GI/ GU Flashcards
Inner most layer in ulcerative colitis?
Overusing opiates causes?
obstipation seen
Cl - transporter protein in cell membrane is?
Chronic pancreatitis
What has a similar appearance to achalasia?
esophageal adenocarcinoma
Left flank pain w/ ecchymosis w/ gallstones tx?
symptomatic management
What is seen w/ achalasia?
Perform mon met before ph test in what?
Epigastric pain w/ icreased lipase seen in what?
acute pancreatitis
Blood stools seen what is the next step?
Colonoscopy w/ biopsy
Diverticular disease is?
Pianful or painless rectal bleeding
Meckels diverticulitis dx by?
T-99 cm
Increased colon cancer in what?
ulcerative colitis
acute diverticulitis dx?
Ct abd and pelvis
Intusseption presents w/?
bloody stools and mucus
45 y/o w/ kidney stones needs?
normal saline bolus
67 y/o w/ worsening incontinece and leaks urine tx?
Mirabegron inhibits what?
detrusor muscle
57 y/o w/ ED tx?
HMG-COA monitor what?
Rapid ventricular rate control med?
50 y/o male w/ acute cystitis tx?
What is a medication that can cause ED?
PDE5I med that is less effective in fatty meals?
which of the following has the longest mechanism of acition?
a. alprost.
b. sildenafil
c. tadalafil
d. vardenafil
e. avanadil
Tidafil/ cialis
23yoF w/ hx of hyperlipemia and hypertension for which she is taking atorvastatin and lisinopril presents today for her well visit without complaints. vitals are stable. nitrate (-), luekesterase 2+, 4 WBCs, urine culture is positive for 100,000 e.coli. what is the next step?
PT education and reassurance
what is an absolute contraindication for testosterone replacement therapy?
PSA > 4
Decreased LH and FSH next step?
MRI of the brain
cardioselective beta blocker?
premature ejaculation tx?
Nuceliec acid amplification test is for what?
Germinal tumor is seen in what?