Creation Flashcards
The creation of Adam
Painted 1508 by michaelangelo. Adam’s depicted as the perfect man, God is transcendent
Miere’s Mosaic
Streaks of light (“let there be light”), circle (everlasting), light goes all over (omnipotent), white light (God’s creation is pure?), cloud represents heaven, right hand (Jesus sits at the right hand of the father), Reducing God to human?
Creation of Adam: Adam and God
Both look powerful and muscular and lying in similar positions. Adam isn’t fully alive - he’s waiting for God to bring him life. Shows humanity depends on God for life.
Creation of Adam: God
God looks old, shows he’s eternal and Adam isn’t. Slightly pink robe- not white (pure). Could possibly suggest God isn’t truly pure: sent ten plagues and having Abraham almost kill his son.
Creation of Adam: big red cloth
Red is symbol of the heart- Gods in our heart. Also symbol of the lungs. Reminiscent of when God breathed life into Adam.
Looks like a brain. God gives us the knowledge we seek as well as God’s teachings shaping how we think, feel, what is right and wrong.
Creation of Adam: Adam
Adam is shown as a perfect man. Links to teaching in Genesis when God made everything “very good”. Also shows God bringing humanity to life, not any other species. Shows humans are unique and specifically close to God.
Creation of Adam: Adam is naked…
…but God isn’t. Reflects teaching in Genesis that Adam and Eve ate the apple, opened their eyes and saw they were naked and clothed themselves. Supports notion of omniscient God as God is clothed, suggesting he knows everything already.
Creation of Adam: angels
God’s being carried by angels- shows he’s transcendent (beyond life on earth and outside the universe)
Creation of Adam: reaching
God and Adam reach out for eachother- may show they both want a close relationship. But, Adam doesn’t try as hard as God- may show he is lazy and disobedient (The Fall) or is weaker than God and doesn’t have the strength to reach further.
Creation of Adam: counter arguements
Genesis 2:7 says God gave Adam life through breathing into him, not touching him. God and Adam are nearly the same size suggesting that they’re equal which is against catholic teaching.
Hand of God: Light
Steaks of Light- God said “let there be light” in Genesis 1. The light reaches all around showing God’s omnipotence and how far creation reaches.
Hand of God: circle around the edge
Could represent God’s everlasting power and existence as circles have no begining nor end. Could also be Jesus’ crown of thorns- Meiere suggesting that Jesus’ death was known of at the begining of time.
Hand of God: God’s Hand
Not fully outstretched- God’s involved but not fully showing his transcendence. His hand is bigger than the cloud, showing his power.
Hand of God: how God’s presented
A greater sense of God as a creator than Michaelangelo’s as it looks as though God is using less effort. God is infinite and great so it is impossible to know what he looks like.
Hand of God: counter arguements
God having a hand still shows him as a human, or human like, just in a bigger form, which shows him as less superior to man.
Beyond and outside the universe. God created the world without much effort. “Let there be light” he created light because he felt like it.
Days of creation
- Day and night
- Sky
- Earth, sea and plants
- Sun, moon, stars
- Fish and birds
- Animals and humans
- Rest
Genesis 1
Creation of the universe