
VUR 3-5
Pattern: FTT, short stature, renal rickets, anemia, HTN, electrolyte disturbances
chronic kidney disease
Pattern/Rx: HTN, sore throat, Coca-Cola urine
PIAGN - diuretics
Pattern/Rx: HTN, flushing
Pheochromocytoma - alpha/beta blocker
Pattern/Rx: severe IVH
central cause - clonidine
Pattern/Rx: recurrent UTIs
Renal scarring - ACE inhibitor
Which drugs to avoid with bilateral RAS?
Ace inhibitor
Which drugs to avoid depression, asthma, diabetes
Beta blocker
Rx for HTN urgency/emergency
Immediate 25% reduction in bp; normalization gradual (24-48hrs)
Renal causes of HTN
acute GN, scarring, renal artery stenosis (NF, UAC placement)
Cardiac cause of HTN
aortic coarctation
Endo causes of HTN
pheochromocytoma, CAH, primary hyperaldosteronism
Neuro causes of HTN
increased ICP, familial dysautonomia, GBS, pain and anxiety
Drugs that cause HTN
steroids, lead/mercury poisoning, amphetamines, cough and cold medicine, NSAIDs, OCPs, licorice
Most likely cause of HTN in newborn
RA or RV thrombosis
Most likely cause of HTN in 1 year old
Most likely cause of HTN in <6 year old
renal parenchyma, renovascular disease
Most likely cause of HTN in >6 year old
renal parenchyma, renovascular, essential HTN, coarct
Pattern: hydronephrosis, thickening of the walls
PUV associated with renal dysplasia