Muscle Attachments, actions, and innervations Flashcards
Tensor Fasciae Latae att.
Anterior superior iliac spine and iliac crest –> iliotibial tract
abduction of thigh
flexion of thigh
medially rotates thigh
maintains extended leg
tibial n. actions
plantar flexion
inversion of foot
leg: flexion
unlocks knee
flexion of toes 1-5
What attaches to shaft of phalangeal?
flexor digitorum brevis and plantar and dorsal interowsei.
Superior gluteal n. actions
thigh: abducts, medially rotates, flexes
leg: assists in maintaining extended leg
keeps pelvis level while one leg is raised
Different between gluteus medius and minimus attachemtn
medius is lateral aspect of greater trochanter minimus is anterior-lateral aspect of greater trochanter
What attaches to external surface of inferior pubic ramus?
gracilis, adductor brevis, obturator externus
Lateral head of triceps att.
proximal posterior lateral shaft of humerus to olcranon process of ulna
extension of the forearm
Axillary n. actions
arm: abduction, flexion, extension, medial rotation, lateral rotation
stabalization of glenohumeral joint
Tibialis posterior att.
interosseous membrane, lateral tibia and medial fibula –> medial tarsals and metatarsals
plantar flexion of ankle
inverts foot
semitendinosus att.
(medial to biceps femoris and semimembranosus) ischial tuberosity –> proximal, medial tibia
felxor hallucis longus att.
distal posterior fibula and interosseous membrane –> plantar surface of distal phalangeal bases of 1st toe
flexes great toe MP and IP
plantar flexes ankle
median plantar n. actions
flexes 1-5
abducts great toe
extend IP joints 1,2
What attaches to iliac crest??
iliacus, latissimus doris, tensor fasciae latae
Teres major att.
inferior angle of scapula –> medial lip of intertubercular sulcus of humerus
medial rotation of humerus
humeral adduction
Musculocutaenous n. actions
arm: flexion, adduction
forearm: flexion, supination
What attaches to iliac fossa
iliacus m.
medial and lateral pectoral n. actions
arm: adduction, medial rotation, flexion
scapula: protraction, depression
What attaches to shaft of femur?
adductor brevis, longus magus, beicpes femoris (short), pectineus, vastus in, l, m
extensor hallucis brevis att.
anteriorlateral calcaneus –> dorsal aspect of base of proximal phalanx of big toe
extends big toe at MP joint
what attaches to the ulna?
abductor pollicis longus
extendors pollicis longus
extensor indicis
pronator quatratus
pronator teres
What attaches to calcaneal tuberosity?
calcaneal tendon, abductor digiti mini, abductor hallucis, felxor digitorum accessorius, flexor digitorum brevis.
Vastus Medialis vs. lateralis vs intermedius att.
Both medialis and lateralis attach posterior aspect of femur, while intermedius attaches anterior.
What attaches to gluteal surface of ilium?
gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, gluteus maximus
Semimembranosus att.
ischial tuberosity –> posterior aspect of medial tibial condyle
extends thigh
flexes leg
upper subscapular n.
arm: medially rotates, adduction
stabalizes glenohumeral joint
What attaches to anterior incondylar area of knee
menisci, ACL
Pectoralis major att.
Clavical, sternum and costal cartiagle –> intertubercular sulcus of humerus (medial)
humeral adduction, medial rotation, flexion of humerus
What attaches to lateral condyle of tibia?
extensor digitorum longus, tibialis anterior, iliotibial tract and fibrous joint capsule
What attaches to head of fibula?
biceps femoris, peroneus longus,
fibular collateral ligament
Abductor pollicis brevis att.
flexor retinaculum to radial side of base
Abducts thumb
Sartorius att.
anterior superior iliac spine –> medial aspect of proximal tibia
flexes leg
flexes thigh, laterally rotates, abducts thigh
what epicondyle is the common flexor epicondyle
what attaches to coronoid process
pronator teres
What attaches to lateral malleolus?
talocrural fibrous capsule and lateral ligament complex
What attaches to medial tibial shaft?
tibial collateral lig.
inferior gluteal n. actions
thigh: extend, laterally rotate
tenses TFL
What attaches to iliopubic eminence
pubofemoral lig.
