Random Peds Stuff 2 Flashcards
numerous fractures in various stages of healing, presence of blue sclerae, short stature
osteogenesis imperfecta
fine, pink, sandpaper-like rash following episode of pharyngitis. Rash is in flexural areas and desquamates (shedding of top layer) but does not cause blistering or a positive nikolsky sign.
scarlet fever - group A strep
What is nikolsky sign?
The detachment of a superficial layer of skin when gentle pressure is applied
What are the most common bleeding disorders in children?
hemophilias and von willebrand disease
What are the findings in the CSF for viral meningitis? gram stain?
- WBCs elevated (pleocytosis) w/ lymphocytic predominance
- protein level normal to slightly elevated
- glucose normal
- gram stain shows no organisms
18 month old girl with rash and blisters. Fever that responded well to ibuprofen. Erythema and peeling skin on mouth, axillae, inguinal areas. Superficial flaccid bullae and an erythematous rash. Slight focal pressure results in sloughing of the top layer of skin.
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
What is viral meningitis ? What are the most likely viruses causing it?
Self-limited inflammation of the leptomeninges caused by viral infection. 90% of cases are caused by echovirus and coxsackievirus
well demarcated, warm, tender area of erythema. No diffuse rash or shedding.
erysipelas - Group A strep
Injury pattern of non accidental trauma
1) subdural & epidural hematomas
2) retinal hemorrhage
3) frenulum treas and gingival lesions
4) linear type immersion burns
5) long bone fractures in the humerus or femur
patient appearing well, blister confined to primary area of infection. Ruptured blister leaves a honey-colored crust
bullous impetigo - S. aureus
What test is used to diagnosis osteogenesis imperfecta?
type 1 collagen assay
What is the treatment for viral meningitis?
supportive as symptoms will resolve within 7-10 days
pathogenesis of SSSS
infection of staph aureus that produces exfoliative toxins, which disrupt keratinocyte adhesion in the superficial epidermis.
Describe the clinical picture of viral meningitis
viral prodrome, consitutional and upper respiratory symptoms with low grade fever. Over the next 36-48 hours patient develops high fevers, headache, irritability and nuchal rigidity. Focal neurological findings are usually not seen
targetoid lesions with central bullae. Nikolsky sign negative.
erythema multiforme
If a patient had bacterial meningitis, what would the CSF results say? gram stain?
- increased WBC with predominant neutrophils
- increased protein
- decreased glucose
- gram stain will show bacteria
What are patients with sickle cell disease most at risk for?
Severe anemia
Aplastic crisis
A sudden drop in RBC production (erythropoiesis)
- acute drop in hemoglobin (severe, often <6g/dL)
- low reticulocyte count (<1%)
- NO splenomegly
- normal WBC and platelet count
What is the most common cause of aplastic crisis?
parvovirus B19
What is the treatment of aplastic crisis?
blood transfusions
What are the acute severe anemia crisis that can in occur in a patient with sickle cell disease?
1) aplastic crisis
2) splenic sequestration crisis
What causes splenic sequestration?
vasoocclusion and pooling of red blood cells in the spleen.
What are the features in splenic sequestration crisis?
- increased reticulocytes
- splenic vaso-occlusion –> rapidly enlarging spleen
- occurs in children prior to autosplenectomy
What are some triggers for generalized seizures
- fever
- hypoglycemia
- sleep deprivation