Cell structure Flashcards
Smooth Endoplasmic Rectilium
-lacks ribosomes on surface
-synthesise, stores, transports lipids
-synthesise, stores, transports carbohydrates
contains genetic material
controls cell’s activity
Nuclear envelope
-double membrane
-outer membrane continuous with the ER
-controls entry and exit of materials
Nuclear pores
allows passage or large molecules eg messenger RNA
makes up the bulk of the nucleus
-within nucleoplasm
-manufactures rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
-double membrane
-inner two membranes folded to form cristae
-large surface area for the attachment of enzymes and proteins involved in respiration
-produces ATP (energy carrier)
MATRIX- enzymes involved in respiration found in the matrix
carry out photosynthesis
Chloropast Envelope
double plasma membrane
stacks of disc like structures which make up thylakoids
contain chlorophyll
fluid filled matrix
has enzymes needed to make sugars
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
-ribosomes of the outer surface
-large surface area for protein synthesis
-provide pathway for transport material
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
-lacks ribosomes on surface
-synthesises, stores, transports lipids
-synthesises, stores, transports carbohydrates
Golgi Apparatus
-stack of membranes that make up flattened sacs (cisternae)
-proteins and lipids produced by the ER pass through thr Golgi apparatus
-Golgi modifies protein adding non-protein components eg carbohydrate
-labels them so they can be sent to the correct place
-after sorted Golgi vesicles pinch off from the ends of the cisternae and released via cell membrane
-contain lysozymes
-enzymes hydrolyse cell walls of certain bacteria
-digests worn out organelles so useful chemicals can be reused
-present in the cytoplasm and RER
-has 2 subunits, rRNA and protein
-80S in eukaryotic
-70S in prokaryotic
site of protein synthesis
cell wall
cellulose microfibrils have high strength so contribute to the overall strength
prevents cells from bursting under pressure
single membrane (tonoplast)
solution contains a mix of salts and sugars
maintains pressure in cells prevents plant from wilting