religion Flashcards
Ishta Deva
cherished deity. Each major denomination has its own.
the oldest hindu religious text, very sacrificial oriented
Caste (class) system
What are the four classes?
1) B
2) ksh
3) Vai
4) Shu
Brahmin (priestly class)
Kshatriya (fighters and rulers; aristocrats. Governors. Lead armies)
\Vaishya (producers and merchants; farmers).
Shudra (laborers; crafts people).
Dharma -
“The way things are intended to be”
This is in context to the four classes above (stay within your duty)
Samsāra -
Cycle of rebirth
Ātman -
eternal soul (self); the “true” self. THIS IS THE THING THAT TAKES UP EXISTENCE IN DIFFERENT BODIES AFTER DEATH. Does not think, do, or act; it just IS. This does not generate karma
law of cause and effect (cosmic law of cosmic effect)
The type of existence in your next life is determined by your Karma
liberation from samsara
Yoga is the way of achieving _______
the way of action that involves doing class duty
which yoga?
Karma yoga
The Atman is _______ (the true self is nothing other than this principal being)
Ignorance (maya: maya also means illusion. Ignorance happens when we believe maya, which is “the illusion”). This leads to: Attachment
Yoga: path of knowledge. Cultivate knowledge
Stop attachment/karma/rebirth (also no sex)
Jñāna Yoga
Yoga: the way of devotion (love)
Bhakti yoga
What are the four sights of of the life of Buddha?
1) Sick man
2) An Old man
3) A corpse,
4) A shramanan seeking escape from ssuffering
Three main branches of Hinduism AND their attached cherished deity:
1) V
a) V
2) Shaiv
a) Sh__ Na_____
3) Shak
a) Goddess De__ (three forms: lakshmi, parvari, and saraswat)
Vaishnavites (70 percent).
Shaivites (26 percent)
Shiva Nataraja
Goddess Devi, three forms (lakshmi, parvati, and saraswati)
indigenous people of south asia
Indus Valley Civilization
was forgotten up until late 19th 20th century (was dug up by archaeologists).
Brahman is an in-personal god
true or false?
The three layers:
1) v
2) Changes
3) Up
Vedic, first layer
Changes (karma yoga, samsara, etc)
Third layer—now. The Upanishadic revolution
ascetic forest-dwelling sages (gurus)
No sex
No family
No profession
Instead, meditation in the forest
Guru’s seek moksha through ___ ______, NOT through M___a
These individuals seek Moksha through God-realization (NOT through following class dharma)
“To sit near” for students
The change
Vedic gods and goddesses are still recognized, but the upanishads focused on the god beyond them (the most real thing) Brahman\
Now, they say this Atman, is actually Brahman
Hinud problem:
How can we get freed from samsara
Buddhism problem
Problem: Why is there suffering? What can we do about it? (we acknowledge there is samsara, but it isn’t required for our problem, as even if we only went around ONCE in life (etc, liberated), there is still suffering in the world). Samsara only AMPLIFIES the suffering, the problem
Three main branches of buddhism
Theravada (teravada pronunciation)
Attempts to preserve the original practices of the buddha. This one is the most traditionalists
In addition to Buddhas, there are additional “bodisuctas”
Often known as tibetan buddhism: the leader of Vajrayana is the dalai lama
Buddha means
“the one who woke up”
he who will accomplsih the will of god
Buddha was born in ___ BCE and Die around __ years later
Brahmin’s are the
preistly class
Kshatriya are the
Fighters, rulers, governors, army leaders
Vaishya are the
producers, merchants, farmers
shudras are the
laborers, craft peopl