Regulation of Energy Intake & Body Weight Regulation Flashcards
Lateral hypothalamus: stimulation and lesions
hunger center
stimulation: voracious eating
lesions: aphagia (no eating)
Two peptides produced in LH
MCH: melanin concentrating hormone
MCH and Orexins function and projection
induce feeding
- brainstem motor systems: chewing, licking, swallowing
- reticular surrounding: pattern generators
- sympathetic/ parasympathetic pregang. nuclei in medulla and spinal cord
ventromedial nucleus:
stimulation & lesions
satiety center
stimulation: cessation of eating
lesions: eat excessively–> obesity
- lesioned animals have reset baseline weight at 3-4 times normal
arcuate nucleus
-contains first order neurons that promote either food intake or satiety
Promote feeding:
Promote Satiety:
what is the precursor to a-MSH?
what do a-MSH & CART neurons innervate?
- PVN and LH
- sympathetic pregang. neurons in the spinal cord
MCR: melanocortin receptor
Activation: satiety
- activated by a-MSH
- inhibited by AgRP
- increases hunger when injected into hypothalamus
- decrease energy expenditure: inhibit sympathetic nervous system/ thyroxin & GH secretion
Arcuate nucleus:
Anabolic: Hunger
-increased food intake, decreased energy expenditure
AgRP inhibits MCR in PVN/LH
Arcuate nucleus:
Catabolic: Satiety
-decreased food intake, increased energy expenditure
–>aMSH–> MCR in PVN/ LH
Gherkin effects on hypothalamic nuclei
Anabolic: hunger
Activates: NPY/ AgRP in Arc
Inhibits: POMC/CART in ARC
4 several satiety signals from GI tract
Vagal afferents
CCK (doudenum)
GLP-1 (L cells distal ileum)
PYY (L cells distal ileum)
vagal afferents
Rapid eaters: gastric distention in addition to glucose and lipids
vagal afferents --> Tractus solitarius nucleus (NTS) --> PVN, Arcuate Nucleus, LH, Amygdala & Visceral sensory of Thalamus --> conscious fullness (Thalamus)
CCK: cholecystokinin
- doudenum
- activates vagal afferents in peritoneum
- area postrema to activate brainstem pthwys projecting to hypothalamus
GLP-1: glucagon like peptide
- L cells of distal ileum
- acts in area postrema via NTS
- activate pathways 4 reduced food intake
PYY: Peptide YY
- L cells of distal ileum
- anorexic effects by inhibiting NYP/AGRP neurons
Glucose Sensitive Neurons
LH: hunger center
-inhibited by glucose
VMN: satiety center
-stimulated by hyperglycemia
selective destruction of glucose sensitive cells in VMN
-mice develop obesity
lipectomy/ removal of adipose tissue in rats
increased appetite: due to reduced appetite depressing signal
serum from obese rats fed a high-fat diet
appetite depressing effect when injected into control rats
parabiotic animal experiments
surgical connection 2 rats:
- if one made fat (lesion VMH)
- 2nd rat will under eat and lose weight
*circulating factor in fat rats that suppresses appetite
cultured fat cells from obese rats injected into brain ventricles of normal rats
depresses appetite
ob/ob type mice
-deficient in leptin and can be cured of obesity via systemic injection of leptin
injecting leptin into normal mice
- systemic: decreased appetite, increased metabolic rate, weight loss
- minute amounts into brain ventricles: weight loss
db/db strain mice
- mutated leptin receptor
- supernormal amount of circulating leptin but are insensitive to it
leptin in the hypothalamus
-Leptin receptor in Arcuate and VMN
NPY/AgRP: Hunger
a-MSH/ CART: Satiety
- levels parallel body fat mass
- insulin receptors: glucose sensitive regions of hypothalamus and brainstem
- transported to brain by specific transporters
insulin in the hypothalamus
POMP/CART: satiety
NPY/AgRP: hunger
Activators and Inducers
Anabolic/ Hunger
- leptin
- insulin
Wanting of Food
Nucleus Accumbens:
- related to drug addiction
- injected opioid agonists into nucleus accumbens: Feeding Induced
- nucleus accumbens and LH are interconnected
-serotonin re-uptake inhibitor was part of when/fen weight loss combination in humans
- selective serotonin 2c receptor agonist
- activates POMC (a-MSH/CART): satiety
liking of food
- endogenous opioid system
- agonists: increase food intake
- antagonists: suppress intake
-opioid receptor blocker: reduces food intake
other effects on eating
- cognitive/ executive
- emotions
- environmental
- social
Activators and Inhibitors
- leptin
- insulin