Du Channel Flashcards
What is the master point of the DU Mai
SI 3
What is the first and last point of the GV Channel
GC 1, GV 28
What is the Luo connecting point of the Governing Vessel
GV 1
Do any organs connect to the organs
uterus, kidney, heart, and brain
What are the functions of the Du Mai Functions
- Governs all the yang channel
- provides yang qi to warm all the organs and channels
-Influences the functions of the brain head and sense organs - strengthens the body constitution and enhances immunity
What are the pathologies of the Du Mai/ GV
- stiffness and pain along the spinal column
- opisthotonos (backward arch of the spine) (meningitis)
- mania-depression
- wind disorders (wind stroke/ wind strike), epilepsy (external wind d/t underlying xu)
- infantile convulsions, shaking, tremors (internal wind/ internal wind d/t xu, internal external wind invasion)
- heavy sensations of the head, dizziness
- vertigo, fever, upward qi rushing (yang excess / xu causing rising)
- hemorrhoids, enuresis, urinary retention
- pain along the channel distribution
What are the categories for GV 1
Luo connecting point of the Du Mai
What are the actions and indications for GV 1
- regulates the intestines and the two lower yin
(regulating the lower orifices)
- activates channel and alleviates pain
- calms the shen
- diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, anal or rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, hematochezia, dysuria, urinary incontinence
-lumbar or sacral pain, stiffness of the spine
- manic depression, epilepsy
What are the actions and indications of GV 2
- benefits the lumbar region and legs
- regulates the lower jiao
- pain and stiffness of the sacrum or lumbar spine; pain numbness or atrophy of the lower extremities
- irregular menstruation, pelvic pain
- hemorrhoids, anal or rectal prolapse
What are the actions and indications of GV 3
- disperses wind- cold- damp
-warms kidney yang and regulates the lower jiao
-Pain of lower back and legs (long term bi syndrome)
- impotence, seminal emission
- irregular menstruation, leukorrhea. (excessive)
What is the pinyin name of GV 4
Mingmen (gate of life)
What are the actions and indications of GV 4
- warms the kidney and strengthens yang
-benefits the lumbar spine
- kidney yang xu (fatigue/ cold to the core/ bones)
- pain of lower back and legs
(urinary incontence, weak knees, cold knees)
Which point is below which vertebra
GV3 = L4
GV4 =L2
GV5 = L1
GV6 = T11
GV7 = T10
GV8 = T9
GV9 = T7
GV10 =T6
GV11= T5
GV12 = T3
GV13 = T1
GV 14 = C7
What are the actions and indications of GV9
- Soothes the liver, benefits the GB, clears damp heat
- regulates the flow of qi and unbinds the chest
- benefits the spine
- pain of the chest and hypochondriac region, jaundice(very yellow)
- cough, asthma, chest oppression, nausea
- pain and stiffness of the back
What are the actions and indications of GV10
- clears heat and detoxifies
- unbinds the chest and alleviates cough and wheezing
- benefits the spine
-carbuncles, furuncles (inflammation of the hair folicles / sores) (-to much heat in the heart and blood)
- cough, asthma
- pain and stiffness of the back and neck
What are the actions and indications of GV 11
-Regulates the heart, promotes the flow of qi and relieves pain
- calms the shen
- benefits the spin
- heart pain
- anxiety, palpitations, poor memory
- pain and stiffness of the back and neck
What are the Actions and indications of GV 12
- clears lung heat, disperses lung qi and relieves cough and wheeing
- pacifies wind (internal and external wind)
- calms the shen
- benefits the spine
- cough, asthma, dyspnea, chest pain and oppression
- epilepsy
- manic depression, hysteria
- pain and stiffness of the back and neck
- pacifies wind (implies internal wind – this is typicals internal wind that is exacerbated by external wind)
What are the actions and indications of GV 13
- expels wind and releases the exterior
- clears heat and treats malaria
- benefits the spine
- Fever and chills, headache
- malaria, alternating fever and chills
- pain and stiffness of the back and neck
What is the pinyin name of GV 14
Dazhui (great vertebra)
What is the category of GV 14
sea of qi point
What are the actions and indications of GV 14
- clears heat
- expels wind and releases the exterior
- disperses lung qi and relieves cough and wheezing
- pacifies wind and calms the shen
- treats malaria
- tonifies qi and yang
- fever, feeling of heat in the body
- exterior patterns
- cough and asthma
- epilepsy
- malaria, alternating fever and chills
- deficiency sweating
- lack of strength, exhaustion, shortness of breath with difficulty speaking
What are the categories of GV 15
sea of qi point
What are the actions and indications of GV 15
- benefits the tongue and treats muteness
- eliminates wind
- calms the shen
- resuscitates
- Aphonia, aphasia, stiffness of the tongue
- headache, stiff neck, epilepsy
- manic depression, hysteria
- coma
What are the categories of GV 16
Sea of marrow
Window of Heaven
What are the actions and indications of GV 16
- eliminates wind
- nourishes the marrow and benefits the head and neck
-calms the shen
- resuscitates
- epilepsy, hemilpegia, aphasia, dizziness, headache
- chills and fever, occipital stiffness or pain, headache
- headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision
- manic depression, hysteria, epilepsy
- coma
What is the pinyin name of GV 20
baihiu - hundred meetings
What are the categories of GV 20
sea of marrow point
What are the actions and indications of GV20
- pacifies wind and subdues yang
-clams the shen
- raises yang and treats prolapse
- benefits the brain, nourishes the sea of marrow
- benefits the head and sense organs
-headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, hemiplegia
- manic depression, epilepsy, hysteria, insomnia
-prolapse of the anus, uterus, chronic diarrhea
- dizziness, tinnitus, empty headache, poor memory, difficulty concentrating
- nasal congestion, rhinorrea, epistaxis
What are the actions and indications of GV 23
- benefits the nose and eyes
- eliminates wind, benefits the head and face and dispels swelling
-calms the shen
- nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, epistaxis, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps
- red, painful or swollen eyes, diminished visual acuity
- swelling of the face
What are the actions and indications of GV 24
- benefits the brain and calms the shen
- eliminates wind and benefits the head
- benefits the nose and eyes
- mania, depression, anxiety, palpitations, insomnia
- vertigo, dizziness, epilepsy, headache
- nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, epistaxis, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps
What are the actions and indication of GV 25
- benefits the nose
- clears heat and resuscitates
- nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, epistaxis, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasal polyps rosacea
- coma, loss of consciousness
What is the pinyin name of GV 26
Renzhong (mans middle) / Shuigou( warer through)