Receptors Flashcards
generating a generator potential in a pacinian corpuscle
1) mechanical stimulus (pressure) deforms the lamellae and stretch mediated sodium ion channels
2) sodium ion channels open → sodium ions diffuse into the sensory neurone → more pressure → more sodium ion channels open → more sodium
ion in
3) if generator potential reaches threshold, action potential is triggered
what does the pacinian corpuscle illustrate?
receptors only respond to one type of stimuli
Rods and cones: fovea
RODS: absent at fovea, more at periphery of retina
CONES: concentrated at fovea, fewer at periphery of retina
Rods : visual acuity
lower visual acuity
rods connected in groups to one neuron (retinal convergence)
spatial summation
many neurones stimulate one impulse
can’t distinguish between separate sources of light
Cones : visual acuity
-cones have higher visual acuity
-one cone connects to one neurone
-two adjacent cone cells are stimulated, brain receives two separate impulses
-can distinguish between two separate light sources
Rods : light sensitivity
- rods are more sensitive to light
- many rods are connected to one neurone (retinal convergence)
- spatial summation
- stimulation of each cell alone is insufficient whereas cells connected in groups mean threshold is more likely to be met
Cones : light sensitivity
- cones are less sensitive to light
- one cone connects to one neurone
- no spatial summation
Cones : sensitivity to colour
- allows colour vision
- 3 different types of cones
- has different optical pigments which absorb different wavelengths of light
Rods : sensitivity to colour
- rods allow black and white vision
- only one type of pigment