Religion - module 13 Flashcards
full time religious specialist channeling message beliefs to the people only (1 way communication)
A part time religious practitioner with special abilities to connect individuals with supernatural powers. (2 way communication)
an individual who is considered exceptionally close to God and is exalted after death Ex: mother Theresa roman catholic nun who worked with the poor declared saint in 2016 and attributed 2 miracles of healing
A person who goes on a journey to a religiously sacred place
a person who sacrifices his or her. Life for the sake of religion Ex: Jesus, Joan of Arc (burned at the stake)
misfortune caused by witches the source of unfortunate events
incantations and spells by trained witch doctors.
contagious magic
ritual words or performances made to work by magical
poison oracle
used for serious offenses when someone dies and poison is given to chicken and if the animal dies of the poison vs if they survive interpret the meaning by the witch doctor.
repeated actions that embody beliefs and create a sense of belonging- elements such as prayer, food, dance, singing, performance, reading/reciting
an alienation that individuals experience due to physical dislocation and disruption of social networks and values (esp brought on by industrial revolution); isolation. Durkheim
rite of passage
a ritual that marks a change of status between life stages. Ex: barmitzfa, quincenerias, communion ceremonies
anything that is considered holy
anything that is considered not holy (everyday things)
outside of daily life- Turner (religion as drama in 3 parts)
through the service feel very connected and enlightened- Turner (religion as drama in 3 parts)
reintegration/ return to daily life- Turner (religion as drama in 3 parts)
authorizing process
Asad, how religion is a system of power, how symbols gain their meanings, and relation of religion to politics- what do the symbols mean how do they work
Durkheim - Ritual, Sacred & Profane - religion as social glue (against anomie)
Economic base is key; religion helps dull the pain of everyday life
Religion helps shape the economy (ideas of hard work) institutional aspect of religion & modern life
Van Gennep
Rites of Passage
separation, liminality, reincorporation- being part of a ritual to escape and then return enlightened
symbolism - religion as a system of ideas around powerful symbols that hold meaning and bring people together
“authorizing process” - look at how religion is a system of power, how symbols gain their meanings, and relation of religion to politics- what do the symbols mean how do they work
the anthropological definition and how it differs from a theological one