PER unit 1 section 1 Flashcards
What is agnosticism?
This is when someone is unsure whether God exists or not
What is atheism?
Atheism is when someone doesn’t believe that God exists
What are the basic things that Christians believe about God?
That he is omnipotent - all powerful
Omniscient - all knowing
Omni-benevolent - all good and all loving
That he created the world and everything in it
That he answers prayers and can perform miracles
Why don’t atheists believe in God?
Science explains how the world was created
There is no physical proof that God exists
Many thoughts about what God has done can be explained by science or as a coincidence
Evil and suffering in the world prove that God isn’t all loving or all powerful
What are some reasons why Christian families raise their children to believe in God?
They believe that it is their duty to marry, and raise a family within the Christian faith
They believe their religion gives children a secure basis and helps them through difficulties
How do Christian families encourage their children to believe in God?
Baptism School Parents'examples Worship - church Confirmation Community - bible activities and study groups etc
What is a numinous experience?
An experience that amazes someone and inspires awe and wonder, words aren’t enough to explain what they witnessed but it leaves a person aware of a greater being than themselves eg a sunrise
How can a conversation be an example of a religious experience?
Because if a religious person explains their beliefs to an agnostic or atheist person, they may be able to alter their views. It can also cause people to completely change their religion
Why is a prayer a religious experience?
Because it is a way to communicate with God, when prayers are answered it can lead people to believe in God or to confirm their beliefs
What is a Miracle?
An act of God that appears to be impossible as it goes against the laws of nature. It is usually performed for a religious person
What is the design argument?
It tries to prove the existence of God by arguing that the universe was designed
Briefly describe the design argument
Design is the result of intelligent thoughts, signs of design in the universe include gravity and ozone layer, this suggests that an intelligence design the universe as it is too complicated to be a coincidence…therefore God exists
What is William Paley’s version of the design argument?
He compare the world to a watch, it has so many parts and is too complex so a clever designer must have made it…therefore God exists
What is the argument against design?
The appearance of the design could have been created by evolution after many years of improving the world until it was perfect. Science can prove that evolution is a real theory
What is the causation argument and what is its real name?
The causation argument, or cosmological argument, tried to prove God’s existence by showing that everything happens for a reason
Briefly explain the cosmological argument
Nothing happens by itself, everything that happens must be cause by something else, the universe can’t have happened by itself , a powerful cause was necessary…therefore God exists
What did Aquinas believe was the first cause of the universe?
He believed the first cause was God and called him the “unmoved mover” as he is the start of the universe
What are the arguments against the causation argument?
The causation argument can’t be proved
If everything in the world seems to have a cause, it doesn’t mean the universe had a cause
The Big Bang theory explains the cause of the earth and is scientifically proven
What are the scientific explanations to origin of the world?
Big Bang Theory, Evolution and Natural selection
Why do scientific theories cause people to doubt God’s existence?
They are alternative explanations of how the world/human were created with no reference to God and they offer proof/evidence
What are christian responses to scientific explanations?
The bible is more of a story, the six days of creation were stages not actual periods of time, science states how and the bible states why. Creationists believe science is wrong and a test of their faith
What are the problems of unanswered prayers?
Prayers are communication with God, if unanswered, God isn’t listening and how can God be omni____ if he lets suffering happen after people have prayed
How do christians respond to unanswered prayers?
God doesn’t answer selfish prayers, not part of gods will/plan, God may answer a prayer in an unexpected way, they might not have enough faith so should keep trying
What is moral evil?
Actions carried out by humans that cause suffering e.g. murder, rape, war and theft
What is natural evil?
Things that cause suffering but aren’t caused by humans and cant be controlled by humans e.g. famine, disease and natural disasters
How can suffering cause a disbelief in God?
What are christian responses as to why suffering occurs?
Free will, Test from God, God’s plan and Following Jesus’ examples
How may christians respond when suffering occurs?
Pray, help others, volunteer and strengthen their faith
How can the media have a positive impact on religion?
Some religious programmes show how religion can benefit the life of an individual and how it can be positive
How can the media have a negative impact on religion?
Some programmes can portray religion as something to laugh at and ridicule or question God’s existence. They may suggest that believers are crazy or there is something wrong with being religious
Define agnosticism
Not being sure whether God exists
Define atheism
Believing that God does not exist
Define conversion
When you change from one religion to another or become religious
Define free will
The idea that humans are free to make their own choices
Define miracle
Something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think that only God could have done it
Define numinous
The feeling of the presence of something greater than you
Define omni-benevolent
God is all good/loving
Define omniscient
God is all knowing
Define omnipotent
God is all powerful
Define prayer
An attempt to contact God, usually through words