Cardio Flashcards
AA Diameter
No further testing
AA Diameter
2.5 - <3
rescreen w/ US after 10 years
AA Diameter
3.0 - 3.9
repeat US every 3 years
AA Diameter
Men 4.0 -4.9
Women 4.0 - 4.4
Repeat US annually
AA Diameter
men > 5.0
women > 4.5
repeat US every 6 months
AA Diameter
men > 5.5
Women > 5.0
repair recommended
AA Diameter
What are additional indications for surgery?(5)
- increase in aneurysm size by > 0.5 cm within 6 months
- chronic abdominal pain
- thromembolic complications
- iliac or femoral artery aneurysm causing lower limb ischemia
- aneurysms > 4.5 cm in pts w/ marfan syndrome
Aortic dissections types?
Stanford: Type A (Type I and II) and Type B (Type III)
Debakey: Type 1 (AA + ARCH), Type II ( only AA), Type III ( DA - > Diagphram)
Aortic dissection treatment?
Type A: Surgery
Type B: medically ( beta blockers, aspirin)
What is virchows triad?
- stasis
- endothelial damage
- hypercoagobility
First test for arterial occlusion dx?
doppler US
BP medication for African Americans?
Infective endocarditis dx how?
need 2 blood cultures from 2 different areas
PAD dx how?
ABI first but CTA is absloute
Tearing chest pain tx?
SVT tx?
Sepsis steps
Kid ina motor vehicle accident w/ bradycardia and spinal shock tx?
Lacted ringers contain what?
Heart score
Centor critera
Reyes syndrome/ kawaski tx?
Inadequate allen test do not perform what?
swan ganz catheter
52 y/o F w/ SOB and no strenous activity
Class 2
57 y/o EF< 30 w/ no life threating arrythmia needs what?
bivent pacemaker to help atria and ventricles beat
Aortic aneurysm location?
superior to common iliac artery bifurcation
Cardiomyocytes fast action potential during phase 2?
Ca 2+ influx
Diastolic dysfunction manifests as?
Tx to reduce afterload and ventricle CHF?
Restrictive myopathy is described as?
no change in chamber size
Increased NA reabsorption occurs where?
Beta blockers for reduced EF is?
What is the risk w/ increased digoxin toxicity?
increased serum creatinine
opening snap arrythmia?
a fib
coarcation of aorta is?
Percardial friction rub is?
worse w/ lying down and better w/ sitting up
SVT first line tx?
vagal manuever
24 y/o ED pt w/ N/V/D treatment choice?
What is the minimum duration for anticoagulation for a fib?
3 weeks
7 y/o w/ dark urine (strep glumorlonephritis) most approriate txt?
furosemide to reduce edema
72 y/o w/ stable vitals confused, abdominal pain and w/ generalized weakness (hypercalcemia, dehydration) tx?
0/9 % sodium chloride
Calcium carbonate should be taken how?
1500 BID
35 y/o Er w/ chest pain and ST elevation? dx? tx?
prinzmetal and amlodipine
GFR is gold standard for what?
chronic kidney disease
Chlorathalidone inhibits what?
sodium chloride cotransporter
acei decreases what?
43 y/o w/ hx of thyroidectomy what does he need?
calcium carbonate
Increased creatine w/ bilateral renal artery stenosis tx?
loss of DTR tx?
clacium gluconate
Despompressin monitor what?
67 y/o w/ breats cancer needs?
fluid restriction