Redemption Flashcards
Free will and Sin
God gives us free will so that we actively choose him
Therefore sin must exist
All are born with a tendency to sin
Sin broke the relationship with God and the whole of creation
Jesus’ resurrection restores this relationship and creation
God’s great plan 1
- God creates garden of Eden
- Adam+Eve are created as good and immortal but with free will
- Adam+Eve eat forbidden fruit because of their free will and create original sin
- Relationship between God and humans is broken
God’s great plan 2
- Punishment for disobedience- death, pain in labour, difficulty in work
- God gives laws to guide humans and moses through the ten commandments
- Humans break God’s laws and worship idols instead of God
- God sends prophets to guide humans
God’s great plan 3
- Humans kill prophets
- God comes to earth in the form of a man
- Jesus is killed
- Jesus rises from the dead
God’s great plan 4
- Jesus rises up to heaven
- Through jesus all can go to heaven
- Relationship with God is restored
- God and humans enjoy relationship
(Examples of redemption in the bible) The Crucifixion
-Jesus the Example
Jesus knew he’d suffer but accepts it
His total obedience sets an example
-Jesus the Restorer
Acts as a ‘New Adam’ as he restored the relationship between humanity and God
Temple curtain tore showing Jesus’ death broke the barrier between God and humans
-Jesus the Victor
He experinced pain, suffering and deatg
All can share in his victory as they can reach heaven
(Examples of redemption in the bible) The Resurrection
When Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene after ressurecting, she didnt recognise him (he looked different). He had entered a new creation as his act of atonement had made creation more perfect.
He destroyed the power of sin and death - “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1 Cor)
(Examples of redemption in the bible) Ascenision
-Jesus expected his disciples to spread his teachings after he was gone in order to help people reach redemption (heaven)
-The disciples were told that Jesus would rejoin them in the future. This shows that Jesus will complete the redemption of the world at the end of time.
He restored the cosmic order
40 days after resurrection
(Examples of redemption in the bible) Pentecost
-At Pentecost, the disciples were filled with the power of the Holy spirit.
-This gave them the courage and ability to go out and teach about Jesus, helping others reach salvation
-Fire and wind symbolised the presence of God
-Pentecost was 50 days after the resurrection. (10 days post ascension)
St Irenaeus’s metaphor for redemption
Tries to link events in the Garden of Eden to Jesus using the metaphor “tree of the cross”
-the tree created the need for salvation; it caused the broken human-God relationship
-the cross brought salvation for all through Jesus’s death. It restores the God-human relationship
St Anselm’s metaphor for redemption
Uses the metaphor of slavery. During the slave trade, a slave could be free if someone paid a ransom to their ‘owner’.
-after the fall, humans became slaves to sin
-Jesus’ sacrifice was the ransom
For christians, the conscience is the voice of God in their heart, guiding them to make the right choices.
“The most secret core of a man… where he is alone with God”-Second Vatican council.
(Sides of the conscience) Natural instincts
People instinctively know the morally correct thing to do (natural law)
(Sides of the conscience) The side which needs to be educated
Needs to be shaped and developed so we interpret it correctly. This can be done by listening to others: the Church and teachings (Bible, magisterium, tradition)
Why is the conscience important to Christians?
A consicence helps people to live by the moral truth, and to understand right and wrong. The conscience is the guidance offered by an individual’s humanity.
Catechism of the catholic church on conscience
“Personal conscience and reason should not be set in opposition to the moral law or the magisterium of the Church”
(Redemption in the mass) The readings (liturgy of the word)
Reminds Catholics of how God has guided them
In Gospel, Jesus demonstrates how God loves, heals, restores and forgives all people.
(Redemption in the mass) offertory
People present bread and wine to God as a sign of thanksgiving
(Redemption in the mass) Eucharistic prayer + communion
Repeats Jesus’ words at last supper: “this is my body…this is the blood of the new and everlasting covenant”.
-shows he anticipated his death
-breaking bread and pouring wine symbolised his death which was for the redemption
-the covenant is sealed with his death. It won’t end
-the last supper celebrated passover (when jews were freed from slavery). We celebrate our freedom from sin.
We recieve the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. Brings us closer to Christ, gives power and grace to resist temptation.
(Redemption in the mass) Our Father
Through Christ’s redemption, believers are allowed to call God ‘father’. Christ taught us the our father.
(Redemption in the mass) the end of mass
After silent reflection on the gift of the eucharist, catholics go and share Christ’s presence in their daily actions