Regeneration EQ1 Flashcards
What are the different types of economic activity?
Primary > agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing. Rural areas tend to have more primary employment, tending to be low paid and manual work.
Secondary > manufacturing. Mainly in northern cities but has decline over time due to global shift p.
Tertiary > retail, service and office work. Jobs are concentrated in urban areas and vary from cleaners to lawyers.
Quaternary > scientific research/IT. normally found in the south east and London.
What are the different types of employment?
- part time/full time
- temporary/permanent
- employed/self employed
In 2015 the UK had 5.6% unemployment.
What is the rural to urban continuum?
The unbroken transition from sparsely populated/unpopulated remote rural areas to densely populated intensively used urban areas.
What is the quinary sectors and examples?
The quinary sector is an important aspect of the growing knowledge economy creating prosperous areas via economic opportunities in IT and science.
Examples include the Cambridge triangle, M4 corridor and London.
What is the definition of regeneration?
The long term upgrading of existing places or more drastic schemes to improve quality of life. It is often connected with rebranding to increase an areas attractiveness and socio-economic viability.
What are the controversial aspects of work?
- gender gap (on average men are paid 10% more than women)
- Zero hour contracts encourage ‘casual work’
- temporary and seasonal work usually has low pay and not constant source of income.
What does the type of economic activity impact as area?
Economic activity in places has direct and indirect impacts of key social factors
- health
- education
- life expectancy
How can economic activity’s be measured?
It can be measured by employment and output data
- location quotients (distribution of employments by industry)
- gross domestic product (GDP)
- gross value added
- income levels
- unemployment percentage
How has economic activity carets variations in social factors - deindustrialisation of the steel industry?
Nationally steel employs 30,000 people, often in areas with high unemployment rates. However the global shift of industry to Asia have resulted in the sift of steel to reduce costs creates a huge loss of jobs. It is also estimated four other jobs will be lost for each steel worker redundancy effect whole communities (negative multiplier effect)
How has the global shift impacted the south of England?
The lower relative importance of manufacturing for the economy
of of the south east meant they were less affect by deindustrialisation. Responsible for 48% of the UKs growth output.
How does economic activity affect health levels and how is health measured?
Health can be measured by morbidity rates and life expectancy.
There is a direct link between health and type of employment
- ‘blue collar’ and manual jobs tend to have long hours, exposed to chemicals/pollutants and may be out in high danger work leading to raised risks or poor health and mortality.
- amount of income also impact health due of affordability of treatment (private) or essential medicine.
- income also impacts diet with people of low incomes tending to have a diet high in processed and fast food increase obesity levels.
- mental health may be impacted due to location of job (stuck in office)
- area live in (postcode lottery)
Postcode lottery
Refers to the uneven distribution of local personal health and services nationally.
How does type of economic activity impact life expectancy?
Life expectancy varies substantially between areas
- north south variations due to income inequality, uneven distribution of health services.
- life style choices (drugs/smoking)
How does type of economic activity impact education?
Examination success is directly linked to income levels.
- free school meals children tend to have lower educational achievements and are less likely to continue higher education. 31% of this forum achieved 5 or more GCSEs.
- more disadvantaged children may feel a lack of control over their learning and may be reluctant to carry into higher education
- public vers privates educations
- may be intergenerational cycles.
Why is there inequalities in pay levels?
- people working in the primary sector and low level service have low income that more skilled and professional sectors.
- jobs may be seasonal or insecure
- variety in cost of living