Endocrinology Flashcards
As acidosis is corrected, what do you have to worry about in DKA rx?
Loss of K+ in urine, so should monitor carefully with EKG if necessary
When can cerebral edema most commonly happen after treatment initiation?
4 to 12 hours
What does hypokalemia look like on EKG?
U wave and Q-U prolongation
What is the Somogyi phenomenon?
hypoglycemia leading to rebound hyperglycemia.
So check 2am - if low then it is this
What is the rx to somogyi phenomenon?
decrease nighttime long-acting insulin
What is the Dawn phenomenon in DM?
Early AM glucose - check 2am, if still high, than increase nighttime long-acting insulin
What do you check on sick days for DM?
Check BG frequently, use rapid acting insulins,
Describe 2 dose insulin regiment?
2 shots/day with short&long acting insulin
2/3 daily in AM, 1/2 in PM
2/3 long-acting, 1/3 short-acting
How many hours of TV/computer use/day?
2 hrs
Obese at age 6, likelihood of obese as adults
Obese at 12, likelihood of obese as adults
Most common complication of obesity.
Low self-esteem
What is the glucose level and serum bicarbonate, effective serum osmolarity in hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome?
Glucose >600mg/dL
Serum bicarbonate >15mmol/L, 320 mOsm/L
Rx for hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
aggressive hydration with 0.45% saline, insulin later
Tall and fat, endocrine or not
Pattern: mildly obese, short, hypoglycemia, micropenis, bone age delay, single maxillary incisor, optic nerve hypoplasia, cleft lip/palate
Growth hormone deficiency - hypopituitarism
Pattern: floppy baby, mildly retarded, sucking problems, very obese as he grows, hypoplastic penis/scrotum, small testicles and hands/feet, large appetite
Prader-willi syndrome
Pattern: moderate obesity, round face with short neck, delayed dental eruption, aplasia, short 4th, short 4th metacarpals/metatarsals, extraskeletal calcification, variable hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
Pattern: obesity, mental deficiency, retinal dystrophy, polydactyly, syndactyly, brachydactyly, broad, short feet, abnormal kidneys, small penis/tests (hypogonadism)
Bardet-Biedl syndrome
A ciliopathic disorder
Pattern: obesity later, hypotonia, brushfield spots, clinodactyly with simian crease, endocardial cushion defect, small penis and small testicles
Down syndrome
Dopamine prolactin relationship
DA causes reduction or prolactin
DI also causes what?
If hypo or hypernatremia, what labs do you want to do?
urine osmolality, serum osmolality, serum and urinary sodium
High urine osmolality, low serum osmolality
Low urine osmolality, high serum osmolality
Treatment for SIADH
Fluid restrict, 1000cc/m2/day or less
What is level of TSH for congenital hypoTH dx?
TSH >25
Pattern: prolonged jaundice, severe growth and DD, constipation, coarse features, umbilical hernia and large anterior fontanelle
congenital hypoTH
What are endocrine problem should you be aware of in DM patients?
10-30% also have Hashimoto, autoimmune polyglandular syndrome II
Pattern: growth fall-off, mild relative weight gain, dry skin/myxedema, delayed relaxation phase of DTRs, coarse hair, mild hair loss
Range of TSH in hypoTH
> 50, 100, 200
Pattern: high TSH, microcytic anemia
What dose of levothyroxine for newborn with hypoTH?
10-15 mcg/kg/day
What dose of levothyroxine for older pts with hypoTH?
If longstanding or TSH>100, what regiment of levothyroxine do you want to give - aka uptitration plan
Start at 1/4 to 1/3 dose and work up slowly over 3-4 weeks
What are three major causes of hyperTH?
- Graves autoimmune
- Thyroiditis with release of LT4 from gland in acute phase of Hashimoto or DeQuervain (painful, negative Ab’s)
- Inappropriate use of LTH for weight loss
Pattern: jittery, weight loss, agitation, fatigue (cannot sleep), heat intolerance-diaphoresis, proptosis/exophthalmos
Graves hyperTH
+TSH receptor Ab, + Anti TP, +Anti TG
Graves hyperTH - don’t be fooled by other antibodies
What is high risk side effects of methimazole?
Rx of Graves
- Radiactive idoine ablation
- Thyroid surgical resection
- Can use idoine (to slow down met of TH), prednisone, propanolol
Any solitary nodule needs what kind of workup?
Thyroid US
Uptake scan
Fine needle aspiration
Percentage of solitary nodule that is malignant
Rapid growth, firm nodule, +FH of medullary CA, history of neck radiation
Thyroid cancer
Characteristic of thyroid nodule that is less likely to be cancer.
Cystic nodule, TPO/TG Ab’s
What initiates genital structure development?
Y chromosome with SRY causing gonads to develop towards testicles
What does maternal HCG signal in the fetus for genital structure differentiation?
Testes to secrete T, DHT –> external genital vrilization
What stabilizes the Wolffian internal structures?
Testes also produce AMH to do what?
induce female structures (Mullerian) to regress
At what week is genital structure formed?
