Relationships from VHD Flashcards
Within the femoral triangle, the iliopsoas muscle is positioned __________ to the femoral n. a. and v.
Deep (posterior)
at the ankle, the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus muscle is positioned _______ to the tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle.
The obturator internus muscle passes ______ to the sacrospinous ligament.
the tendon of the extensor pollicis longus muscles passes _________ to the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis longus.
what are the deep posterior forearm msucles?
supinator, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor indicis.
within the popliteal fossa, the tibial n. is position _______ to the common peroneal n.
The gluteus medius muscle is positioned _________ to the piriformis muscle.
The obturator internus passes ______ to the sacrotuberous ligament.
Anterior (Deep)
what are the radialis muscles of posterior forearm?
brachioradialis, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
The sacrospinous ligament passes ________ to the sacrotuberous ligament.
anterior (Deep)
the sacrotuberous ligament passes _______ to the obturator internus.
Posterior (superficial)
The sartorius muscle passes __________to the femoral a.
Superificial or anterior
the teres minor msucle passes ____ to the shoulder joint.
The medial circumflex femoral artery passes ________ to the pectineus muscle.
Near the ankle, the posterior tibial a. is positioned ________ to the flexor digitorum longus muscle.
posterior, lateral
the infraspinatus muscle passes __________ to the shoulder joint.
near the ankle, the posterior tibial a. is positioned _____ to the flexor hallucis longus muscle.
anterior, medial
the axillary artery passes _______ to the pectoralis minor muscle.
the ________ passes superiorly and the ________ passes inferiory to the transverse scapular ligament.
suprascapular a. suprascapular n.
At the ankle, the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus is positioned _______ to the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus muscle.
posterior - lateral.
the iliotibial tract passes _____ to the knee joint.
The anterior tibial a. and deep peroneal n. are ________ to the tibialis anterior muscle.
The adductor longus is positioned _____ and ____ to the adductor brevis.
Anterior and Inferior
the ulnar a. is positioned ______ to the flexor carpi ulnaris musle.
The anterior tibial a. and deep peroneal n. are positioned ________ tot he extensor hallucis longus muscle.
The spinalis is positioned ______ to the longgisimus.
the supraspinatus msucle passes _____ to the head of the humerus.
At the ankle, the tendon of the flexor digitorum longus msucle is positioned _______ to the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle.
anterior - medial
The infrapsinatus muscle passes _______ to the head and surgical neck of the humerus.
The obturator n. passes _______ to the superior pubic ramus.
At the ankle, the tendons of the extensor digitorum or hallucis longus muscles are _______ to the lateral malleolus.
Anterior, lateral. (on dorsum of foot)
The tendon of the obturator internus passes ______ to the femur neck.
The lateral circumflex femoral a. passes ______ and ______ to the femur.
anterior and lateral
the teres minor passes ______ tot he head and neck of the humerus.
the median n. passes ______ to the elbow joint.
the subscapularis muscle and tendon are _____ to the shoulder joint.
the deep branch of the ulnar n passes ______ tot he hook of the hamate.
The tibial n. passes ______ to the knee joint.
The superior pubic ramus is _______ of the obturator n.
at the level fo the knee, the gracilis muscle (tendon) is positioned _______ to the sartorius muscle tendon.
The Longlissimus is position _______ to the iliocostal m.
the median n. enters the forearm by passing between two heads of the ___________.
pronator teres muscle
the superifical branch of the transver cervial a. is positioned _______ to the trapezius.
What two muscles does the medial circumflex femoral artery pass between?
Iliopsoas (Medial) and Pectineus (lateral)
the ulnar n. and a. pass ______ to the pisiform bone.
the suprascapular n. passes _______ to the transverse scpapular ligament.
the suprascapular a. passes ______ to the transverse scapular ligament.
The radial artery passes _____ to the tendons of the abductor and extensor pollicis longus muscles.
The tendon of the extensor pollicis longus muscle is positioned ______ to the tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis.
The adductor brevis is positioned ______ to the adductor magnus muscle.
The sacrotuberous ligament passes __________ to the sacrospinous ligament.
Posterior (superficial)
The femoral a. passes _________ to the sartorius muscle.
posterior (deep)
The common peroneal n. passes _________ to the neck of the fibula.
superficial (lateral)
the flexor hallucic longus muscle passes __________ to the calcaneus.
the adductor magnus muscle is positioned ______ to the profunda femoris a.
At the level of the knee, the gracilis muscle (tendon) is positioned ______ to the semitendinosus muscle
At the level of the inguinal ligament, the femoral vein is position ________ to the femoral a. and _____ to the femoral n..
Medial and Medial
the ulnar n. passes ____ to the ______epicondyle of the humerus.
posterior, medial
the supraspinatus msucle passes ______ to the acromion of the scapula.
the supraspinatus msucle passes _______ to the shoulder joint
The external iliac artery passes _______ to the inguinal ligament.
At the level of the femoral triangle, the pectineus muscle is positioned ____________ to the femoral a. n. and v.
Deep (Posterior)
the long head of the biceps brachii pass ________ to the shoulder joint.
The Obturator externus muscle passes _____ to the neck of the femur.
What is the order for muscles, n and arteries at the medial malleolus.
(ant) Tom, dick, and nervous harry. Tibialis posterior, Flexor digitorum longus, tibial a., tibial n., and Flexor hallucis longus.
The medial circumflex femoral artery passes ________ to the ilipsoas muscle.
Near the ankle, the tibial n. is positioned ______ to the flexor hallucis longus muscle.
Where does the anterior tibial a. run?
Laterally of the tibialis anterior muscle.
the radial n. passes _____ to the humerus shaft and ________ to the ______epicondyle.
posterior, anterior, lateral
The erector spinae muscles are positions __________ to the transversospinalis muscles.
