Education,Leisure And The Problem Of The Poor Elizebethan Flashcards
What did education depend on
Your social position
What sort of education did poor children recieve
No formal education,learned from their families,working on the land or in the home as they needed to bring in a wage for the family
What sort of education did well off children recieve
Boys-Petty schools aged 4-8 and then Grammar schools age 8-14.
Girls-Dame schools or educated at home by mothers
What sort of education did noble children recieve
Boys-Private tutor until early teens,University from 14/15
Girls-private tutor till early teens then sent to another noble household to complete their education
What were some sports that the nobility watched/played
Hunting,hawking,fishing,fencing,real tennis
What were some sports that the working class played
What was popular with all classes in Elizabethan England in terms of leisure
What were the reasons for increased poverty in Elizabethan England
Increased population,rising food prices,sheep farming and enclosure of fields meant people were less employed.Those who were able to work but were poor or homeless were treated harshly
What was some goverment acts that related to poverty
1563-Statute of Artificers (to collect poor relief money),1572 vagabonds act (to deter vagrancy) and 1576 Poor relief Act (to help able bodied people find work)
What were the able poor
These were people who were able to work but chose not to,they were treated harshly
How did sheep farming cause poverty to increase
It decreased the amount of jobs as less people were needed for sheep farming than for traditional farming
How did population growth increase poverty
It meant more people were without a job and rose food prices and wages didn’t rise at the same rate.
What was the statute of artificers and when was it
It was in 1563 and it was too ensure that poor relief was collected as anyone who refused to pay the poor rates could be imprisoned and those failing to organise this poor relief could be fined
What was the vagabonds act and when was it
1572,The aim was to deter vagrancy by saying that vagrants could be imprisoned and even put to death and it established the national poor rate
What was thePoor relief act and when was it
1576,The aim was to distinguish between able bodied and the impotent poor and help the able work.Able poor were provided with wool and raw materials to allow them to work,those who refused work where they were given help would be sent to a special prison
Did the poor relief acts work
There were improvements in poverty but it was still rife in Elizabethan society
What was enclosure
Landowners changed from sharing multiple open fields with owners and instead used a few small land fatms
Why did population growth lead to rising prices
The production of food didn’t keep up paired with a number of bad harvests meaning an increased inflation
What increased in terms of education in Elizabethan society
The number of grammar schools and university students
Why did religious changes mean there was less support for the poor
Henry 8th closed down Monastries which performed important social functions for the poor