Random stuff for final Flashcards
Types of pneumonias
- Bronchopneumonias
- Interstitial
- granulomatous
- embolic-metastatic
- aspiration
- special
Types of bronchopneumonias
- serous
- desquamative
- catarrhal
- suppurative
- fibrinous (croupous)
Typical septicemia lesions
- hemorrhages
- serositis, serofibrinous exudate
- fibrinous polyarthritis
- fibrinous optalmithitis
- enlarged Ln’s & spleen (acute hypermeic splenitis)
- meningitis
- white spotted kidney - cortical abscess, nephritis
- infection can localize in intestines causing enteritis
1) Double aortic arch
2) Agenesia/hypoplasia (agenesia= absence, hypoplasia= heart is underdeveloped & smaller)
3) Ectopial cordis - heart is outside thorax
4) Endocardial fibroelastosis - thickening of endocardium
5) Failure of closure of fetal cardiovascular shunts
6) Tetralogy of Fallot
7) Failure of normal valvular development
8) Malpositioning of great vessels
Types of cardiovascular shunts developmental anomalies
-Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA): blood vessel bw pulm. artery & aorta
-Atrial septal defect
•Foramen ovale Ø close
•Sinus venosus atrial septal defect: bw the 2 vena cavae
-Ventricular septal defect: septum Ø properly developed bw the two ventricles
What is Tetralogy of Fallot?
Combination of 4 congenital heart abnormalities:
- Ventricular septal defect
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Dextroposition of aorta - aorta is located directly over a ventricular septal defect instead of over the LV
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
Types of heart valve developmental anomalies
- Pulmonary stenosis –> pulm. valve is too small/narrow/stiff: subvalvular or valvular stenosis, “jet effect”, concentric RV hypertrophy
- Subaortic stenosis –> obstruction under aortic valve: LV outflow obstruction, concentric LV hypertrophy, dilation of aorta
- Valvular dysplasia – of bi-or tricuspid valves
- Valvular cysts
Types of heart vessel developmental anomalies
Dextroposition of aortic arch
- german shepherd, irish setter
- lig.arteriosum ligates the esophagus & trachea–> megaesophagus
Para tuberculosis TB Histoplasmosis Bovine papular stomatitis FMD Fusobacterium Necrophorum Swine influenza Malleus Orthopox Pseudopox Orf - parapox Toxoplasmosis Rabies Swine erysipelas S. suis Brucella orchitis EIA Necrobacillosis R. Equi Anthrax
Types of pericarditis
- Fibrinous pericarditis
- Suppurative/ichorous pericarditis
- Constrictive pericarditis
Regressive changes in the heart muscle
- Clowdy swelling
- Fatty degeneration: anemia, toxemia (tiger heart)
- Hydropic degeneration: doxorubicin toxicity, autointoxication (eg: stomach rupture)
- Lipofuscinosis - old age, newborns, cachexia (brown)
- Myofibrillar degeneration-furazolidone toxicity in birds
- Myocardial atrophy
- Myocardial necrosis
Types of myocarditis
- Serous myocarditis
- Lympho-histiocytic myocarditis
- Purulent myocarditis (suppurative)
- Ichorous myocarditis: saprophytic bacteria
- Eosinophilic myocarditis: allergies, parasites
- Necrotic myocarditis
Types of endocarditis
- Mostly bacterial cause
- Valvular endocarditis (lesions on valve)
- Parietal endocarditis (lesions on the wall)
- Chronic (verrucosus)
- Acute (vegetative)