Renal Flashcards
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney
Non functioning kidney consists of multiple unilateral non communicating cyst
Nephrectomy is preferred treatment
Increased risk of wilms tumor
Renal Agenesis
Failure of kidneys to form- oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia and often death
Presents early in life
Symmetrically enlarged reniform
Dilated collecting ducts leading to global loss of function
Palpable abdominal mass in children
Presents later in adulthood
Can be detected with + FHx
Cysts can distort reniform shape
Transplant is viable
Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Primary: intrinsic narrowing, vascular compression
Secondary: scarring, angulation due to dilation
Leads to hydronephrosis - palpable abdominal mass, + fetal US, flank pain, hematuria; can destroy parenchyma
Surgical correction
Vesicoureteral Reflux
Length of intravesical ureter is insufficient to prevent reflux
Presents as recurrent UTI or pyelonephritis – recurrent UTI and UTI < 24 mo gets US/VCUG
VCUG is preferred test for VUR
PPX abx, possible surgery
Posterior Urethral Valves
Males only
Prevents normal outlet and can lead to, urethral and bladder dilation - VCUG is good Dx modality
MCC of ESRD in male children
Present with abdominal mass, abnormal voiding/VUR, hydronephrosis + bladder distention
Urethral meatus is ventrally located
Circumcision is contraindicated
Surgical correction
Hypospadia + Cryptoorchidism –> suspicious for ambiguous genitalia
Ascending or hematogenous spread - E.coli, Proteus, Klebsiella
Risks: anatomic abn., VUR, dysf(x) voiding
Key workup in r/o sepsis in child < 2 yo
Recurrent UTI in anyone or < 24 mo - renal US +/- VCUG
Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome
Proteinuria (>3.5g/day), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia
MC present with periorbital edema, lower extremity edema, weight gain, ascites
MCD is MCC (then FSGS, MPGN, MN)
Steroids + Na restriction - refrx cases get renal bx + ImmSupp Tx
SBP is common complication from imm.supp.
Pediatric Nephritic Syndrome
Hematuria, RBC casts, edema, HTN, Azotemia
-APGN: 1-2wks post infection (skin or pharyngitis), tx doesn’t prevent APGN, low C3, C3 and IgG humps below BM
- IgA neph.: 1-2days post URI, IgA deposition with normal C3 levels; IgA nephropathy + extrarenal sx (GI, joint, Skin) = HSP
- Alport Syn: T4 Collagen defect, split BM, assoc. with sensorineural hearing loss
RTA - Type 1
Defect in collecting tubule H+ secretion; urine pH > 5.5, HypoK, higher risk of CaPO4 stones
Can present as FTT
Tx with alkalinizing agent (bicarb, citrate) correct metabolic disturbances
RTA - Type 2
Defect in proximal tubule bicarb reabsorption, urine pH <5.5, HypoK, Fanconi Anemia (general loss of bicarb, glucose, AA, Uric Acid, PO4) associated, increased risk of hypophosphatemic rickets
Can Present as FTT
Tx with alkalinizing agent (bicarb, citrate) correct metabolic disturbances, thiazide diuretics are useful to increase proximal bicarb uptake
RTA - Type 4
“HyperK” – MC
HypoAldo/Loss of response to Aldo, impaired ammoniagenesis in proximal tubule 2/2 hyperK, poor buffering capacity in urine –> low urine pH
Tx with alkalinizing agent (bicarb, citrate) correct metabolic disturbances
PreRenal AKI
2/2 renal hypoperfusion
BUN:Cr > 20, oliguria, FENa < 1%