Rapporteren En Evalueren Flashcards
Soorten publiek
Faculteit Journal reviewers Beleidsmakers Onderwijsveld praktijk Conferentie reviewer Onderzoeker
Soorten research rapporten
Dissertations en theses Dissertation en theses proposals Journal artikel Conference papier Report voor beleidsmakers
Doel proposals
In toestemmingsprocedure
Geeft info aan Gatekeepers
Geeft criteria voor kwaliteit
Proposals kwant inhoud
Titelpagina Abstract Introduction sotp, purpose rq h, theoretical, Def of termes, delimitations Review Methods, design, procedures instruments, reliability validity, data analyse, preliminary results, potential ethical issues Timeline, budget, chapter outline References Appendices
Format proposals kwal
Titel Samenvatting Introductie, sotp, purpose rq limitations Procedure, methode design data analyse procedure, rol onderzoeker ethische issues, validatie methode Voorlopigheid bevindingen Anticipated outcomes, lit review Timeline budget, chapter outline Referenced Appendices
Research report Def
Completed study that reports an
Exploration OR investigation of a problem
Identifies q to Be addressed
Inclused data collected, analyzed AND interpreted by researcher
Composers for Audiences, varies in lenght AND format
AND differs for quant en qual research
Tips journal article
Korter 25 p
Kwal langer dan kwant
Tips conference papier
25 p
Helpt te publiceren
Gesponsord door prof organisatie
Proposals van drie blz volgens richtlijnen conf.
Rapport beleidsmakers tips
Opsomming resultaat en highlight hoofdbevindingen
Presenteer resultaat simpel en helder
Start met 1 pagina overall samenvatting
Met toestemming van hen die meegewerkt hebben en org,
Kwant structuur
Titel, abstract
Introduction, sotp, purpose st. rq h theoretical explanations
Review , previous r , Major themes, entend
Methods, sample, access permission, instruments reliability validity,
Procedures data collection, analysis of data
Results, descriptive, Inferential to address rq h, tablets,figures
Discussion, samenvatting hoofdresultaat, relatie bestaande studies, limitations, implicaties future, overall significante
Kwal structuur
Front: titel, (dankwoord, inhoudsopgave, lijst tabellen, lijst figuren, samenvatting optioneel)
Introductie:sotp, purpose statement
Procedures: rationale for qual approach, sample AND site, access AND permission, data gAthering strategies, data analyse approach
Findings: descriptive of IND OR sites, analyse of themes
Discussion: Major findings, comparison with excisting studies, limitations, implicaties future research, overall significante
Wanneer gebruik je een quant scientific structure
Bij case study en grounded theory studies
Wanneer gebruik je een quant storytelling structure
Bij designs als ethnographies en narrative designs
Alternatieve vormen kwal rapport
Scientific, case study, grounded theory
Storytelling, etnographic, narrative
Thematic, grounded theory, etnographic, narrative
Descriptive, narrative
Theoretical, theoretical Oriented
Experimental, alternative, performance approach
Elementen storytelling structure
Specific description ind. of interest
Authors relation OR connection participant
Data collected
Specific incident to understand the IND.life
Meaning of the incident
Larger understanding of the group of people
Comparison/meaning other studies
Authors personal meaning of IND en events