Mental Money Traps Flashcards
I need to make money
Stop believing you have to make money to have it- this leads to thinking you have to trade your time for money. Think of trading value for money. Your only value isn’t your time.
More money, more problems…
More money means new problems, not more problems.
It takes money to make money
More than three quarters of all millionaires are first-generation. They had the courage to follow up on an idea.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
There is $134 trillion on this planet. There is no shortage of money.
Another day, another dollar.
The poor think you have to exchange time for money. The rich exchange money for time because time is limited and money is not.
Money is the root of all evil.
If you are born poor, it’s not your fault. If you stay poor, it is. -Bill Gates.
You can do good things with money.
Money can’t buy happiness
These things don’t have anything to do with the other and nobody is claiming money buys happiness. But if you’re going to be unhappy, don’t be poor too.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
Nobody got rich thinking about pennies. They just got old.
A penny for your thoughts.
Your potential is only limited by your ideas.
Rich people are selfish.
Sometimes you are selfish to become self-reliant. It takes some amount of selfishness and self-esteem to create financial freedom. You better be a little selfish until you have something to share, or else you’ll spend your whole life talking about what you would do if you had money, not what you can do.
I just want enough to be comfortable…
Quickly becomes a compromise for any possibility of financial freedom.