Popliteus att.
lateral femoral condyle –> soleal line of tibia
Keeps knee from locking during flexion
What attaches to ischial spine?
sacrospinous lig.
superior gemellus m.
Adductor longus att.
pubic crest –> midshaft of posterior femur
flexes thigh
plantaris att.
lateral subracondylar line (popliteal surface) –> claneal tuberosity
plantarflexion of foot
flexes leg
extensor carpi radialus brevis att.
lateral supracondyle of humerus–> 3rd metacarpal base.
extends wrist
abducts wrist
What attaches to proximal end of tibia?
gracilis, sartorius, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, tibial collateral lig.
Extensor digiti minimi att.
lateral epicondyle of humerus to dorsal digital expansion of 5th digit
extends 5th digit MP and IP
What attaches to posterior intercondylar area?
menisci, PCL
What attaches to posterior superior iliac spine?
gluteus maximus
What attaches to superior pubic ramus
pectineus, obturator internus, obturator externus m. pubfemoral lig.
Gluteus medius att.
external iliac surface –> lateral aspect of greater trochanter
abduction and medial rotation of thigh,
stabalization of standing leg
Abductor digiti minimi att.
calcaneal tuberosity –> lateral side of proximal phalangeal base of 5th digit
abducts 5th toe
Flexor digiti minimi brevis att.
hamate to ulnar side of the base to proximal phalanx of the hand.
flexes 5th digit at MP
Iliacus attachments
iliac fossa –> lesser trochanter of femur
felxion of thigh
stabalization of hip joint
Adductor hallucis att.
2-4 metatarsal bases (oblique) and distal ends of 3-5 (transverse) –> lateral base of proximal phalanx of great toe
adducts great toe
tibial division n. actions
Leg: flex
thigh: extend
extensor pollicis brevis att.
posterior radial surface and interosseous membrane –> base of 1st proximal phalanx.
extends thumb at MP joint
What attaches to lateral surface of tibial shaft?
tibialis anterior
Obturator n. functions
thigh: adducts, flexes, laterally and medially rotates
what attaches to intertubercular sulsos on humerus?
Lateral: pec major
medial: latissimus dorsi (more anterior)
teres major
Flexor digitorum accessorius att.
medial surface of calcaneous –> lateral process of calceaneal tuberosity to long flexor tendons
assist in flexion of toes
What attaches to shaft of fibula?
interosseous membrane
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis longus,
flexor hallucis longus,
peroneus brevis,
peroneus longus,
perosneus tertius,
tibials posterior
lateral plantar n. actions
Toes: abudction, adduction, flexion (2-5), extension IP (3-5)
What attaches to lateral condyle of femur?
popliteus, fibrous joint capsule, fibular collateral
Gluteus maximus att.
Aponuerosis of erector spinae, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament and gluteal surface of ilium –> gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tract
extends and laterally rotates thigh
tenses fascia lata
Pronator quadratus att.
anterior distal radius to anterior distal ulna
pronation of forearm
What attaches to tibial tuberosity
patella lig
Gastrocnemius att.
posterior femoral condyles –> calcaneal tuberosity
Plantar flexion
flexion of leg
peroneus brevis att.
distal fibual –> lateral base of 5th metatarsal
plantarflexes ankle
everts foot
Adductor pollicis
capitate bone and 2nd and 3rd metacarpals to base of proximal phalanx of the thumb
adducts thumb
Supraspinatus att.
suprapinatus fossa –> greater tubercle of humerus
initiaiton of humerus abduction
stabalization of glenohumeral joint
Serratus anterior att.
upper 8 ribs –> deep medial border to scpaula
Protraction of sapula
upward rotation of scapula
What attaches to popliteal surface?
