Religious Studies Paper 1 Flashcards
What do creationists believe?
That science is wrong and a test of their faith, the bible is literal
What do conservative people believe?
Bible is true but contains some mistakes e.g., humans may not have been made in one day
What do liberal people believe?
The bible is symbolic. God started the big bang and works through evolution
What is the first stage of life after death (muslim)?
The angle of death takes the persons soul to barzakh
What is barzakh?
The stage between when the death occurs and when they face judgement
What is the second stage of life after death (muslim)?
Allah judges the individual on how they lived their life
What is the third stage of life after death (muslim)?
On the day of judgement the body will be resurrected
What is the fourth stage of life after death (muslim)?
Two angels open a book which contains a record of what that person did in their lifetime
What does is mean if a muslims name is recorded on the right hand side of the book?
They will be sent to al’Jannah (paradise)
What happens if a muslims name is recorded on the left hand side of the book?
They will be sent to Jahannam (hell)
Why do muslims believe in the afterlife?
The Qur’an states we came from Allah and must return to Allah, Qur’an teaches those who live a good life will go to al’Jannah and the teaching and practice o the Prophet
What is judgement?
The Qur’an and Shari’ah law teach muslims will be judged by Allah to determine their afterlife. Good will be rewarded, bad will be punished, Gods judgement is final
How does the afterlife effect the life of a muslim?
They try to follow the teaching of the Qur’an and Shari’ah law and follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad. They try to act as Allah wishes (helping not harming) and try to please Allah as he sees and judges everything
What are reasons for belief in an afterlife (non-religious)?
Near-death experiences, Paranormal activity and reincarnation, idea of death is difficult, afterlife makes life seem fairer, comforts people who have lost friends and family
What are reasons why people may not believe in an afterlife?
There is no evidence, proof that mediums trick people, it is unscientific, humans are mortal and decay after death, religion is outdated
How can the fact that religion is outdated lead to not believing in an afterlife?
People used to be scared of hell but heaven and hell are less prominent in modern communities, religion offers no good evidence, some information in the bible is not relevant today, if people believe that God isn’t real there is no point in believing in heaven and hell which revolves around God
What is the definition of abortion?
The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive
Why is abortion a controversial topic?
Because people have different beliefs as to when life begins
What are the UK abortion laws (1967 Abortion Act - Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990)?
Abortions must be agreed by two doctors, allowed up to 24 weeks if mother is at physical/mental risk, existing children would suffer, the child would be born severely disabled
Abortions are only supposed to happen up to 24 weeks, what are the reasons why it may be allowed after 24 weeks?
There is risk to the mothers life, the baby will be severely deformed, there would be risk of serious physical or mental injury to the mother
What are arguments for abortion (pro-choice)?
Women should have the right to choose as it is her body, in cases of rape it should be allowed, could be kinder if the baby will be severely disabled, babies have the right to be loved and cared for and sometimes people cant always provide this
Arguments against abortion (pro-life)
Life begins at conception, An embryo has the potential to be a human and should have the right to life, Even disabled children have the right to life, adoption is an alternative
Why do most christians not agree with abortion?
Because of the sanctity of life
What is sanctity of life?
The belief that life is sacred and belongs to God
What are some bible quotes that support the sanctity of life argument?
“God created man in his own image” - “your body is a temple of the holy spirit” - “You shall not commit murder”
Why do some christians such as catholics and evangelical christians disagree with abortion?
POPE SAYS NOPE! Abortion is seen as murder, life is a sacred gift from God, God has a plan for every human, All life has value, the belief that life begins at conception
Some more liberal christians accept abortion, why?
Jesus taught compassion towards others, cant be sue life begins at conception, in cases of rape it is the kindest action, abortion can save the mothers life, lesser of two evils, situation ethics, Sanctity of life is broken at war
Do muslims also believe in the sanctity of life?
What do some muslims believe about ensoulment and abortions?
