Relations With Spain Flashcards
Why was Spain angry at England
Phillip 11 of spain had been married to Mary 1st and Elizabeth refused his offer of marriage when she came to the throne.Elizabeth was also protestant and treated catholics badly.He was angry also about her support for the dutch revolt and due to the fact many english merchants directly challenged spain’s dominance of the new world
How did English merchants effect relations with Spain
The english merchants directly challenged spain’s dominance of the new world.Francis drake was the most famous who was knighted sending a message to spain
When was the singening of the King of Spain’s beard and what did it entail
April 1587,Drake sailed into Cadiz harbour destroying spanish ships and alot of their supplied delaying the spanish preparations of an attack on England by a year
When was the treaty of Joinville and what was it
1584 made an alliance between france and spain
What was the treaty of nonsuch and when was it
1585,A treaty signed in support of the dutch rebels
Who led failed military expeditions in the netherlands
Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester)
How did the English’s involvement in the netherlands worsen relations
Elizabeth’s support for dutch rebels including allowing them to take shelter in english ports and taking money from Spanish ships and providing financial help to the dutch
What are sea beggars
Dutch rebels that took shelter in english ports
What was the genoese loan
When Elizabeth took money from Spanish ships
What was the Spanish Fury and when was it
It was in 1576 and it was when Spanish forces mutinued after months without pay and rampaged through dutch provinces
What was the Pacification of Ghent
After the Spanish Fury,The 17 dutch provinces wrote up the Pacification of Ghent which stated that all spanish troops were to be expelled from the netheralnds,The restoration of political autonomy and an end to religious persecution
Who was francis drake and why did he anger the spanish
An english Merchant/Privateer that made his name and fortune trading in the new world.He angered the Spanish by attacking their colonies and ships in the new world meaning they missed out on money
Who circumnavigated the globe and was the second person in history to do it
Francis Drake
What did the army that Elizabeth originally sent to the netherlands consist of and why
A mercenary and an army of 6000 volunteers.This meant elizabeth wasn’t officially sending an army to fight in her name as they were volunteer
Who was the mercenary Elizabeth sent to the dutch
John Casmir
What did Elizabeth do in 1568 that angered the spainards
In 1568 Spanish ships with gold took refuge in England from bad weather,Yet Elizabeth siezed this for herself
What was the spanish ship captured in the singening of the kings beard
The San Filipe returning from the americans and the money taken covered the cost of the expedition and enabled him to improve England’s defenses