medial head of gastrocnemus and plantaris
Peroneus longus att.
head and proximal fibula –> lateral aspects of 1st metatarsal and cuneiform
plantar flexion
everts foot
Extensor digitorum brevis att.
on foot!
anterolateral calcaneus –> lateral sides of tendons of extensor digitorum longus
Extend toes at MP and IP joints
deep peroneal n. actions
dorsiflex ankle
foot: evert and invert
extend toes (1-5)
Inferior gemellus att.
inschial tuberosity –> obturator internus tendon
lateral rotation of the thigh
What attaches to acetabulum?
rectus femoris, fibrous joint capsule and ischiofemoral lig.
difference between attachments of triceps
Long: intraglnoid tubercle of scapula Medial: disal posterior medial shaft proximal posterior lateral shaft
What attaches to medial condyle of femur?
fibrous joint capsule
Biceps Brachii short att.
coracoid process of scapula –> radial tuberosity and deep antebrachial fascia (biciptal aponeurosis)
felxion of forearm, flexion of arm
Flexor hallucis brevis att.
cuboid and tendon of tibials –> posterior base of proximal phalanx of great toe
flexes great toe at MP joint
what attaches to corocoid process
pec minor
short head of biceps brachialis
deltoid att.
clavial, acromium process, scapular spine –> deltoid tuberosity of humerus
humeral: abduction, extension, flexion, medial and lateral rotation
Vastus lateralis att.
lateral/posterior femur –>lateral border of patella
extends leg
Rectus femoris att.
anterior inferior iliac spine and groove–> base of patella
Extending leg
flexes thigh
which flexors are not attaches to common flexor epicondyle?
flexor digitorum profundas
flexor pollicis longus
pronator quadratus
What attaches to medial epicondyle of femur?
tibial collateral lig.
peroneus tertius att.
distal fibula and interosseous membrane –> distal phalangeal base of 5th toe
dorsiflexes ankle
everts foot
Latissimus dorsi att.
Lower thoracic spinous process, thoracolumbar fascia, and iliac crest to medial lip of the intertubercular solcus of the humerus
humeral adduction, extension and medial rotation
What attaches to patellar surface
Palmaris longus att.
medial epicondyle of humerus –> palmar aponeurosis
Flexes wrist
What attaches to great trochanter of femur?
piriformis, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus
Long head of triceps brachii att.
Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula –> olcranon process of ulna
extension of arm
extension of forearm
what attaches to olecranon?
flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor digiti minimi brevis.
Hamate to ulnar side of the base to proximal phalanx of the 5th digit
flexes 5th digit MP
suprascapular n. actions
arm: abduction, lateral rotation
stabalizes glenohumeral joint
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Medial epicndyle of humerus –> sides of middle phalanges of 2-5
Flexes digits 2-5 at MP and PIP
(flexes hand at wrist)
Psoas attachment
Anterior lumbar transverse process and vertebral bodies –> lesser trochanter of femur
flexion of thigh
stabalization of hip joint
What attaches to sustentaculum tali?
deltoid, plantar and calcaneovicial lig.
Levator scapulae
Transverse processess of upper cervical –> superior angle of scapula
elevatio of shoulder
inferior rotation of scapula
Rhomboids att.
Lower cervical an upper thoracic spinous process –> medial border of scapula
scapular retraction
downward rotation
Extensor indicis att.
posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane to digital expantions of 2nd digit.
extends 2nd finger at MP and IP
Extensor hallucis longus att.
mid fibula and interosseous membrane –> distal phalangeal base of 1st toe
extends toe at MP and IP
dorsiflexes ankle
What attaches to anterior inferior iliac spine?
rectus femorus, iliofemoral lig.