14 weeks, shape, but not size
What hormone/level/problem seen with 46XY DSD
Subnormal T or DHT
Insensitive to T
What hormone/level/problem see with 46 XX DSD
excess maternal androgens, exogenous androgens, fetal adrenal CAH
Ovotestes 46 XX, 46 XY or mosiac
both ovary and testicle
Pattern: External female genitalia, internal no uterus, testicles present, no pubic/axillary hair, breast tissue at puberty, no menses
Complete androgen insensitivity - X-linked
Pattern: ambiguous genitalia, internal male, no uterus, some pubic hair
Partial androgen insenstivity
Sign of low DHT?
genitalia not virilized
At puberty for pt with 5 alpha reductase deficiency, why can you see virilization?
Testosterone is excessively high and can virilize
Female salt-wasting, ambiguous genitalia,
21-OH deficiency
Male salt-wasting, early adrenarche/puberty
21-OH deficiency
Teenage girl, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities
21-OH deficiency non-classical
Virilized female, hypertension
11-B hydroxylase deficiency
what are complications of untreated 11-B hydroxylase deficiency
advanced bone age and early adrenarche
Workup of CAH
pre +/- post ACTH stim is gold standard 17 OH progesterone (21 OH deficiency) DOC (11 beta OH deficiency) 17 OH pregnenolone (3-B hydroxysteroid) Renin/aldosterone DHEA, andro, and ACTH
What is the RX for acute salt wasting-adrenal crisis?
Fluids + hydrocortisone 25mg IM/IV then 100mg/m2/d divided q6 hours
What is chronic rx for salt wasting and virilizing?
hydrocortisone 15-25 mg/m2/day, fludocort (mineralcortidoid)
Follow up 17OHP, andro, renin levels q3 months
What are causes of Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insufficiency)?
- Autoimmune destruction APS1 (AIRE) adrenal and mucocutaneous candidiasis APS2 (Schmidt) adrenal, DM I, Hashimoto
- Infection (TB)
- Adrenal hemorrhage post-infection (WFS)
- Adrenal hypoplasia congenita
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
Pattern: Salt-losing crisis in neonatal period, 21 OH is not deficient, no virilzation in females, normal male genital development
Adrenal hypoplasia congenita
What is genetic cause of adrenal hypoplasia congenita
How do you treat adrenal hypoplasia congenita?
Same treatment as in 21 OH, but lower doses of HC are needed than in CAH
Normal neuro development, then loss of milestones, clumsiness, adrenal insufficiency, grumpy and irritable
ABCD1 gene x-linked
Hypotension, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, acidosis, weight loss, vomiting, hyperpigamenation
Acute severe adrenal insufficiency
Causes of Cushing symptom
- Exogenous steroids
- Cushing’s disease (ACTH production)
- Adrenal tumor
- Ectopic expression
Pattern: growth failure, truncal obesity, acne/hirsutism, hypertension, purple striae, weakened bones
Cushing syndrome
How to test for Cushing’s syndrome
Overnight dexamethasone suppression, 1mg at 11pm, check cortisol level at 8am, if no suppression, dx made
24-hour urine for free cortisol
Headache, HTN, palpitations, sweating
Pheochromocytoma - caused by excess catecholamines
Dx of pheochromocytoma
Urinary catecholamines, urinary metanephrines, MRI of adrenals, MIBG scan
Glucose level to dx hypoG
Pattern: new born, low glucose, big tongue, umbilical hernia
Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
Pattern: newborn, low glucose, just got UA catheter
malposition of UA catheter too high up supplying excess glucose to pancreas so reactive response
4 hormones that raise blood glucose - how many has to be deficient to cause hypoglycemia
epinephrine, glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone
Pattern: Large for gestation age baby, with seizures, hypoG, pre and post prandial, needs lots of glucose
Workup in baby with hypoglycemia
paired insulin/glucose, UA for ketones
Pattern: hypoG at random times, no ketones
Hyperinsulinsim or FA oxidation
Pattern: hypoG and midline defects or nystagmus
Pituitary (GH/Cortisol)
Pattern: hypoG after overnight fast,
GH/cort or FA oxidation defect
PTH’s net effect
increase Ca, decrease P
Vit D’s net effect
increase absorption of Ca and P
Vit D’s effect on PTH
Feed back inhibition on PTH
PTH increases Ca by 3 mechanisms
- increase bone resorption
- increase Ca resorption from kidney
- increase Vit D (25 to 1,25 dihyd) to increase gut absorption
Calcitonin net effect
decreases Ca blocks osteoclastic resorption.
it is secreted by C-cells
Hypocalcemia s/sx
Tetany, seizures, chvostek (tap on cheek, 7th nerve), trousseau (bp cuff), irritability
Hyper/Hypo Ca workup
1) iPTH w/ paired calcium
2) 25, hydroxy & 1,25 dihydroxy
3) Mg (co-factor for PTH secretion) & P
4) Urinary Ca and Creatinine
Where is the problem in hypoPTH, pseudoPTH
1) Secretion/production
2) bad receptor
Labs seen in hypoPTH
low Ca, high PO4, low PTH
4 disorders that can causes hypoPTH newborns/infants
1) DiGeorge/velocardiofacial
2) CHARGE assocation
3) Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome I/II
4) Familial hypoPTH (AD)
Pattern: cardiac/palatal defects, broad nose, long fingers, T-cell dysfunction (infection), deletion of 22q11 region
low Ca, high PO4, high PTH (>300)