Life begins when the soul enters the foetus at 120 days, some believe it is earlier at 40 days
What is a quote from the Qur’an related to abortion?
Whoever has spared the life of a soul, it is as though he has spared the life of all people. Whosoever has killed a soul, it is as though he has murdered all of mankind
When so muslims allow abortion?
If the mothers life is in danger because the foetus would not exist if it wast for the mother and the mothers life is established and she has responsibilities to carry out
What are different muslim views on abortion?
Not allowed if its as a result of adultery, after 120 days only allowed if mothers life is in danger, never allowed in situations where parents are concerned the yacht care for the child, some say it is allowed in cases of rape, before enrolment (120 days) if the baby will be born with a serious defect or blood disorder, some allow it in the fist 7-16 weeks, unplanned pregnancy is not a good enough reason however some muslims believe it should be the women choice
What is euthanasia?
The painless killing of someone dying from a painful disease
Why is euthanasia a controversial topic?
Some people view it as murder whilst others see it as fulfilling someones wishes
What are the different types of euthanasia?
Voluntary euthanasia where a persons life is deliberately ended at their request. Assisted suicide is when you provide a seriously ill person with the means to commit suicide. Non-voluntary euthanasia is painlessly ending someones life when they are unable to ask but you have good reason to believe they want to die
What is the euthanasia law in the uK?
All forms of euthanasia are against the law, switching off life support for someone who is brain dead is not counted as euthanasia and is allowed. In 1993 the house of lords rejected a proposal to legalise euthanasia
What is active euthanasia?
A way in which euthanasia is carried out, its carried out by a doctor performing a deliberate act such as lethal injection
What is passive euthanasia?
A way in which euthanasia is carried out, when medical treatment or life support is withdrawn or when a severely ill person is not given treatment to help them survive
What are the arguments for euthanasia?
Allows someone to die a gentle and pain free death, they die in dignity, I hate these next ones…(euthanasia saves medical costs, medical staff can focus on patients with more of a chance of recovery and it relieves the family burden)
What are the arguments agains euthanasia?
Sanctity of life, Some people may be pressurised into choosing euthanasia, hospices provide care for patients so euthanasia isn’t needed, doctor can be wrong about a diagnosis, helping someone commit suicide means that you have to live with what you have done for the rest of your life
What are some reasons why christians believe that euthanasia is wrong?
It is seen as murder, goes against the sanctity of life argument, all life should valued, doctors or relatives may make the wrong decision without involving the patient, no one should value themselves or someone else as worthless and better dead, only god can take life away, euthanasia could be used for evil purposes
Do christians believe that euthanasia is ever right?
Some are more accepting-they support the view that God intends people to have a good quality of life, so euthanasia can end a bad quality life, lesser of two evils
What are hospices?
They provide good quality pain relief, support the dying and their families and help the dying prepare for death, they are seen by crustaceans as an alternative to euthanasia
What are muslims views on euthanasia?
Human life is sacred and a gift from Allah, all life, even suffering life, is valuable, euthanasia is seen as suicide which is not allowed, no one knows Allah’s future plans so shouldn’t interfere, suffering is a test of faith and part of life, Allah chooses how long each person lives and it is part of a muslims duties to care for the sick and elderly
Why do muslims see euthanasia as wrong?
Because it is seen as murder/suicide. They should trust Allah with their lives as it is a test to determine their afterlife “No one dies unless God permits”
DO muslims believe that euthanasia is ever right?
Some muslims allow terminal patients to choose to not continue with medical treatment if it is causing difficulty or family distress, some would agree with turning off life support if nothing else can be done
Why is it important that issues such as abortion are discussed in the media?
Because they affect everyone, people hold strong opinions and it is important to be aware of different views as they are controversial topics, there are developments and the law may change which people need to know about
Should the media criticise religious views on matters of life and death, arguments for?
A variety of views are held, none should be exempt. Religious views may be seen as wrong or out of date, it is important to debate views as they are constantly changing
Should the media criticise religious views on matters of life and death, arguments against?
