RBC and Anemia Flashcards
What are anemias?
Diseases associated with decreased RBC or hemoglobin/100 ml of blood
What do anemias result in?
Result in decreased O2 delivery (fatigue and can lead to death).
What are Normal: RBC: 5x106/l, Hb: 15g/dl
5x10^6/uL, Hb: 15g/dL
How are anemias classified?
on etiology (cause) or morphology (size and Hb content).
What are ways red blood cells are evaluated?
using HCT, RBCs count, Hb concentrations, Mean Cell volume (MCV), and Mean Cell Hb Concentration (MCHC)
What is Hemorrhagic
blood loss and parasitism
What are examples of etiology of Anemia?
Hemorhagic, Aplastic Anemia, Nutritional, Hemolytic Anemia.
What is aplastic anemia?
failure of the bone marrow to produce RBCs.
What may cause aplastic anemia?
(Radiation, severe toxemia, cancer of the bone marrow)
What causes anemia via nutritional factors?
lack of Vitamin B12, Fe, Cu or any dietary factors
What factor is Pernicious anemia (megaloblastic anemia) caused by?
What is Pernicious anemia (megaloblastic anemia)?
Absence of secretion by the stomach of the intrinsic factor, or deficiency of B12
Efficient absorption of dietary Vitamin B12 requires?
an interaction with , the intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein
The complex attaches to _____ ______ _______ and B12 is transferred into the circulation.
the intestinal wall (ileum)
Why is Vitamin B12 is important ?
for Hb synthesis and cell maturation
_______ ____ is necessary for DNA synthesis.
Vitamin B12
Without B12 the cell continues to produce RNA and cellular substance, but not?
Dietary deficiencies of Fe and folic deficiency and Cu deficiency (needed for enzyme activity) also may cause ________.
What is Immunogenic Hemolytic anemia?
blood transfusions, Toxins, e.g., snake venom
What is Hereditary hemolytic anemia?
Sickle Cell Anemia, a chronic hemolytic disease
What causes Sickle Cell in the DNA level?
Valine is substituted for glutamic acid in the beta chain for hemoglobin.
In Sickle Cell, when RBC loses their O2?
the cells assume a sickle cell shape, stick together and hemolysis occurs
What is Erythroblastosis fetalis ?
or simply hemolytic disease of the newborn.
When does Erythroblastosis fetalis occur?
Rh+ child; Rh- mother. Mother produces antibodies against fetal RBCs causing agglutination and lysis of fetal RBCs
What is Thalassemia (alpha or beta)?
Impairments of the formation of alpha or beta chains of hemoglobin.
In Thalassemia cells are produced with little what and what happens to their structure?
with little hemoglobin. They are small and fragile
What do laboratory tests for anemia look for?
Reduction in cell mass means the patient is anemic.
What does high plasma protein mean?
dehydration, anemia may be even severe.
If the anemia is there, a question needs to be asked..Is bone marrow responsive? if so what increases?
If it is responsive (reticulocyte count increases), anemia is regenerative.
What occurs in In regenerative anemia?
the bone marrow responds by producing and releasing into the circulation of immature RBCs.
What are reticulocytes?
immature RBCs.
_________ ________ is more regenerative than blood loss
Hemolytic anemia
What can be useful markers for some red blood cells hemolysis?
Morphological abnormalities
When are Spherocytes seen?
in immune mediated hemolytic anemia.
In immune mediated hemolytic anemia where as Heinz bodies represent what?
denaturation and oxidation of the Hb in dogs.
What does Hemogram count?
What is evaluated in Evaluation of RBC morphology ?
macrocytic, microcytic, shape, fragility.
In hypochromic anemia, reduction in weight of?
Hb in the average corpuscle is even greater than the decrease in average cell size. MCHC is abnormal (
What is Normocytic, normochromic anemia?
Decreased number of RBC. Acute hemorrhage.
Microcytic, hypochromic anemia are what type of anemia?
iron deficiency anemia.
chronic hemorrhage can cause anemia due to what?
Macrocytic, normochromic anemia are used to clarify what type of anemia?
pernicious anemia.
When does Physiologic polycythemia occur?
High altitude.
Polycythemia vera occurs when?
a tumorous condition of the organs that produce RBC (HCT=75%) Normal Arterial O2.
What are the effects of polycythemia?
increased viscosity, increased circulation time (2minutes instead of 1 minute, decrease flow rate (sluggish), and increase work on heart)
Spherocytes: Macrophages partially remove antibody coated RBCs memebrane and are present where?
animals with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
What causes Morphological abnormalities: Heinz bodies?
Due to oxidation and denaturation of Hb