Ren Channel Flashcards
What is the master point of the Ren Channel;
LU 7
What is the couple point of REN Channel
KI 7 - master point of the yin qiao mai
what is the luo connecting point of the Ren channel
CV 15
What are the first and last point of the of the Ren channel
CV1, CV45
Does the ren channel have a entry exit
no, just a first and last
What are the functions of the ren channel
controls all yin channels in the body - sea of yin, directs yin energy, regulates life cycles
nourishes the uterus
regulates blood
regulates menstruation
governs the fetus
spreads wei qi to the abdomen and chest
controls body fluids in the abdomen
moves qi in the lower jiao
What are the symptoms of the ren Mai
congested qi - asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis (tieing to the lung)
gynecological conditions- menstrual irregularities, miscarriage, infertility, leukorrhea, menopause (hot flashes, excessive bleeding, irregular bleeding) (chronic issues)
GI disorders - those involving mucous membranes (SP/ST/LI - yin component)
eczema, acne (derm issues on the face) - heat, damp, blood xu
what is the pinyin name for CV1
hiuyin (yin convergence)
What are the actions and indications of CV1
regulates the lower jiao, regulates the anterior and posterior yin and drains damp heat- irregular menstruation, seminal emission, dysuria, enuresis, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, pain, swelling or itching of the vulva, anus, scrotum
Calms the shen - mania, epolepsy, hysteria
Resuscitates - coma
What is the measurment from CV2 to CV 8
5 cun
What is the pinyin name for CV3
What are the categories for CV3
front mu of the. bladder
crossing point of CV, LR, KI, SP
What are the actions and indications of CV 3
benefits the bladder, regulates qi, transformation and drains damp heat - dysuria, enuresis, retention of urine, edema, frequent, urination
drains dampness from and regulates the lower jiao - lower abdominal pain, hernia, leukorrhea, itching, swelling and pain of the genital region
benefits the uterus and regulates menstruation - irregular menstruation, infertility, amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, metrostaxis, prolapse of the uterus, abdominal passes
strengthens the kidney - impotence, seminal emission, premature ejaculation
typically used in cases of excess
What is the pinyin name for CV4
guanyuan - origin pass
what are the point categories of CV4
front-mu point of the small intestine
crossing point of the CV, LR, KI, SP
What are the actions and indications of CV4
Tonifies source qi and benefits essence - lumbar weakness, leg pain and weakness, fear, frequent urination, impotence
fortifies kidney yang - lumbar pain, frequent urination, cold lumbar, incontinence, lassitude
Nourishes kidney yin - lumbar pain, dizziness, vertigo, night sweating, fatigue, nocturnal emission
Regulates menstruation, benefits the uterus and alleviates leukorrhea, - leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, hemorrhage
regulates qi in the lower jiao - lower abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, rectal prolapse
** Lumbar pain, premature aging, arthritic conditions at a young age, essence issues qi xu, (false yang rising)
what is the pinyin name of CV5
shimen (stone gate)
What are the point categories of CV5
front mu of the san jiao