Pulm Flashcards
1L tx for 3wk old w/ pertussis?
20yo F goes to ED w/ SOB, right thigh pain that started 2 days ago, recent surgery 2 wks ago, history of OCP and ibuprofen use. temp normal, pulse 115bpm, RR 18bpm, BP 120/75, O2 96% on RA, next step?
1L anticoagilant w/ normal pmHx?
hx - lichen planus. what lab should you check?
hepatitis panel
suspect epiglottitis. how to treat?
IV CTX + IV vancomyci
dabigatran antidote
apixaban antidote =
andexanet alfa
fluid into cell is?
c diff tx?
fidomacin or oral vanco
what is a from of insensible loss?
MOA of umeclidinium/vilanterol?
ong acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) / long acting beta agonist (LABA)
which medication should be given in an asthma exacerbation regardless of severity?
prednisone (NOT ipratropium)
MOA of albuterol/ipratropium?
short acting beta agonist (SABA) / short acting muscarinic antagonist (SAMA)
vignette: pt with suspected silicosis. asking about first diagnostic step?
albuterol trial
asking about 1st line treatment of provoked venous thromboembolism (VTE) involving a proximal vein specifically
(maybe: femoral or popliteal vein?)
MOA of umeclidinium/vilanterol?
long acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) / long acting beta agonist (LABA)
intatracheal surfactant
increased tactile fremitus means? decreased?
consolidation; effusion