Pronator teres att.
medial epicondyle of humerus and coranoid process of ulna to lateral aspect of radius
pronation of forarm
flexes forearm
What attaches to medial cuneiform?
peroneus longus, tibialis anterior
extensor digitorum longus att.
lateral tibial condyle, proximal fibula and interosseous membrane –> dorsal digital expansions 2-5
extends digits 2-5 MP and IP
dorsiflex foot
What attaches to apex of patella
patellar lig
soleus att.
posterior proximal fibual and tibial soleal line –> calcaneal tuberosity
plantar fexion
biceps femoris short head
distal/posterior/ lateral femur –> fibular head (lateral)
flexes leg
What attaches to medial condyle of tibia?
fibrous joint capsule
Medal head of triceps att.
distal posterior medial shaft of humerus –> ollcranon process
extension of forearm
Dorsal interossei
adjacnet sides of metacarpals to proximal phalangeal bases and dorsal digital expansions of 2-4
abduction of fingers
flexion of MP joints
extension of IP joints (all digits 2-4
What attaches to pubic crest?
rectus abdominis, adductor longus
What attaches to posterior surface of ischial ramus?
obturator internus
Coracobrachialis att.
corachoid process –> proximal medial shaft of humerus
flexes arm
adducts arm
What attaches to posterior surface of tibia?
flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterir
What attaches to tubercle of pubis?
inguinal lig.
Obturator internus att.
anteriorlateral wall of pelvis, obturator foramen, and obturator membrane –> medial surface of greater trochanter
lateral rotation of thigh
Brachioradialis att.
lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus –> distal radius adjacent to styloid process
flexion of forearm
Piriformis att.
Anteriorlateral sacrum –> upper border of greater trochanter
lateral rotation of thigh
abduction of thigh
What attaches to intertrochanteric line of femur?
joint capsule, iliofemoral lig
radial n. actions
arm: extend
forearm: extend, flex
wrist: extend, abduct, adduct,
fingers: extend
thumb: extend, abduct
what actions are impaired with the femoral nerve knockout?
Thigh: flex, abduct, adduct, laterally rotates
leg: flex and extend
stabalizes hip joint
What attaches to to anterior superior iliac spine?
sartorius, tensor fascia latae, inguinal ligament
Flexor carpi radialis att.
Medial epicondyle of humerus to palmar aspect of 2 and 3 metacarpals
Flexes wrist
abducts wrist
Abductor hallucis att.
medial calcaneal tuberosity –> medial side of proximal phalangeal base of great toe
abducts great toe
flexes great toe
attachement sites for rotator cuff
teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus to greater tubercle
subscapularis to lesser tubercle
what attaches to the metacarpals of the hand?
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor carpi radialis
extensor carpi radaialis longus and brevis
extensor carpi ulnaris
abductor pollicis longus
adductor pollicis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis
dorsal and planatar interossei
lesser trochanter vs. greater trochanter
posas and iliacus (lesser)
gluteus minimus, medius
obturator internus are all greater
What attaches to intercondylar fossa of femur?
anterior and posterior cruciate lig.
Long thoracic n. actions
scapula protraction and superior rotation
Gluteus Minimus Att.
external liliac surface –> anteriolateral aspect of greater trochanter
abduction, medial rotation of thigh,
stabalization of standing leg while walking
Supinator att.
lateral epicondyle of humerus –> radial collateral ligament and shaft of ulna –> lateral surface of proximal radius
supination of forearm
What attaches to quadrate tubercle?
quadratus femoris
What attaches to shaft of metatarsal?
plantar and dorsal interossei
Lumbricals att. (foot)
tendons of flexor digitorum longus –> medial sides of dorsal expansions of digits 2-5
flexion at MP , extension at IP
Subscapularis att.
subscapular fossa –> lesser tubercle of humerus
medial rotation of humerus
adducts humerus
stabalizes glenohumeral joint
Tedons of flexor digitorum profundus to radial side of dorsal digital expansion in 2-5
flexes MP joints, extends IP joints
ulnar n. at wrist
thumb: flexion , adduction,
fingers; flexion,adduction and abduction, extension of IP,
Biceps Brachii att. Long
supraglenois tubercle of scapula –> radial tuberosity and depp antebrachial fascia
flexes arm, flexes forearm
What attaches to lesser trochanter of femur?
