Reductionism Flashcards
Reductionism AO1
Says we can learn things can be broken down to smaller possible parts e.g. aggression is caused by genetic differences. Holism would state that the cognition can be explained better by looking at the wider perspective e.g. Case studies.
Redcutionist tends to use lab studies to control precise variables. Holistic tends to use case-studies or unstructured interviews so we can see a full interplay of different factors to look at the ‘bigger picture’.
Reductionism Examples for Y1 Topics
Social - Sherif (1954) looks at only one theory of complex behaviour. RCT misses interaction + relationship. Latane v reductionist and Hofling proved it.
Cognitive - Baddeley (1966b) Unnatural experiment as memory in every-day life is often not the same as recalling lists or orders.
Biological - Raine (1997) Reduces violent behaviour to only brain functioning and amygala. PET scans show activity in the brain but not cause & effect
Learning - Watson & Rayner (1928). Learning doesn’t just come from environment Phobias are reduced to a single cause of classical conditioning