Rat Diseases Flashcards
What is the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis in the rat and causes abscesses in the lungs, liver,kidney, and skin
Corynebacterium kuscheri
Describe the appearance of C. kuscheri on gram stain
G+ rod in “Chinese letter” formation
Describe the gram stain appearance of Clostridium piliforme, what disease does this bacterium cause?
G- spore forming bacillus that causes Tyzzer’s dz
Clinical signs of Pasteurella pneumotropica in the rat?
Often asymptomatic may cause conjunctivitis, metritis, mastitis
What is the causative agent of rat bite fever?
Streptobacillus moniliformis
Name 3 Helicobacter species that can be found in the rat
H. muridarum, H. trogontum, H. bilis
This bacterium can be found near respiratory cilia in rats and coinfection with Mycoplasma result in suppurative bronchopneumonia
Cilia-associated respiratory bacillus
Name the causative agent of murine respiratory mycoplasmosis
Mycoplasma pulmonis
Name the causative agent of hemobartonellosis in rats
Haemobartonella muris
This common G- commensal is noted for its ability to form biofilms
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
If S. moniliformis is detected in a laboratory rat colony it is indicates exposure to …
Wild rats
What parasite is associated with rodent hemobartonellosis?
Polyplax spinulosa (louse)
Sendai virus is what type of virus? (DNA vs RNA, genus, species)
RNA virus, Paramyxovirus parainfluenza 1
True or false: Sendai virus is more pathogenic in rats than mice
False, often self-limiting
What viruses have a tropism for salivary glands?
Rat Corona Virus (RCV-P and RCV-SDA)
Name the 2 major coronaviruses that effect rats
Parker’s rat coronavirus (RCV-P) Sialodacryoadenitis virus (RCV-SDA)
Name two viral rat diseases that can be controlled by allowing them to “burn out”
Rat Corona virus and Sendai virus
What viral agents can be an infectious cause of corneal opacities and ulcers in juvenile rats
Rat corona virus
Name 3 parvoviruses that affect rats
Kilham’s rat virus (RV), Toolan’s H1, and rat parvovirus (RPV)
What type of nucleic acids do parvoviruses have (RNA? DNA? SS? DS?)
Name two paramyxoviruses that can affect rats
Sendai virus and Pneumonia virus of mice
What family and genus does Hantavirus belong to?
Genus Hantavirus and family Bunyaviridae
What laboratory rodent species can be a reservoir for the Hantavirus that causes pulmonary syndrome
Cotton rat (Sigmodon hispudus)
Name the pathogen: This microsporidian pathogen causes clinical clinical signs in rabbits but is clinically silent and rare in rats
Encephalitozoan cuciculi
What is the primary differential for E. cuniculi in a rat and how can you differentiate between the two?
E. cuniculi, 1x2 μm, stain well with Gram and poorly with HE
T. gondii, 2x4 μm, stain well with HE and poorly with Gram
Name 2 GI flagellates in rats
Spironucleus muris
Giardia muris
Name the commensal GI amoeba of rats, mice, and hamsters
Entamoeba muris
Name 3 oxyurid nematodes that can affect rats, which of theses is the most common?
Syphacia muris (most common)
Syphacia obvelata
Aspicularis tetraptera
How long is the lifecycle of Syphacia muris?
11-15 days
Where are Syphacia eggs deposited?
Perianal area
How long is the life cycle of Aspicularis tetraptera?
23-25 days
Where are Aspicularis eggs deposited?
Passed in feces
How can Syphacia eggs and Aspicularis eggs be differentiated on light microscopy?
Syphacia- flatted on one side
Aspicularis- bilaterally symmetrical “football”
Name the nematode that can be found in the urinary bladder of rats
Tricosomoides crassicauda
Name thegastric nematode that can cause gastric tumors in rats
Gongylonema neoplasticum
Name two cestodes of lab rats
Hymenolepis dimenuta
Rodentolepis nana (called Hymenolepis nana in the blue book)
Taenia taeniaformis larva (cysts) may also be seen in rats
What is the most likely ectoparasite to be encountered in the laboratory rat?
Radfordia ensifera
Name the causative agent of pediculosis in the laboratory rat?
Polypax spinulosa
What diagnostic should be performed when a Polypax spinulosa infestation is detected to assess for a common coinfection
Blood smears for Haemobartonella muris
Name that rat pathogen: This fungus is present in immunocompetent rats and causes pneumonitis in immunocompromised rats
Pneumocystis carinii
Common age-related kidney disease in the rat
Chronic progressive nephropathy
Large granular lymphocytic leukemia is prevelent in which rat strain
Fischer 344 rats
Classifiaction of most pituitary tumors in the rat
Chromophobe adenomas