Religion, peace and conflict Flashcards
Explain two contrasting religious beliefs in contemporary British society about where the country should possess weapons of mass destruction.
Some Christians me believe that country should possess weapons of mass destruction because they are good deterrence. By deterring other countries from fighting with the threat of a weapon of mass destruction. It will prevent deaths which is ultimately the lesser of two evils.
However, some Muslims believe that weapons of mass destruction should not be allowed . In the quran it teachers “ do you not contribute to your destruction with your own hands but do good for God loves those who is good. God created life on earth, are Muslims have a duty to care and preserve it Use of nuclear weapons will destroyed gods creation. So therefore they should not be allowed.
Explain two contrasting beliefs in British society about pacifism
Christians, believe that pacifism should be worked towards. This is because Jesus teachers “ as long as it is up to you live at peace with everyone” this teacher is that it is God’s will for peace to be a Christian’s main aim. “ Blessed are the peacemakers”
However, although Islam is a peaceful religion, they cannot commit to pacifism . This is because one of the duties of a Muslim is lesser jihad. Lesser jihad is the outward struggle to defend faith so by being a pacifist, they cannot defend their faith outwardly so therefore pacifism cannot be achieved.
“ fighting has been ordains for you”
However, Muslims are taught to not refuse piece if it is offered to them
“ but if they include towards peace, you must also include towards it, and put your trust in God”
Explain to similar religious beliefs about forgiveness
- Allah is merciful and the source of all forgiveness. Forgiveness between believers is encourage with a promise from reward of Allah. “ pardon, each other’s faults and god will grant you honour”
In Christianity, Jesus puts emphasis on forgiveness . In the Bible, it says “ forgive 70×7” they believe that because God forgive the sins of humanity that they can forgive anyone.
Explain two contrasting beliefs about violence in contemporary British society.
In Christianity violence is not permitted. The Bible teachers that even if someone is violent towards a Christian that they should respond with peace. In the Bible, it says “ if someone hit you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek” which shows that they should not respond to violence
However, in Islam, violence is condoned. In the car and it says “ fighting, has been ordained for you” which shows that Allah accepts and supports violence, if it is for in response to a threat or retaliation
Explain to similar religious beliefs about peace
Both Christians and Muslims are in a piece through prayer and meditation.
Islam - “But if they inclined towards peace, you must also inclined towards it, and put your trust in God “
The main message of Islam is peace - Salam means peace
Christianity - “ as long as it is up to you live at peace with everyone”
Explain two contrasting beliefs about war in British contemporary society
Some Christians disagree with the just war theory, because it’s defends the concept of war in certain circumstances. They believe that war is wrong, because of the sanctity of life. Only God has the right to end life and war, ultimately, destroys lives of innocent people.
“You shall not murder”
However, Muzhana is generally believe that war should be proportional and four without anger, but it is better to avoid war if possible . Muslims have a duty of lesser jihad, which is the outwards defence against evil. They believed that lesser jihad of largest Muslims to fight under certain conditions.
“Fighting has beenordained for you.”
“Know that the evil of war is swift and tastes bitter”
Explain to similar beliefs about helping victims of war
Christians believe that helping victims of war is a duty because Jesus taught them to Love Thy Neighbor and the parable of the good Samaritan. Christian organisations, such as cartias international which is an organisation inspired by catholic faith and Christian aid respond to emergencies across the globe, helping civilians left in war, zones and refugees
Muslim is also believe that helping the victims of war is the correct thing to do because the Quran teaches “ whoever saved a life it would be, as if they save the life of all mankind” . This motivates, compassion, and empathy, in which a Muslim can help.
Organisations me by Muslims include Islamic relief, which aims to be the face on the ground when emergencies strikes . And i Islamic aid which set up an orphanage in Turkey, and aim to give healthcare education and spiritual support the children whose parents were killed in disaster.
Explain two contrasting beliefs about just war
- Christian writers Augustine and Aquinas developed the concept of the just war theory, as they are influential Christian some may agree with just war
-many Christians, believe that, although fighting in adjust what is acceptable, it is better if there is no war just or not. Some Christians disagree with the just war theory because it’s offence the concept of war in certain circumstances.
