Random_6 Flashcards
Primary vs Secondary TB
- Primary TB - consolidation, LAD, pleural effusion
- Secondary TB - upper lung zone, cavitation
Giant hepatic hemangioma
- > 4cm in diameter
- can be complicated by acute hemorrhage - acute abdominal pain, lesion enlargement, hyperdense foci on CT, hyperintense T1 and hypointense rings/bands on T2
Chiari malformation
- Chiari I malformation
- underdeveloped posterior fossa
- normal sized cerebellum tries to fit in –> inferior tonsillar herniation
- children > 7mm
- adults > 5mm
- CSF outflow obstruction at the level of foramen magnum
- Rx - sx decompression to restore and maintain CSF flow
- Chiari II malformation
- associated with midline abnormality and neural tube defect - myelomeningocele
West Nile Virus
- WNV can cause a poliomyelitis-like syndrome with acute flaccid paralysis of the extremities typically with sensory sparing.
MRI of the spine will often appear normal but in some instances may demonstrate enhancement of the anterior horn or ventral nerve roots. - Enhancing ventral nerve roots on MRI is a relatively nonspecific finding and may be seen in a number of other conditions aside from WNV including, DDx
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- meningitis
- neurosarcoidosis
Where does inferior alveolar nerve run?
Within the mandibular canal.
Exits through the mental foramen anteriorly.
Anatomy of the mandible
Actually ossification of the
anterior longitudinal ligament
and maybe
posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL)
WITH OR WITHOUT osteophytes
What to do when you are unsure whether something is truely SDH or just brain parenchyma cut-through funny?
Repeat the study!
Hopefully by then the cut will be different and you can tell!!
Ewing sarcoma
- age of onset - most common 11-15y/o, vast majority <15 y/o
- compared to osteosarcoma 10-25 y/o
- most common location - pelvis
- the most common malignancy arising from the ribs in pediatric patients - Ewing sarcoma
What drug gives you tracheobronchial calcification?
MM patients can have what kind of nodules in the lungs?
How do you differentiate pericardial from myocardial calcifications?
- Pericardial calcification - along the RV, AV grooves
- Myocardial calcification - along the LV
In-utero bowel perforation
from meconium
meconium peritonitis
- 3 stages:
- early lytic phase (hot on bone scan),
- intermediate or mixed phase,
- osteoblastic or cold phase (minimal activity or normal bone activity on bone scan)
- Bone scans are more sensitive than radiographs and help define extent of disease, since most patients have more than one bone involved
- Typical appearance of Paget’s disease in long bone –> starts at the end of the bone and advances along shaft of the bone expanding the cortex!!! almost always starts at the epiphysis!!! (“candle flame”, “blade of grass”)
- 1% undergo sarcomatous degeneration - other complications would include pain, insufficiency fractures, compressive neuropathy
- Etiology: Unknown, but possibly connected to parvomyxovirus, environmental factors
Typical MR appearance of AVN
- T2 or PD hyperintense - hyperemia and granulation tissue
- T1 hypointense margin - linear sclerosis
Patellar chondromalacia
Patellar tendon - lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome
Hoffa’s fat pad impingement syndrome
- anterior knee pain, esp climbing stairs
- grading
- I - softening and swelling
- II - fissuring
- III - less than full depth
- IV - full depth, exposing subchondral bone
- associated with patellar maltracking, e.g., patellar alta
- T2 hyper in the Hoffa’s fat pad; fraying of the apical and lateral patellar cartilage
Most common acquired deafness in children
- labyrinthine ossificans
- ossification of membranous labyrinth
- complications of OM or meningitis
- hazy foggy appearance of bones
- loss of signal on MR
Indications for breast MR
- staging for Rx plannig - masectomy vs lumpectomy
- indeterminate lesion on Mammo or US, and when breast bx is cannot be done
- dense breasts (not proven yet)
- axillary node with unknown primary - negative mammogram/US
- restage post-Rx
- high risk screening
Most important sequences for breast MR
Dynamic acquisition
- steady - normal
- plateau - indeterminate
- washout - bad
other features that are worrisome for malignancy
- spiculated borders
- peripheral enhancement
- regional/blotchy enhancement
- ductal enhancement
Which patients are considered high risk for breast cancer?
