General pediatrics Flashcards
What is the most common neck masses?
Thyroglossal duct cysts
What is the second most common neck masses?
Brachial cleft
Rx for thyroglossal duct cyst
surgical excision
Post-op carefor thyroglossal cyst
Thyroid scan
What happens to cyst during URI?
Get larger
Which neck mass transilluminates?
cystic hygroma - lymphangioma
Rx lymphangioma
Resection vs sclerotherapy
With how many hemangiomas will you need to search for internal hemangiomas?
Pattern: a mass over sternocleidomastoid
Pattern: larger with crying/valsalva
hemangiomas and cervical lung herniation
Most common bacteria cuase of lymphadenitis?
strep and staph
Rx for reactive lymphadenopathy
can observe for 3 to 4 weeks if asymptomatic and no concerning features or empiric antibiotics
Concerning features for acquired neck mass
- Persists >8-12 weeks
- Firm, rubbery, non-mobile, non-tender, matted
- Growing or >2cm in children or 1.5cm in adolescents
- Supraclavicular mass because they drain mediastinum, lungs and abdomen
- Systemic signs/symptoms
Workup for acquired neck mass
CBC, ESR, LDH, uric acid, PPD, EBV, CMV, HIV, Bartonella, US, CXR
What age is monospot best for
> 4yo
First line abx for lymphadenitis
clindamycin, augmentin, cephalosporin
Abs for Bartonella
azithromycin, doxycycline or quinolone
Hearing loss dB and qualitative scale:
Miss up to 50% speech, may seem disinterested, or dx’ed wth ADHD
20-40dB; mild hearing loss
Hearing loss dB and qualitative scale:
Miss >50% speech, poor expressive language
40-70dB; moderate hearing loss
Hearing loss dB and qualitative scale:
Miss 100% normal volume speech, poor or absent expressive verbal language
70-90dB; severe hearing loss
Hearing loss dB and qualitative scale:
Sound vibrations are felt
> 90dB sound vibrations are felt
Syndromes associated with hearing loss
Goldenhar, Treacher Collins’ (AD), Down
Pattern: long QT + SNHL
Jervelle Lange-Nielsen
Pattern: Retinitis pigmentosa + SNHL
Usher syndrome
Pattern: glomerulonephriis + high frequency SNHL
Pattern: pigment defects (white forelock), SNHL
Pattern: Goiter + SNHL +/- balance problems
Pendrid syndrome
Pattern: bone fragility and SNHL
osteogenesis imperfecta type 1
Maternal medication + SNHL
alcohol, isotretinoin, cisplatin
Medications children take that causes SNHL
aminoglycosides, furosemide, vancomycin
Pattern: SNHL + vertigo
perilymphatic fistula from trauma
Pattern: conductive hearing loss on SNHL
abnormal bone and air conduction, but bone >10dB better than air conduction
Pattern: Abnormal bone and air conduction but each within 10dB of each other
Will infants with profound deafness startle, laugh and babble
Hearing loss after what yr is less poor prognosis
Most common non-sydromic genetic HL
connexcin 26 gene defect, AR bilateral, mod/sever
Most common congenital infection SNHL
Most common acq infection that leads to SNHL
Pattern: abnormal bone and air conduction
SNHL (within 10dB of bone) CMV and meningitis
Pattern: abnormal bone and air conduction (>10 dB worse than bone)
Mixed HL - multiple factors
When is the universal screening age for newborns?
screening by 1 mo, confirm by 3 mo, receive early intervention by 6 months
What kind of hearing loss is identified by newborn screens
moderate/severe hearing loss, not ild (<40dB)
Cannot tell degress of hearing loss, just pass/fail
Can estimate ear specfic thresholds
Neurologic function. ability to hear is inferred
Describe behavioral observation audiometry exam
Placed on parent’s lap, stimuli with external speakers, look for change in child’s behavior, no threshold or ear specific info is obtain
What can behavioral observation audiometry tell you?
Exclude profound hearing loss
Describe visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA)
Same as BOA, but observe child to look for sound 6mo to 3 years old
Describe conditioned play audiometry
Headphones provide ear specific information, ask child to do play task in response to sound
3 to 5 years old
Pure-tone audiometry
tests air and bone conduction, distinguish CHL, SNHL and mixed hearing loss
Static admittance (compliance) peaks at what pressure
P = 0
Normal volume is for tympanometry is what?