common extensor epicondyle?
lateral epicondyle of humerus
Teres minor att.
lateral border of scapula to greater tubercle of humerus
lateral rotation of humerus
stabalization of glenohumeral joint
Obturator externus att.
external rim of obturator foramen –> trochanteric fossa
lateral thigh rotation
Oppenens pollicis
flexor retinaculum and trapezium to palmar surface of 1st metacarpal
opposes thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis
flelexor reticulum and trapezium to radial side of the base of proxima phalanx of thumb
flexes thumb at MP joint
ulnar n. at origin
wrist: adduction, flexion,
thumb: flexion MP and IP, adduction,
fingers: flexion, IP exteions (2-5), abduction and adduction, opposition 5th digit
What is the difference between adductor longus and adductor brevis attachments?
Longus: pubic crest and mishaft of posterior femur Brevis: inferior pubic ramus (inferior to pubic crest) and proximal posterior femur
flexor digitorum brevis att.
medial process of calcaneal tuberosity –> sides of intermedial phalanges of digits 2-5
flexes toes at MP joints
what attaches to the radius
abductor pollicis longus
extensor pollicis brevis
pronator teres and quatratus
Abductor pollicis longus att. and action
proximal posterior radius, ulna, and IM –> anterior base of 1st metacarapal
Abducts thumb
superficial peroneal n. actions
plantar flexion
evert foot
Superior Gemelli att.
Ischial spine –> Obturator internus tendon
lateral rotation of thigh
What attaches to adductor tubercle of femur?
adductor magnus
Extensor carpi radialus longus att.
lateral subracondylar ridge of humerus to base of second metcarpal
Extend wrist
abduct wrist
What attaches to trochanteric fossa?
obturator internus and externus
What attaches to medial malleolus of tibia?
deltoid lig, talocrural fibrous joint capusle
Extensor digitorum att. (hand)
Lateral epicondyle of humerus –> extensor expansions of digits 2-5
extends fingers 2-5 at MP
extends hand
Position of adductor muscles on pelvis
longus: pubic crest (most superior) brevis: inferior pubic ramus magnus: ischial tuberosity (most inferior)
dorsal interossei att.
metatarsal shafts –> proximal phalangeal bases of dorsal digital expansions of digits 2-4
flex MP and extend IP
Median n. actions
Forearm: pronation, flex,
wrist: flex, abduction,
thumb: flex, opposition, abduction
fingers: flexion, extension IP,
Pectoralis minor att.
Ribs 3-5 –> coracoid process of scpaula
scapular protraction
depression of shoulder (assist)
Flexor digitorum longus att.
posterior tibia distal to soleal line –> plantar surface of distal phalangeal bases
flexes toes MP and IP
plantar flexes ankle
Brachialis att.
distal anterior shaft of humerus –> coronoid procoess and ulnar tuberosity
flexion of forearm
What attaches to Tarsals?
talocrural fibrous joint capsule, deltoid lig and lateral ligment complex
tibialis anterior att.
latreal condyle and proximal lateral tibia and interosseous membrane –> medial cuneiform and adjacet 1st metatarsal
dorsiflexing ankle
inverts ankle
what is most lateral of the three? tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus?
extensor digitorum longus
extensor pollicis longus att.
middle third of posterior ulna and interosseous membrane to base of 1st distal phalanx.
Extend thumb at MP and IP joint
What attaches to anterior ischial ramus?
obturator externus, adductor magnus
what attaches to lateral epicondyle of humerus?
Extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
extensor carpi radialis brevis
vastus intermedius att.
anterior aspect of proximal 2/3 of femoral shaft –> base of patella
extends leg
Thoracodorsal n. actions
arm: adduction, medial rotation, extension
intraspinatus att.
infraspinatus fossa on scapula –> great tubercle on humerus
Lateral rotation of humerus
stablization of glenohumeral joint
What attaches to the middle phalange of the hand?
flexor digitrum superficialis,
L1, L2, L3
flex thigh
stabalize hip joint
Adductor Magnus Att.
ischial tuberosity –> posterior femur and adductor (medial at knee) tubercle
extension of thigh
Abductor digiti minimi att. (hand)
pisiform to the ulnar side of the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit
abducts 5th digit
What attaches to intertrochanteric crest of femur?
fibrous joint capsule
lower subscapular n. actions
arm: medial rotation, adduction
stabalize glenohumeral joint
Pectineus att.
superior pubic ramus to proximal posterior femoral shaft
adduction of thigh
difference between superior and inferior gemellus attachments
Superior is Ischial spine Inferior is Ischial tuberosity
Biceps femoris long head
ischial tuberosity –> fibular head
flexes leg
extends thigh
Flexor digitorum profundus att.
anterior proximal two thirds of ulnar and interosseous membrane –> distal phalages 2-5 on palmar surface
flexes digits 2-5 MP and IP
flexion of wrist
Plantar interossei att.
plantar surface of shaft of metatarsal to dorsal digital expansion of digits 3-5
adduction of toes
flexion at MP
extension at IP
Gracilis att.
interior pubic ramus to proximal, medial tibia.
adduction of thigh
medial rotation of leg
flexes leg
dorsal scapular n. actions
elevation of shoulders
inferior rotation of shoulders
scapular retraction
Vastus Medialis att.
Medial posterior femur –> medial border of patella
extends leg
What attaches to base of patella
quadricpes femoris
Extensor carpi ulnaris att.
lateral epicondyle of humerus to ulnar dorsal surface to base of 5th metcarpal
extends wrist
adducts wrist
What attaches to lateral epicondyle of femur?
lateral head of gastrocnemis m.
What attaches to calcaneus?
extensor digitorum brevis, extensor hallucis brevis, lateral lig. complex, long and short plantar
Flexor carpi ulnaris att.
Medial epicondyle of humerus and proximal ulnar shaft to pisiform
flexes wrist
adducts wrist
Flexor pollicis longus att.
anterior surface of radius and interosseous membrane -> base of distal phalanx of thumb
flexes thumb at IP and MP joint
What attaches to distal digit in the hand?
Extensor digitorum, extensor indicis, extensor digiti minimi, extensor pollicis longus,
Fexlor digitorum profundas, flexor pollicis longus
What attaches to pecten pubic (pectineal line?)?
conjoined tendon, lacunar, pectineal lig.
Quadratus femoris
Ischial tuberosity to quatrate tubercle of femur
lateral rotation of thigh
flexor digiti minimi
5th metatarsal base –> proximal phalange base
flexes 5th toe at MP joint
What attaches to notch in acetabulum?
lig of head of femur
adductor brevis att.
inferior pubic ramus –> proxiaml posterior femur
adducts thigh
What attaches to ischial tuberosity
sacrotuberous lig.,
gemellus interior, adductor magnus, semimembranosus, semiteninosus, biceps femoris, quadratus femoris
What attaches to internal surface of inferior pubic ramus?
obturator internus
What attaches to cuboid?
flexor hallucis brevis, short plantar lig.
What attaches to soleal line?
soleus, popliteus
Common peroneal division n. actions
flex leg
what attaches to supracondylar ridge of humerus?
extensor radialis longus
Trapezius att.
superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuache and spinous process of cervical and thoracic region –> clavical, acromion, and scapular spine
shoulder elevation and depression, retraction of shoulder blades, superior rotation
what attaches to medial epicondyle of humerus?
prononator teres
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor digitorum superficialis
Palmar interossei
palmar aspects of 2, 4, 5 to dorsal digital of digits 2, 4, 5,
adduction of fingers
flexion of MP joints
extension of IP joints
What attaches to navicaular?
deltoid and calcaneonavicular lig.
What attaches to obturator foramen?
obturator internus and externus muscls
What attaches to gluteal tuberosity on femur?
gluteus maximus