Recording decisions at incidents Flashcards
Types of records used for recording decisions at incidents?
- Automated/system based ie- IMS/BOSS
- Statements - signed & witnessed (FIU & Police)
usually after fatal fires. - Contemporaneous notes, to support writing a statement especially if statement is made at a later date, ie PRC’s or legal court. (Notes to be made ASAP/within 24hrs)
- Decision logs, hand written on CU’s/Command support pumps.
Key decision log form?
What information goes on a KDL form?
- Name of person making decision
- A decision number (maybe more than 1)
- Time of log entry made
- Time action was, or is intended to be made/carried out.
- Location (sector 1/bridgehead etc)
- Description of action
- Impact of carrying out the action
- Risk assessment carried out.
Decisions recorded on?
- Key decision log pad. F6182
- Command unit decision log. (Gathering & thinking tools on CSS)
- Key decision log (found in Strategic development tools in CSS)
Once a KDL has been completed what MUST follow?
Risk assessment and a ranking matrix used.
When considering decision logging, a clear distinction should be made between -
a) Decisions to carry out an action that does NOT create any additional risk to operational crews and which does NOT amend or change any current ops procedure, but had a significant impact on members of the public & other services, ie long term rail/road closures, evacuation of properties.
b) Decisions that lead to actions not covered by Ops policy/procedures, requires additional safety measures to reduce risk.