Religious views have been around for a long time, so should be respected, they are based on traditional teachings such as on the bible, the media should present a range of ideas and not criticise them
What forms of media present these issues?
Newspapers, internet, radio, TV news, TV documentaries, soap operas, television dramas, situation comedies, cartoons, films
What is reincarnation?
The belief that after death, souls are reborn into a new body
What is resurrection?
The believe that after death the body stays in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised
What is the Hadith?
The saying of the prophet
What is Haram
Anything forbidden
Why have attitudes towards marriage, divorce, the family and homosexuality recently changed?
The UK is now a multi-faith/multi-ethnic society, people are more tolerant o people differences, Less focus on christian teachings, the church has less influence, decline in traditional family values, women are more equal to men, fewer people are getting married,more are cohabiting, fewer religious marriage ceremonies, homosexuality is more accepted, civil partnerships and gay marriages
What are the 5 types of family?
Nuclear family (Two parents, male/female and their children living together), re-constituted family (stepfamilies), Same-sex family (two same sex parents and children), Single-parent family (one parent and children) and extended family (parents, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles. cousins)
What does the bible teach about s** outside of marriage?
Casual relationships are wrong, s** is special and should be saved for marriage, adultery is forbidden in the Ten Commandments and married couples should be faithful to each other
What are some bible quotes to reinforce this?
“You shall not commit adultery” “God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality” “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit?”
Most christians feel s** outside marriage is wrong because…?
The bible says s** is for married partners, children born outside marriage have a less stable family life, promiscuity makes you more vulnerable to STI’s, and adultery breaks the marriage vows, made before God
Some Christians believe that pre-marital s** is acceptable if…?
The couple love each other, they are committed in a log term relationship, they intend to get married in the future
Other christians believe that cohabitation is acceptable because?
It helps couples find out if they will be suited as marriage partners, it is a step towards marriage
What are muslim attitudes towards s** outside marriage?
It is strictly forbidden
What does islam teach about s** outside marriage?
S** should be kept special for marriage so at puberty boys and girls are kept separate, Adultery is a sin and forbidden by Allah, Muslims should not behave in a sexual manner towards others, the main purpose of s** is procreation and the ideal marriage partner is one who loves Allah
Why should all muslims marry?
Marriage is Allah’s intention, Prophet Muhammad was married, Marriage brings Allah’s blessing and forgiveness and Muslims do not cohabit because s** should only take place between a married couple
What are common reasons for divorce?
Adultery, Unreasonable behaviour and desertion
Why are there different attitudes towards divorce?
Divorce is easier to obtain today, divorce is more acceptable today, People are less willing to accept bad treatment from their partners, different christian groups hold differing views on divorce because of the way they interpret the bible
What do catholic christians believe about divorce?
Jesus said divorce is wrong, divorce isn’t recognised by the Catholic church because marriage is intended to be for life, marriage is a sacrament and divorce would break the promises made with God
What do other christians believe about divorce?
Jesus seemed to allow divorce in cases of adultery, divorced people can sometimes remarry in a church, people make mistakes and God is ready to forgive sins
What is marriage in Islam?
It is a contract so muslims can legally get divorced however it isn’t liked and is a last resort
There are four stages of divorce in Islam, what is the first?
The husband must announce that he wants a divorce to his wife three times over a period of three months
What is the second stage of divorce in Islam?
During the three months, the couple live together but do not……….to avoid pregnancy
What is the third stage of divorce in Islam?
The couple and their families have a chance to try and work things out
What is the final stage of divorce in islam?
After three months have passed, the couple are free to remarry
Most muslims accept divorce as a last resort because:
Marriage is a contract-not a promise to Allah, The Qur’an allows divorce, Islam has rules on how to divorce and how to care for divorced women and children, also the family is very important to muslims and they feel it is better for children to live with divorced parents than hatred and bitterness
Why do other muslims not accept divorce?
