Lower extremity - joints and ligaments Flashcards
what are the three joints of the pelvic and hip area?
sacroiliac, public symphysis, hip
what is the classification of the sacroiliac joint?
synovial plane (gliding)
what is the movement of the sacroiliac joint?
slight contribution to pelvic movements
What is the classification for hip joint?
Synovial ball and socket
what are the movements for hip joint?
F/E, Abd/Add, medial and lateral rotation, circumduction
What are the knee joints?
Knee joint and superior tibiofibular
Knee joint
Class: synovial bi-condylar complex hinge
movmt: FE, Medial/lateral rotation
Superior tibial fibular
class: synovial plane (gliding)
major joints of the foot
talcrural, talocalcaneal (subtalar), tarsometatarsal, metatarsopalangeal, interphalangeal
What bones are involved in the hip joint?
Head of femur and acetabulum of pelvis
what bones are involved in the knee joint?
femoral lateral and medial condyles, with tibial lateral and medial condyles, patella,
what bones are involved in superior tibiofibular joint?
tibia and fibula
What bones are invovled in talocrural joint?
Talus, tibia and fibia
what bones are involved in the talcalcaneal joint?
talus and calcaneus
what bones are involved in the tarsometatarsal joint
cuneiform and metatarsals
what bones are involed in the metatarsophalangeal
metatarsals and phalangeals
what bones are involved in the interphalangeal joints?
talocrural joint
synovial hinge, dorsiflexion, plantar flexion
synovial modified muliaxial, heel inversion and eversion
synovial plane
synoival ellipsoidal
synovial hinge, flexion/extension
Sacrotuberous ligament
poster sup. iliac spine and lateral margin of posterior sacrum to ischial tuberosity
Sacrospinous ligament
ischial spine to lateral margin of sacrum
fibrous joint capsule of hip att.
margin of acetabulum to neck, intertrochanteric line and crest of femur
iliofemoral ligament
ant. inf. iliac spine to intertrochanteric line of femur.
what is function of iliofemoral ligament?
limits extension of femur
pubofemoral ligament
from iliopubic eminence and superior pubic ramus to fibrous capsule.
function of pubofemoral ligament?
limits abduction of femur
Ischiofemoral ligament
from ischium post. to acetabulum to greater trochanter and iliofemoral ligament.
function of ischiofemoral?
assist the iliofemoral in limiting extension of femur
Ligament of the femoral head
from fovea of the femoral head to the acetabular notch
fibrous capsule of knee
margins of femoral and tibial condyles
Medial collateral ligament
also known as tibial CL, from medial epicondyle (femur) to medial condyle and shaft of tibia
Lateral Collateral Ligament
Fibular CL, lateral epicondyle of femur to the head of the fibula.
Function of MCL vs LCL?
MCL: stablizes medial aspect, prevents abduction of tibia
LCL: stabalizes lateral aspect, prevents adduction of tibia
Anterior Cruciate lig
attaches from medial part of the anterior intercondylar area of tibia to posterior part of medial intercondylar fossa of femur.
ACL Function
prevent posterior displace of femur on the tibia and hyperextension of knee
Posterior cruciate lig
from posterior intercondylar area of tibia to lateral surface of medial condyle of the femur.
PCL function
prevents anterior displacement of femur on tibia
crural interosseous membrane
interossesous border of tibia to the interosseous border of the fibula.
talocrural fibrous capsule
from borders of articular surface of tibia and malleoli to margins of trochlear surface of talus
Deltoid ligament
From medial malleolus to the talus, navicular, and sustentaculum tali of the calcaneous
Deltoid function
stabilizes joint and resists forced eversion
lateral ligament complex of ankle
from lateral malleolus to the talus and calcaneous
Lateral ligament complex function
stabilizes joint and resists forced inversion
Long plantar ligmanet
from plantar surfaces of the calcaneous and cuboid to the plantar surfaces of the bases of the metatarsals
Short Plantar ligament
from calcaneous to the plantar surface of the cuboid
superior to long plantar ligament
Plantar calcaneonavicular
spring ligament, from anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali to the plantar surface of the navicular
function of spring ligament
supports medial longitudinal arch
what are the joints of the shoulder?
elbow joints
eblow and proximal radio-ulnar
wrist and hand joint
distal radio-ulnar radiocarpal midcarpal carpometacarpal intermetacarpal metcarpophalangeal interphalangeal
coracoclavicular ligament
ligaments to stabalize AC joint
1) trapezoid
2) conoid
what ligaments stabalize AC joint
coracoclavicular (trapezoid and conoid) and acromioclavicular
att. of trapezoid lig
coracoid process to trapezoid line of clavical
att. of conoid
coracoid process to conoid tubercle of clavical
att of acromial clavicualr
superior acromial end of clavical to acronion
coracoacromial lig
prevent superior displacement
coracoid process to acromion
transverse scapular lig.
base of coracoid process to medial edge of scapular notch
glenoid capsule
circumference of gelnoid cavity to anatomic neck of humerus
glenohumeral JC
upper part of medial margin of glenoid cavity to lesser tubercle of anatomical neck
transverse humeral
lesser to greater tubercle
goes over tendon of bieceps brachii long head
ulnar collateral
medial epicondyle to coronoid process and olecranon
radial collateral
lateral epicondyle to annular ligament
annular ligament
stabilizes elbow joint
anterior margin of radial notch to posterior margin of radial notch surrounding radius head
flexor retinaculum
transverse carpal ligament
from pisiform and hook of hamate to scaphoid and trapezium
ligamentum flavu
interconnect interior laminae
femoral sheath
surrounds femoral a., v, and n around inguinal ligament
iliotibial tract
from tensor fascia latae and gluteus maximus to lateral tibia
lateral intermuscular septum
attaches to linea aspera and separates anterior from posterior compartments
medial intermuscular septum
attaches ti linea aspera and separates anterior and medial compartments of thigh
crural fascia
anterior, posterior, and deep transerver
anterior crual intermuscular fascia
anterior fibula border
anteiror and lateral
posterior crural septum
posterior fibula border
lateral and posterior
deep transverse fascia
superficial and deep posterior compartments
talocrural fascia
superior extensor retinaculum
inferior extensor retinaculum
superior peroneal retinaculum
inferior peroneal retinaculum
superior extensor retinaculum
distal tibia to distal fibulr
inferior extensor retnaculum
calcaneus to navicular and medial malleolus
superior peroneal ret.
lateral mallenous to calcaneous
inferior peroneal
inferior ER to calcanues
clavipectoral fascia
inferior surface of clavical and splits around subcalvius and pectoralis minor
brachial fascia
medial intermuscular septum
lateral intermuscular septum
antebrachial fascia
extensor retinaculum
flexor retinaculum
extensor retinaculum
anterior surface of distal radius to triquetral and pisiform
flexor retinaculum
pisiform and hoot of hamate to scaphoit and trapezium, splitting around tendon of flexor carpi radialis
palamar aponeurosis
continues with tendon of palmaris ongus and flexor retinaculum
axillary sheath
surround axillary artery and vein and cords of brachial plexus