- risk > 20%
- BRCA-1/2 - starts screening 10 years before diagnosis of the index relative
- childhood radiation - starts screening 8 years after radiation
Spindle cell…
is a buzz word for … ?
Sarcomatoid tumors
DDx for VERY fast growing tumor in the chest
- sarcoma
- lymphoma
I-131 uptake may be physiologic in
- Uterine fibroids
Carney syndrome
- extra-adrenal paragangliomas
- pulmonary chondroma/hamartomas
What is MIBI?
Lipophilic cation
Attacted to mitochondria
- TcO4-
- attached to Tc99m - water solube compound
- b/c it is negatively charged anion, can replace I- in NaI / I123 in thyroid imaging - only measures thyroid uptake, not organification
- also used in
- thyroid scan
- RBC/MUGA scan
- splenic tissue
- Meckel’s scan - actively accumulated and secreted by gastric mucosa
Pulmonary vasculitides and serum markers
- Wegeners granulomatosis - C-ANCA
- Churg-Strauss syndrome - P-ANCA
- Goodpasture’s - anti-GBM Ab
Distribution of Goodpastures alveolar hemorrhage?
- bilateral
- perihilar
- relative apical sparing
- bimodal age distribution
- Opacity - when you can count 1,2, or 3 opacities
- Opacification - use it when you have diffuse opacification and not numerable
Calcification of vas deferens?
What are the most two common causes of mycetomas?
- Old TB cavity
- Sarcoid cavity
Angioinvasive aspergilloma
Completely different entities!!!
- fungus ball occupying pre-existing cavities from TB or sarcoid
- no surrounding GGO
- may bleed, not b/c it’s angioinvasive, but b/c neovasculature friable and tend to bleed
- Monod sign
Angioinvasive asperigilloma
- no need for pre-existing cavities
- lung consolidations with surrounding GGO - halo sign
- centrally necrotic lung pulling inward - air crescent sign
When does V1 enter and exit the orbit?
- Enter: through the superior orbital fissure
- Exit: through the supra-orbital foramen
Collaterals to the vertebral artery
- ECA branches - occipital artery branches
- SCA branches
- thyrocervical trunk
- inferior thyroid artery
- anterior cervical artery
Swyer-James Syndrome
- obliterative bronchiolitis triggered by certain infections prior to lung maturity (<8y/o)
- adenovirus (most common)
- mycoplasma
- TB
- bordatella pertussis
- measles
- hypoplastic pulmonary artery with an associated small lung/lobe/segment
- hyperinflation of the uninvolved lung***
- most asymptomatic, children may present with recurrent infections
DDx for unilateral hyperlucent lung
- extra-pulmonary
- Poland syndrome
- mastectomy
- thoracic
- pneumothorax
- pulmonary
- vascular
- PE
- airway
- foreign body
- congenital lobar emphysema
- compensatory - pathology is on contralateral side
- prior pneumonectomy
- Swyer James
- pulmonary agenesis
- vascular
How to tell a ureteric stone on US?
- highly echogenic
- posterior shadowing
- twinkling artifact on doppler US
- generated by a random strong reflection and
multiple inner reflections of the incidental US beam at a rough interface formed
by a crystalline aggregate of stones
- generated by a random strong reflection and
Normal diameter of panncreatic duct
Sarah Kelly’s pet peeves
- DON’T say right-sided or left-sided; SAY right or left
- DON’T use note is made of, noted too often; mix it up; say there is…
- LIMIT the use of “appears”
- DON’T repeat HEPATIC/RENAL cysts often
- “STATISTICALLY represent renal/hepatic cysts”
- neuronal migration disorder
- due to genetic mutation OR in utero insult
- Ch 17
- CMV infxn is a common cause
- arrest of neuronal migration –> sparse white matter; poorly developed corticospinal tracts
- developmental delay & seizures
- imaging features
- diffuse cortical thinning
- poor formation of cortical gyri - pachygyri
- sparse white matter –> compensatory dilatation of lateral ventricles
- no contrast enhancement
- if related to CMV infxn, may have subcortical calcification
- band heterotopia
- a type of lissencephaly
- a symmetric band of gray matter embedded within WM