Rediscover Your Inspiration Flashcards
Hang out with motivated people
You are the average of the people you hang out with most. Choose these people wisely. Hang out with motivated people, people you admire and look up to.
Never think you’re “there”
Don’t think you’re great, work to be great. Self-adulation leads to laziness.
Don’t attempt insignificant feats
Don’t choose small goals which are easily attainable. They don’t inspire you. Think bigger and bigger.
Be healthy and active
You have more energy, feel more motivated and more inspired. Health is a tool that can be used to your advantage or it can work against you- the great thing is it’s entirely up to you.
Read often
Great men are voracious readers.
Have tunnel vision
Don’t have a backup plan. Failure shouldn’t be an option. Focus on one goal and make it the only thing that matters.
Get excited by adversity
Don’t let it crush your enthusiasm and motivation. It’s a challenge. Rise above it and use it to grow and gain even more power.
Love problem solving
The road to success is, essentially, one big problem you have to solve. Let that journey excite you. This will determine how consistently inspired and focused you are on your goals.
Remove negative people from your life entirely
Get ride of them, and get rid of them now. Surround yourself by inspired, motivated, happy, and positive people.
Write three things you’re thankful for every day.
If you only focus on what you don’t have, happiness will always elude you. Be grateful and let the enthusiasm and energy inspire you to continue to improve your life.
Practice success
Write down your little accomplishments. Give yourself credit for any good you do. You will live as a successful person.
Be a fighter
I love a man who grins when he fights-
Winston Churchill.
Get inspired by your struggles just as a fighter is excited to step into the ring to see what they’re made of.
Eat healthy
When you are unhealthy you are depressed and sluggish. Stay away from man-made and packaged foods.
Study greatness
There are patterns to success. Study the successful. Read motivational quotes that will inspire you.
Be in nature
Remove yourself from the noise at least once a month. Find clarity and focus.