International/ Global Nutrition Flashcards
Conceptual Framework Malnutrition
Basic –>
Underlying –>
intermediate causes –> maternal and child malnutrition + short-term and long-term consequences
examples of basic causes
- lack of capital
- social, economic, political context
examples of underlying causes
- poverty
- food insecurity
- unhealthy household
- environment
- inadequate care
examples of immediate causes
- inadequate intake
- disease
examples of short term consequences
mortality, morbidity, disability
examples of long term consequences
adult size, intellectual ability, economic productivity, reproductive performance, metabolic and cardiovascular disease
Maternal and child undernutrition and cause of death
underlying cause of 3.1 milling deaths
45% child deaths annually
global deaths
stunting, severe wasting, & intrauterine growth restriction
Latin america
Stunting: z score
HAZ accesses stunting
WHZ accesses wasting
overweight in children
overall 7%: 43 million children
54% increase since 1990
maternal undernutrition
BMI 10% in asia and africa
-deficits in child development, health, and productivity
maternal overweight and obesity
> 70% in americas and caribbean
40% in Africa
-maternal morbidity, preterm birth, increased infant mortality
undernutrition in pregnancy
- affects fetal growth and post natal growth
- major determinant of stunting and subsequent obesity & noncommunicable diseases into adulthood
vitamin A and Zn deficiencies
- death
- have the largest remaining disease burden among micronutrients considered
iron and iodine
-contribute to children’s failure to reach developmental potential
4 part framework for scaling up nutrition
- country level
- scale up evidence based cost effective interventions: window of opportunity: 1000 days: -9–> 24 months
- multi-sectoral approach: food security, social protection, health
- assistance for country owned nutrition programs and capacity
what evidence based interventions will be increased to 90% coverage –> 15% reduction in deaths
- periconceptual folic acid
- maternal balanced energy protein supplementation
- maternal calcium supplementation
- multiple micronutrient in pregnancy
- promote breastfeeding
- appropriate complementary feeding
- vitamin A supplementation
- preventative Zn supplementation: 6-59mths
- management of severe acute malnutrition: SAM
- management of moderate acute malnutrition: MAM
what type of intervention addresses underlying determinants of nutrition?
nutrition-sensitive interventions:
-agriculture, health, social problems, early child development, education, water and sanitation
4 maternal and birth outcome interventions
- iron and folate supplementation
- maternal iodine supplementation through salt iodization
- maternal calcium supplementation
- reduce tobacco consumption and indoor air pollution
newborn babies interventions
promotion of breastfeeding
8 infants and children interventions
- promote breastfeeding
- behavior change for improved complementary feeding
- zinc supplementation
- zinc management in diarrhea
- vitamin a fortification/ supplementation
- universal salt iodization
- handwashing/ hygiene interventions
- treat severe acute malnutrition
3 broad categories of nutrition related interventions
- general nutrition interventions
- micronutrient interventions
- disease control interventions
8 examples of interventions
- food aid
- daily supplements
- sprinkles of micronutrients
- staple food fortification
- selective plant breeding/ modification: phytate reduced maize
- biofortification
- diet diversification
- education: complementary +/- food supplements, positive deviance