GI/ GU Flashcards
Inner most layer in ulcerative colitis?
Overusing opiates causes?
obstipation seen
Cl - transporter protein in cell membrane is?
Chronic pancreatitis
What has a similar appearance to achalasia?
esophageal adenocarcinoma
Left flank pain w/ ecchymosis w/ gallstones tx?
symptomatic management
What is seen w/ achalasia?
Perform mon met before ph test in what?
Epigastric pain w/ icreased lipase seen in what?
acute pancreatitis
Blood stools seen what is the next step?
Colonoscopy w/ biopsy
Diverticular disease is?
Pianful or painless rectal bleeding
Meckels diverticulitis dx by?
T-99 cm
Increased colon cancer in what?
ulcerative colitis
acute diverticulitis dx?
Ct abd and pelvis
Intusseption presents w/?
bloody stools and mucus
45 y/o w/ kidney stones needs?
normal saline bolus
67 y/o w/ worsening incontinece and leaks urine tx?
Mirabegron inhibits what?
detrusor muscle
57 y/o w/ ED tx?
HMG-COA monitor what?
Rapid ventricular rate control med?
50 y/o male w/ acute cystitis tx?
What is a medication that can cause ED?
PDE5I med that is less effective in fatty meals?
which of the following has the longest mechanism of acition?
a. alprost.
b. sildenafil
c. tadalafil
d. vardenafil
e. avanadil
Tidafil/ cialis
23yoF w/ hx of hyperlipemia and hypertension for which she is taking atorvastatin and lisinopril presents today for her well visit without complaints. vitals are stable. nitrate (-), luekesterase 2+, 4 WBCs, urine culture is positive for 100,000 e.coli. what is the next step?
PT education and reassurance
what is an absolute contraindication for testosterone replacement therapy?
PSA > 4
Decreased LH and FSH next step?
MRI of the brain
cardioselective beta blocker?
premature ejaculation tx?
Nuceliec acid amplification test is for what?
Germinal tumor is seen in what?
Smoking + bladder infection is?
bladder cancer
Side effect of dicyclomine (anticholinergic) is?
blurred vision
Mu receptor agonist?
Epigastric pain for 30 mins after eating 1x a week (GERD) tx?
47 y/o w/ alcoholic cirrhosis febrile, fluid wave tx?
67 y/o w/ chronic knee pain and abdominal pain, melanic stool epigastric tender (nsaid ulcer) tx?
63 y/o ER pt 2x day hx of N/V, abd pain, tachy, fever, LLQ pain diverticulitis tx?
ceftriaxone + metro IV
H pylori eardication dx?
urea breath test
Tx indicated for motion sickness?
medication that causes QTc prolongation?
Medication safe in pregnancy?
44 y/o w/ + US for stones + RUQ pain next step?
surgery referral
Long term ppi risk
intestinal infection
25 y/o w/ blood in stool and pain w/ defecation dull, 5 mm lesion tx?
sitz bath
anal fissure location?
posterior midline
40 y/o w/ 4 month hx of constipation what is the initial therapy?
Crohns characteristic?
cobblestone mucosa
Best inital therapy for vomiting induced stimulation of GI center?
45 y/o F w/ abdominal pan, non smoking included in atiemtic tx?
9 y/o ER by mom w/ abd pain, tenderness what is the dx?tx?
ruptured appendix -> pip-tazo
Etiology of acute appendicitis?
Who is most at risk for lactose intolerance?
20 y/o asian or white female
6 y/o w/ 24 hrs vomiting and diarrhea tx?
parental education and rest
Salmonella enteri who requries tx?
20 y/o w/ lymphoma
Enteron E coli monitor what?
Risk of fall is greater in geriatric pts on what med?
Dys alb in preterm neonates causes drug tox of what to decrease?
protein binding
contraindicated in pregnancy?
med propery increased drug concentreation in breast milk is?
unionized @ serum pH
Vaccine w/ reduced efficacy w/ chronic immunoglobulin therapy is?
Vaccine w/ immune response similar to natural immunity is?
43 y/o w/ 5 day hx of rectal pain in the perianal area of induration tx?
I and D
52 y/o M hx of HTN, BPH, and depression w/ enlearging breasts. Most common cause?
What is the most appropriate emperic tx for 50 y/o M w/ acute cystitis?
67yoF w/ worsening incontinence x 3months, complaining of urgency. but denies leaking with sneezing or coughing. patient has tried behavioral interventions, pelvic floor and void schedling, all without success. what is the most appropriate treatment?
65yoM w/ history of BPH. presents with pain w/ urination, bloody urine, chills, fever, and muscle ache. V/S: 102.4F, elevated BP 134/80. there is suprapubic pain and a warm, firm, tender prostate. what is the most appropriate tx?
what is the most appropriate tx in a female w/ uncomplicated cystitis?
nitofurantoin x5days
for first-rate control strategy in a patient with atrial fibrillation and rapid ventricular response, what is the recommended treatment?
the adverse drug reactions of oxybutynin are best reduced by?
use of transdermal patches
what is an absolute contraindication for testosterone replacement therapy?
PSA > 4
23yoF w/ hx of hyperlipemia and hypertension for which she is taking atorvastatin and lisinopril presents today for her well visit without complaints. vitals are stable. nitrate (-), luekesterase 2+, 4 WBCs, urine culture is positive for 100,000 e.coli. what is the next step?
patient education and reassurance
which PDE5 inhibitor is least effective when taken w/ a fatty meal?
sildenafil (NOT varenafil)
which medication causes erectile dysfunction?
70yo presents with abdominal pain and constipation. V/S: 98.6F temp, 87/min pulse, 20/min RR, 134/78 BP, 99% O2. Labs reveals no leukocytosis. Hb 12.3. what is the most likely diagnosis?
small bowel obstruction
33yoF presents with abdominal pain and jaundice 1day after recent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. V/S: 101F temp, 113/min pulse, 20/min RR, 171/91 BP, 99% O2 on RA. what is the most likely diagnosis?
acute ascending cholangitis
which of the following is a pre-renal cause of acute renal failure (ARF)?
30yo G1P0 female presents at 18wks gestation experiencing postcoital pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding. pelvic exam reveals scant blood and a close cervical os. fetal US reveals a FHR of 147bpm. what is the most likely diagnosis?
threatened abortion