What runs alongside the anterior tibial a.
Peroneal n.
the tedon of the extensor pollicis longus muscle passes ______ to the tendon of the extsnor carpi radialis brevis muscle.
what are the superficial anterior forearm muscles
pronator teres, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus
The femur shaft is ______ and _______ to the profunda femoris perforating medial branches.
lateral and anterior
The tendon of the obturator externus muscle is positioned _________ to the tendon of the obturator internus.
the profunda brachii artery passes _______ to the humerus shaft.
Within the popliteal fossa, the common peroneal nerve is positioned ________ to the tibial n.
the axillary n. passes _______ to the long head of the triceps muscle.
The sciatic nerve is positioned _________ to the gluteus maximus muscle and passes _______ to the piriformis muscle.
deep (anterior) and inferior
the interior gluteal a. and .n pass ________ to the piriformis muscle.
The anterior cruciate ligament passe _____ to the posterior cruciate ligament.
At the ankle, the felxor digitorum longus muscle is positioned between the _______ and _______.
Tibialis posterior (most anterior) and flexor hallucis longus (most posterior).
The posterior circumflex humeral artery pases ________ to the long head of the triceps and traverse the ______________.
lateral, quadrangular space
The ischiofemoral ligament passes _______ to the head and ________ to the neck of the femur.
posterior, and superior
the tendon of the tibialis posterior pass ________ to the _______ malleolus.
posterior, medial
the anterior circumflex humeral artery passes ______ to the neck of the humerus.
The sciatic n. passes _______ t the obturator internus tendon, gemellli, and quadratus femoris muscles.
Which nerve runs near the flexor hallucis longus muscle?
the radial artery, near the wrist, is positioned _______ to the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle.
The profunda femoris artery is positioned _______ to the adductor magnus muscle.
The adductor brevis muscle is positioned ______ and ______ to the adductor longus.
Posterior and superior
the posterior circumflex humeral passes ______ and ____ to the humerus neck.
medial and posterior
The pectineus muscle is _______ to the medial circumflex femoral artery.
what are the superficial posterior forearm muscles?
extensor digitorum, extensor digiti minimi, extensor carpi ulnaris
The biceps femoris muscle is positioned ______ to the fibular collateral ligament.
In the deep foot, the flexor digitorum longus muscle passes _________ to the flexor hallucis longus msucle.
The tendon of the peroneus brevis muscle passes _____ to the ______ malleolus.
posterior lateral
The tendon of the abductor pollicis longus muscles passes ________ to the tendon of the extensor pollicis brevis.
At the level of the inguinal ligament, the femoral artery is positioned _________ to the femoral vein and _______ to the femoral nerve.
Lateral, and medial
the radial artery passes ______ to the trapezium and base of the first metacarpal.
the posterior tibial a. passes _____ to the medial malleolus.
The tendon of the obturator internus is positioned ______ to the quadratus femoris.
At mid- thigh, the sciatic nerve is positioned _______ to the femur shaft and ______ to the hamstring muscles.
Posterior and deep
The piriformis muscle is ____________ to the tendon of the obturator internus.
The medial perforating branches of the profunda femoris artery pass _____ and _______ to the femur shaft.
Medial and posterior
The tendon of the tibialis posterior muscle passes ______ to the medial malleolus.
the axillary n. passes _____ to the humerus surgical neck.
The tibial n. passes _____ to the ______malleolus.
posterior, medial
The sacrospinous ligament passes ______ to the obturator internus.
The piriformis is _______to the inferior gluteal a. and n.
the brachial a. passes ____ to the elbow joint.
the brachial artery is positioned ______ to the humerus shaft.
the ulnar n. passes directly ______ to the ______ epicondyle.
posterior, medial
the subscapularis muscle passes _____ to the head of the humerus.
The transversospinalis muscles are positioned _______ to the eretor spinae muscles.
The superior gluteal a. an. pass _______ to the gluteus minimus muscle.
superficial (posterior)
The lateral thoracic artery passes _____ to the pectoralis minor muscle.
The popliteal artery is positioned _______ to the knee joint.
the ulnar n. is positioned _______ to the tendon of the flexor capri ulnaris muscle
lateral (deep)
of the superifical anterior forearm, what is most lateral to most medial
PFPF 1) most latera: pronator teres 2) flexor capri radialis, 3) plamaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris
The piriformis muscle is positioned ________ to the gluteus medius muscle.
The piriformis muscle is positioned ______ to the inferior gluteal n. and _______ to the superior gluteal n.
superior and inferior
The tendon of the peroneus longus muscle passes _________ to the ______ malleolus.
posterior, lateral
the sural n. passes ______ to the lateral malleolus.
The inguinal ligament is ______ to the femoral nerve.
the deep branch of he radial n. passes _______ to the supinator muscle.
At the ankl,e the dorsalis pedis artery is positioned directly _______ to the tendon of he extensor hallucis longus muscle.
The thoracoacromial artery passes _______ to the pectoralis minor muscle.
what are the intermediate anterior forearm muscles
flexor digitorum superficialis
The femoral nerve passes ______ to the the hip joint and _______ to the inguinal ligament.
Anterior, posterior
The liliofemoral ligament passes ______ to the neck of the femor.
The superior gluteal a. and n. pass ________ to the piriformis muscle and ______ to the gluteus minimus muscle.
superior, superficial
The tendon of the Peroneus brevis and longus are ______ to the ______ malleolus
posterior, lateral
what are the deep anterior forearm muscles
flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus
the axillary nerve passes _____ and ____ to the humerus.
medial and posterior
in the forearm, the median n. is positioned ______ to the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle.
the deep branch of the ulnar n. is positioned _______ to the palmar interossei uscles.
directly anterior