0.5 to 1.5ml
Less comcompliant ear drum cause
early effusion
Too compliant ear drum
Thin ear drum or healing
Pattern: poorly compliant TM normal volume
likely middle ear effusion
Pattern: poor compliant, low volume
cerumen impaction or probe against canal wall
Pattern: poor compliant, high volume
TM perforation or tympanostomy tubes
Pattern: peak compliance at negative pressure
Retracted TM (URI, eustachian tube dysfunction)
Age that will ensure best outcome with cochlear implants
What are children with cochlear implants are most at risk for?
What organism has the highest resistance to PCN that causes otitis media?
M. catarrahlis
What are the three most common bacterial because of AOM?
S pneumonia, H influenzae, M catarrhalis
Most common 4 viruses of AOM?
RSV, rhinovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus
What are some risk factors for AOM?
<2yo, day care, allergy/atopy, bottle eeding, not breastfeeding, first AOM <6 months of age, immune deficiency, craniofacial anomalies (cleft palate)
To treat or not to treat?
Bilateral non-severe <2yrs
To treat or not to treat?
Unilateral non-severe <2yrs
To treat or not to treat?
bilateral >2yrs
To treat or not to treat?
Unilateral non-severe >2yrs
Amoxicillin 80-100mg/kg for 10 days
If patient doesn’t respond within 48hrs of amoxicillin treatment, then what?
If if AOM doesn’t respond to 2nd line, then what?
ceftriaxone IM/IV x 3 days
Rx for PCN allergic pt
3rd gen cephalosporin or +clindamycin
Why can’t you use clindamycin for AOM?
lacks H influenza activity
Why can’t you use macrolides for AOM
limited S pneumonia, H influenza activity
What can’t you use bactrim for AOM
very limited S pneumonia
Augmentin is reasonable 1st line under what circumstances?
Amox within last 30 days for any purpose; conjunctivitis (H influenzae), h/o of recurrent AOM unresponsive to amoxicillin
Follow-up plan for AOM treatment
2-3 months for child <2 years old; >2 years old if language/learning concerns
When would you consider tympanostomy tube?
> 4 AOM/year
Describe otitis media with effusion
Fluid in middle ear without signs/symptoms of acute ear infection, pneumatic otoscopy, decreased TM mobility, cloudy TM, air fluid levels
Management of OME?
If has risk factors, then check hearing and refer to ENT if abnormal
1) previous permanent hearing loss
2) speech/language delay
3) developmental delay
4) Syndromes or craniofacial disorders
5) cleft palate
6) blindness
In patient with OME, at not at high risk, how do you manage
recheck in 3 months
Define chronic suppurative otitis media
purulent otorrhea assoicated with chronic TM perf for >6 weeks
What is most common organism for chronic suppurative otitis media?
P aeruginosa, S aureus, enteric GNRs
Rx suppurative otitis media
topical ciprofloxacin
What is the most common agent for otitis externa
P aeruoginosa, S aureus, often polymicrobial
Rx for otitis externa
topical quinolones polymixin or aminoglycoside
Rx of perforated TM or tympanostomy tube
non-toxic topical antibiotics
What is the biggest risk factor for bacterial sinusitis?
viral uri
followed by allergic rhinitis
When do the following sinuses develop?
Ethmoid/maxillary - present at birth, sphenoid 5 years, frontal 7 years
Define acute bacterial sinusitis
<30 days
Define subacute bacterial sinusitis
30-90 days
Define chronic bacterial sinusitis
> 90 days
Define recurrent acute
multiple episodes of acute with at least 10 days asymptomatic in between
Define bacterial sinusitis persistent illiness presentation
nasal discharge, daytime cough or both for >10 days without improvement
Define bacterial sinusitis severe onset presentation
concurrent T >39 and purulent nasal discharge >3 days
Define bacterial sinusitis worsening course
worsening or new onset nasal discharge, daytime cough, fever after initial improvement
Causes of chronic sinusitis
same as acute, s aurueus or fungi
Dx of of acute bacterial sinusitis
Rx for persistent acute sinusitis
observation ok for 72 hours, then antibiotics
Rx for severe onset or worsening
start antibiotics - amox or augmentin
Start with Augmentin
day care attendance, amoxicillin within last 30 days, <2yo