Muhammad, the perfect example, didn’t divorce and said divorce was the most hated things that Allah had permitted, also divorce shows disrespect to the family and may damage the lives of the children
Why do christians believe that family is very important?
Family is the foundation of society because children can be brought up in a loving family and can be taught right and wrong because the family helps to keep a stable society of mutual respect and love
What does the bible teach about family relationships?
Children should honour and respect their parents, parents have a responsibility to care for their children and to teach them about GOD
How are churches like a family?
It can provide support for families, children are introduced to the church when they are baptised and can attend sundae schools and church to be educated in the Christian faith
What is the traditional muslim family like?
Extended families including parents, children, grandparents etc. as they believe they offer greater stability, love and support. The elderly are treated with respect and children are expected to look after older family members, Family is the heart of a community
What are muslim family values?
Family life is the first level of community in Islam, muslims worldwide are part of the ummah, children are taught how to show love, kindness, mercy and compassion to one another, mother and father have a responsibility to raise their children as muslims, family is where many religious activities take place and family provides a healthy and loving environment for children
Why do some christians believe that homosexuality is wrong?
Marriage was intended by God to be between man and women, same gender parents cannot naturally have children which is what marriage is for, homosexuality is seen to undermine the family unit, the bible teaches homosexuality is wrong and some christians believe that homosexuals should not………
Why are other christians more tolerant of homosexuality?
Some believe it is natural as everyone is made equal by God, some christians will bless a civil partnership, couples of the same gender demonstrate love for each other so should be allowed to demonstrate their commitment , Jesus taught to “love thy neighbour”, meaning everyone should respect each other
What are muslims beliefs on homosexuality?
It is forbidden in the Qur’an, punishable by death by shari’ah law, homosexual couples cant produce Children, it is seen as a threat to the stability of islamic society and it is believed to be harmful to the health of the individuals
What are alternative views?
Although homosexuality is seen as a choice, not natural, some muslims offer support to other homosexual muslims so they are not excluded from the community. Some muslims also accept scientific evidence that shows homosexuality is not a choice
What is contraception?
Intentionally preventing pregnancy
What are reasons for using contraception?
To plan when to have a family, if a couple are too young to have children, pregnancy may be harmful to the mother, the couple may have genetic disorders, they may not be able to provide for a child, their lifestyle is not compatible with children.
What do some christians believe about contraception?
Any s**** act should be open to the possibility of children because every **** is sacred. The main purpose of marriage is to have children, *** is a gif from God for procreation, contraception may encourage promiscuity
What do other muslims believe about contraception?
Using contraception isn’t a sin, it can be used to help family planning, in times of financial difficulty or ill health contraception can be good as abortion isn’t allowed (lesser of two evils), also *** isn’t just for procreation but to bring a couple closer together
What do muslims believe about contraception?
Some oppose it, some are ok with it and others completely accept it
Why are there so many different muslim views on contraception?
Because there is no clear reference in the Qur’an
Why do some muslims believe it is acceptable?
Muslim authorities allow it to preserve the life of the mother, some believe muhammad allowed certain forms of contraception, some muslims are taught about contraception for economical reasons, some suggest as it is non-permananet it is ok, its ok if the couple is married and consents to the type of contraception
Why has the female role changed?
They used to stay at home and look after children then during the wars, they were forced to get jobs as men were fighting away, then after the war, women still wanted jobs so fought for equality and in 1970 were given the right to vote
Why has the female role changed?
They used to stay at home and look after children then during the wars, they were forced to get jobs as men were fighting away, then after the war, women still wanted jobs so fought for equality and in 1970 were given the right to vote
How has the male role changed?
Men used to go out and work to provide for their family and now men can be more active in raising children and caring for their home, they are more willing to do tasks that used to be considered as women’s work such as cooking
Why can women now vote and become MPs?
Because the laws changed
Why can women now do any job that they want to do?
Because the laws changed due to the effect of war when women had to get jobs
Why are women now better educated?
