Regulation of Patterns Flashcards
Which genes establish the axes in drosophila?
maternal effect genes
Which genes establish the basic body plan in drosphila?
zygotic genes
What protein does homeobox (hox) code make?
How many complexes are mammalian Hox genes arranged into?
4 complexes
Why are there no ribs in the lumbar spine?
Hox10 inhibits their formation
What kind of pattern are Hox genes expressed in?
Nested patterns
When does limb development take place?
weeks 4-8
What controls the development of the different bones of the arm?
several Hox genes
What signalling pathways are known to play specific roles in vertabrate development?
- Wnt signalling
- Sonic hedgehog signalling
- TGF-Beta signalling
- FGF signalling
Name some defects caused by defects in Wnt signalling
bone disorders
How many Wnts and frizzled receptors are there in Wnt signalling?
19 Wnts and 10 frizzled receptors
Name defects caused by defects in sonic hedgehog singalling
craniofacial defects
Name defects caused by defects in TGF-Beta signalling
skeletal defects
Name defects caused by defects in FGF signalling
skeletal disorders