“ as long as it is up to you live at peace with everyone.
-muslims generally believe that war should be proportional and force without anger, but it isn better to avoid war if possible. Prisoners should be treated in a civilised way and lesser jihad of largest Muslims to fight on the certain and conditions.
Explain to religious reasons why religious believers should help victims of war
Christians believe that helping victims of war is a duty because Jesus taught them to Love Thy Neighbor and the parable of the good Samaritan. Christian organisations, such as cartias international which is an organisation inspired by catholic faith and Christian aid respond to emergencies across the globe, helping civilians left in war, zones and refugees
Muslim is also believe that helping the victims of war is the correct thing to do because the Quran teaches “ whoever saved a life it would be, as if they save the life of all mankind” . This motivates, compassion, and empathy, in which a Muslim can help.
Organisations me by Muslims include Islamic relief, which aims to be the face on the ground when emergencies strikes . And i Islamic aid which set up an orphanage in Turkey, and aim to give healthcare education and spiritual support the children whose parents were killed in disaster.
Explain why some religious believers believe it is right to fight in war
Some Muslims believe that it is right to fight in war, because of the duty of lesser jihad. Lesser jihad is the outward struggle against evil in Islam, which often is associated with war.
“ fighting has been ordained for you, though, it is hard for you…. God knows you and you do not.”
Muslims believe that it is right to fight in war, especially holy war because they are fighting for God, which is a command in the quran
“ faith in God’s course against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limit God does not love those who overstepped the limits.
Explain to religion beliefs about reconciliation
Muslims believe Making up for conflict requires more than just wait, is it involves a conscious effort to rebuild a relationship to ensure that there is no more conflict. An important message of Islam is that they should be peace and harmony, say Muslims believe that God created everything and that they have the responsibility to ensure that everyone lives correctly.
Christians, believe that reconciliation is key . This because Jesus sacrificed his life to reconcile the relationship between God and people allowing it to be restored. Christian set up the Corrymeela community in Northern Ireland to bring reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics.
Explain to religious beliefs about the importance of peace
Main message of islam is peace - salam means peace.
“The servants of the lord of mercy are those who walk humbly on earth and who when aggressive people address them reply with words of peace”
Christians also seek inner peace
“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many people “ will face judgement if they do not live at peace
Explain to religious beliefs about holy war
Christians believe that the concept of holy war is wrong because Jesus taught not only violence is wrong, but so is anger that leads to violence. In the Bible, it says “ those who live by the sword, die by the sword” which suggests that violence is counter-productive, and will end up with suffering. Holy Wars consists of violence that use the excuse of religion to fight, which is not right.
However, Muslims believe that holy war cannot be used to convert people to Islam and only a proper religious leader, come declare a holy war. They believe at the just war criteria must be followed for a holy war, and a holy war must be for fought for God. And not to allow a leader to show power. “ fight for gods course against those who fight you, but do not overstep limits for God does not love those who overstep limits?
Explain to religious beliefs about how peace can be achieved
Christians believe that piece can be achieved by rejecting war as a means of solving international disputes, and believe that peace and justice should be sorted through nonviolent means. Anglican, pacifist fellowship is a body of people within the Anglican Communion, who work towards peace. Central to Jesus teaching is a message of love for God our neighbour, and even our enemies. They believe they are too good to those who hate us, and not to respond to violence with violence.
Similarly, Muslims believe that piece can be achieved by helping deep in peoples understanding of the most of the teachings surrounding this. The Muslim peace fellowship founded in 1994 is the first Muslim organisation, specifically devoted to the theory of practice of Islamic non-violence. They do this through conferences and publications. They are working towards developing nonviolence strategies for issues in society.
Explain to religious beliefs about terrorism
Most Christians considered a terrorist acts of violence to be wrong, especially as the victims are innocent people going about their normal daily business. “ you shall not kill..
The former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair says “ the purpose of terrorism laws, not just in the violent act itself.“
Muslims do not agree with terrorism, because the terrorist acts of violence are considered to be wrong and against the wishes of God, especially as their victims are usually innocent people . There is no justification for terrorist acts in the teachings of Islam.
“ do not take life which God has made sacred”