Because there is more contraception and knowledge about contraception so they can choose when to have children and get a job first instead and also there is the equal rights legislation
Why are men now more involved in childcare and home-life?
Because of changes in attitudes
Are male and female roles equal now?
They have equal rights but inequalities still exist eg nursing is still seen as a female job. Girls achieve higher grades in examinations but surveys still show that men can earn 17% more than women for the same job, many blame it on women having career breaks to have children while others blame discrimination or prejudice
What does christianity believe today about women’s rights?
Mean and women should have equal rights but different roles. Different churches have different views on the role of women within the church
Why are reasons against women as church leaders?
All of jesus’ disciples were men, In the past women were regarded as inferior because Eve was sinful, The bible says that women should be silent in church and also Jesus left the church in the care of St Peter and he was a man
Reasons why women should be accepted as church leaders?
Jesus didn’t discriminate between genders (talked to and taught both), There is evidence of women leaders in the early church, The golden rule suggests everyone should be respected and Women followers stayed with jesus when he was on the cross and were the first to see him after the resurrection
What do muslims believe about equal rights?
They believe that Allah created all humans equal but not the same-they have different roles and responsibilities
What do muslims believe that mens roles are?
The Qur’an teaches that men should protect women, Men should provide for their wife and children-raising them within islam, Should dress modestly in loose clothing (naval to knee at least), Should attend the mosque for prayer and should worship separately to women in the mosque
What do muslims believe that women’s roles are?
They are required to have children, expected to look after the home and children-raising them within islam, Should dress modestly in loose clothing, don’t have to attend the mosque for prayer though many do, worship separately to me and are free to work and have a career
What is a multi-ethic society?
Many different races, cultures and nationalities living together
In the census in 2001, what was the percentage of each ethnic group?
White British=82% Asian/Asian British=4% Black/Black British=2% Mixed Race=1.2% Chinese=0.4% Other ethnic groups=0.4%
What are the benefits of a multi-ethnic society?
Encourages racial harmony, Gives wider variety of music, food, clothes and cultures and Brings new people with fresh ideas
What are the problems in a multi-ethnic society?
Ignorance, Racism, Discrimination and Persecution
What is community cohesion?
Sharing a common vision and sense of belonging, Ensuring equal opportunities for all, Making strong and positive relationships between people, Appreciating and valuing the differences between people and Different communities living together
What has the government done to prevent racial discrimination?
Race Relations Act 1976 (illegal to discriminate), Commission for Racial Equality (to fight racism and teach importance of racial equality), Britishness test (to ensure immigrants have basic knowledge of Britain) and The Community Facilitation Programme and Neighbourhood Renewal Units( to ensure ethnic minority communities have same rights/opportunities/skills as others)
What are christian teachings for racial harmony?
Jesus taught that people should follow God’s command and love one another, The Golden Rule, Christians believe they should promote racial harmony because through doing this they are putting teachings into practice
What are bible quotes about promoting racial harmony?
“for God created man in his own image”
“Love your neighbours as yourself”
What is an example of a christian promoting racial harmony?
Dr Martin Luther King Jr-worked for equality for black people in USA, Put christian principles of helping people and equality into action, Thanks to his work black people were given equal voting rights in 1965
How can christians promote racial equality today?
Christian churches condemn racism and encourage all christians to treat everyone the same and In the uk the church of England has its own Race and Community Relationships Committee to advise christians about issues of racism and helping racial minorities with issues of unemployment and imprisonment
Why do muslims promote racial harmony?
The prophet said “there is no difference between Arabs and non-Arabs”, Allah created all humans, All muslims are part of the ummah and come from every race in the world and The qua’ran teaches that no race is better than any other
What is an example of a muslim promoting racial harmony?
Malcolm X-African-American muslim campaigned for racial equality after family was attacked, Became minister for the racial Nation of Islam organisation and spread the message that a state should be established for black people alone, Believed Hajj was the greatest example of racial harmony and Continued to campaign for racial equality after leaving the Nation of Islam
How do muslims promote unity today?
