Pediatric Obesity: Health Implications Flashcards
Body Mass Index for Age charts
- 2-20 years
- correlates with body fat strongly above 95th percentile, modestly 85-95 percentile
- identification of excessive weight gain relative to linear growth
5 categories Body mass index in children
- Overweight: 85-94%
- Obese: >95%
- Severe obesity
a. >99th
b. > 120th of the 95th percentile: corresponds to adult class II
BMI association with co-morbidities
> 95th association
>99th greatly increased co-morbidities
current pediatric overweight & obesity status
- Obese: 18% US age 2-19 (BMI?95)
- Overweight/ obese: 30%
- income difference accounts for most ethnic variation
common health effects of childhood obesity
- obstructive sleep apnea
- metabolic syndrome: insulin resistance + hyperlipidemia + HTN
- hepatic: NAFLD
- Decreased QOL: mood/ anxiety
less common health effects of childhood obesity
- endocrine: T2DM, PCOS
- Orthopedic
persistence of overweight into adulthood
related to: parent’s weight, age of onset, severity
childhood obesity and risk of heart disease and T2DM
reversible if obesity resolves by young adulthood
what infant factor correlates strongly with later obesity?
early infant weight gain: highest quartile
physical activity
- daily goal
- sleep at 2-5yrs, 6-12 yrs, 13-18yrs
> 1hr active play/day
- 2-5yrs: 11hrs
- 6-12yrs: 10hrs
- 13-18yrs: 9hrs
physical exam
HTN acanthosis nigricans acne/ hirsustism striae organomegaly joint pain stigmata of genetic syndromes neurologic function
Start: age 10 or tanner 2; or age 2-9 if severely obese BMI >99%
- fasting lipids
- fasting glucose +/- HgA1c q1-2yrs
4 APP Stages of Interventions
- Prevention Plus: primary care
- structured weight management: PCP + dietician/ psych
- comprehensive, multidisciplinary weight management: diet, exercise, behavior
- tertiary care: controlled/ supervised diets, meds, surgery
Prevention Plus weight loss plan
5210+: 5 fruits 2 hours tv or less 1 hour activity 0 SSB \+others
motivational interviewing
- identify family’s motivating values
- Use QARrrrS: open ended questions, affirmations, reflections, rolling with resistance, reframing, summaries
principles of treatment for overweight child
- motivational interviewing
- family involvement
- Environment cleanup
- collaborative management: joint decision making (MD gives menu of changes)
- cognitive behavioral techniques: self monitoring & accountability
collaborative management
- change both diet and PA
- joint prioritizing and decision making
- MD does not dictate but gives menu of changes
- self-monitoring: if you can’t count it, you can’t change it
- Accountability: reinforcement/rewards for behavior change