Renal Flashcards
5 year old peeing at night dx?
get a 24 hr urine sample
22 y/o w/ many hyaline in urine dx?
mixed mem glum
child w/ abdominal mass + hema + HTA dx?
long term use of what class causes hypokalemia, hypomagnesium, hypercalemia, and hyponatremia?
Thiazide diuretic
What does a prolonged QT mean?
low potassium
which of the following is a first line treatment for atrial fibrillation (afib) with rapid ventricular rate (RVR)?
which of the following is considered a first line therapy for PTSD?
3 weeks
24yoF presents with a 1 day history of nausea, vomiting. she also reports dysuria and frequency x 3 days. Patient denies previous urinary tract infections or recent sexual activity. V/S: 102F temp, 100/min pulse, 16/min RR, 110/80 BP. urinary analysis is positive for nitrites and leukesterase +4, 80-100 WBC/hpf, 18,000 WBCs. what is the next appropriate treatmen
ceftriaxone (NOT TMP-SMX)
67yoF with a history of breast cancer presents for a follow up 4 days after chemotherapy complaining of fatigue.
serum Na+129
urine Na+ 30
serum osmolality 200
urine osmolality 400
what is the initial treatment?
fluid resuscitation
which calcium salt dose provides 1-2 grams of elemental calcium per day?
calcium carbonate 1500mg BID
60yoM with a history of heart failure is in the hospital because of an acute weight increase and edema. The patient is currently taking metoprolol, furosemide and lisinopril. A basic metabolic panel (BMP) reveals K+ 3.0 (low). what is the most appropriate initial daily dose of K+?
40 meq PO BID
calculate the corrected serum calcium given the total serum calcium is 7.6 and the serum albumin is 2.8.
Ca 2+ = 0.8 (4 - serum albumin) + ca 2+
what is the most common cause of atubular necrosis (ATN)?
patients taking loop diuretics are at an increased risk for which of the following adverse drug reactions?