Extra points wk 1/6 Flashcards
4 points at the vertex of the head - 1 cun anterior, posterior, left and right of GV20
Pacifies wind -headache, dizziness, epilepsy, wind strong (used mostly for internal wind)
Calms the shen - insomnia, poor memory, mania, depression
Brightens the eyes, benefits the ears - blurred vision. Deafness
At the glabella, at the midpoint between the medial extremities of the eyebrows
Calms the shen - insomnia, anxiety
Benefits the nose - nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, epistaxis
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain - frontal headache, dizziness
Clears heat and pacifices wind - infantile convulsions
The midpoint of each eyebrow, directly above the pupil, when the eyes are looking straight forward, over the supraorbital foramen
Clears heat and benefits the eye- redness, swelling, and pain of the eye, twitching of the eyes, ptosis
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain -pain of the supraorbital bone, trigeminal neuralgia, headache
Between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge, midway between the outer canthus (between GB1 and ST1)
Benefits the eyes
-redness swelling and pain of the eyes
- blurred vision
- night blindness
At the temple, in a depression approximately 1 cun posterior to the midpoint of a line connecting SJ23 and GB1
Subdues liver yang - headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, redness of the eyes, numbness or paralysis of the face
Clears heat and disperses wind - headache, redness and swelling of the eye, facial pain, toothache
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain
When the ear is folded forward, this point is located at the apex of the ear
Clears heat and benefits the eyes and throat
Fever, sore throat
Redness, itching, swelling and pain of the eye
At the highest point of the nasolabial groove, on the flat part of the face
Benefits the nose - nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, runny nose, allergies
On the chin, over the mental foramen, approximately 1 cun to either side of CV24 not at the sockets of the teeth, but on the mandible
Eliminates wind - facial paralysis
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain - facial pain, toothache, gingivitis
Jinjin / Yuye
2 points under the tongue at the midpoint of the left and right sublingual veins
Jinjin - R
YuYe- L
Clears heat and reduces swelling - heaviness, swelling and pain in the tongue
Generates fluids - facial paralysis
Benefits the tongue - wasting and thirsting, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hiccup
On the inferior surface of the tongue, in the center between the frenulum, between jinjin and yuye
Clears heat and reduces swelling- swollen tongue, stomatitis, sore throat
Benefits the tongue - aphonia
On the side of the face 0.5 t9 1 cun anterior to the attachment of the earlobe in the masseter muscle, or midway between ST6 and ST7
Eliminates wind -deviation of the mouth and eye
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain, reduces swelling - toothache, pain and swelling of the cheek
Above the laryngeal prominence midway between the mandible and the hyoid bone on the midline
Benefits the tongue and throat- sore throat, laryngitis
Aphonia, aphasia
On the back of the neck, 2 cun superior to GV14 (C7) and 1 cun down from the hairline and 1 cun lateral to midline (use the 3 cun measurement from the inside of the scapula and bring this up to the neck
Nourishes lung yin and clears heat - cough, asthma, hemoptysis, night sweating, tidal fever
Transforms phlegm and dissipates nodules - scrofula
Activates qi and blood and alleviates pain -neck pain and stiffness
On the back of the neck 2 cun lateral to the tip of the spinous process of C6
Hyper or hypotension
Behind the ear, midway between SJ17 and GB20
(near or colocated w/ GB12)
Calms the shen - insomnia, palpitations, hysteria
Subdues liver yang - headache, dizziness, deafness, tinnitus
In the depression inferior to the mandible and medial to the carotid artery
Tonsillitis, pharyngitis
In the supraclavicular fossa, 1 cun superior to the clavicle, next to the posterior edge of the SCM
⅓ of the way from sternoclavicular joint 1 cun above the top edge of the clavicle, posterior to SCM in anterior/middle scalenes
TOS, numbness or paralysis of the arm