Muslims pray together in Arabic, Muslims from all over the world make the pilgrimage (Hajj) to the holy city, All muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, All muslims pray facing Makkah
The Uk is a multi-faith society, what does this mean?
People of different religions live alongside each other. Encourages religious pluralism, all faiths have an equal right to exist together, offers religious freedom to all and is the right to practice your religion and change your religion
What are the main religious groups in the UK in order of popularity?
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Sikhs and Buddhists
What are the benefits of living in a multi-faith society?
Greater tolerance/understanding of others beliefs, Better understanding of different viewpoints, New ways of living/enjoying life and Varied and rich cultural life from experiencing the religions and traditions of others
What are the challenges of living in a multi-faith society?
Not always easy to be open and understanding towards the views of others, There have been examples of religious persecution and hatred, Religious tension exists between different faith groups and Beliefs and values of some groups may be ignored
What is exclusivism?
Only one religion is right, all others are wrong. Members of the right faith should try to convert all others
What is inclusivism?
Only one religion is completely right. Other religions may lead to God and should be respected but the followers should be encouraged to change faith
What is religious pluralism?
Many different religions lead to God and each one should be fully respected and treated equally
What are issues with people in a multi-faith society?
Interfaith marriages could cause conflict between families with different beliefs/values, Children raised in these families may have a mix of beliefs which could cause confusion and Conversion can occur when people try to change other peoples faith which can cause conflict
To live peacefully together, different faiths have to do what?
Learn to live/work in unity, Share common values such as respect/tolerance/charity/non-violence, Recognise the common features between faiths, respect differences and listen to each other
How can religion help community cohesion?
Religious groups (Interfaith Network) to heal divisions between faiths, Sharing basic understanding that God created all humans equal, Celebrating all religious festivals, Encouraging representation of different faith groups in jobs such as the police to allow good role models and unity
What is an example of religious community cohesion?
Bolton Christian Community Cohesion Project-Provide a free family fun day for diverse communities, A night cafe project that provides a safe place for people to go and addresses issues of anti social behaviour And Supports hospitals, the university and town centres from the Bolton community
How do news programmes present religious and community cohesion issues?
Present issues of public concern but should not encourage racism or ill feeding eg reporting on riots
How do discussion programmes present religious and community cohesion issues?
Many TV debates have religious themes eg about blasphemy
How do soap operas present religious and community cohesion issues?
They are often used to promote understanding or to air an issue that is highlighted in society eg religious attitudes towards women
How do television documentaries present religious and community cohesion issues?
Programmes such as witness and panorama deal with controversial issues
How does the radio present religious and community cohesion issues?
Programmes on stations such as radio 4 or one-off programmes deal with religious and community themes eg inter faith marriage
What issues may be shown in the media?
Racial prejudice/tension, Religious tolerance, Religious families coming to terms with being in a community without compromising their beliefs, Religious and community themes and Domestic violence or attitudes towards women
What is one of the main issues with the media discussing religious issues?
It can be biased and only show one side of an argument or show one side to be better than the other. Issues need to be dealt with sensitively and accurately to ensure ideas such as racism are not promoted
Community cohesion definition?
A common vision and shared sense of belonging for all groups in society
Discrimination definition?
Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/colour/sexuality/age/class
Ethnic minority definition?
A member of an ethnic group (race) which is much smaller than the majority group
Interfaith marriage definition?
A marriage in which the husband and wife are from different religions
Multi-ethnic society definition?
Many different races and cultures living together in one society
Multi-faith society definition?
Many different religions living together in one society
Prejudice definition?
Believing some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them
Racial harmony definition?
Different races/colours living together happily
Racism definition?
The belief that some races are superior to others
Religious freedom definition?
The right to practice your religion and change your religion
Religious pluralism definition?
Accepting all religions as having an equal right to coexist
Sexism definition?
Discriminating against people because of their gender