random Flashcards
elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
of persuasion is a dual process theory describing the change of attitudes. The ELM was developed by Richard E. Petty and John Cacioppo in 1980. The model aims to explain different ways of processing stimuli, why they are used, and their outcomes on attitude change.
elaboration: At higher levels of elaboration, people are more likely to think over an issue carefully, but, at lower levels, they may make decisions that are less carefully thought out.
central vs peripheral route of persuasion
who was Margaret Mahler
austrian psychoanalyst who developed theory on Separation and Individuation
normal autistic phase: first weeks of life
normal symbiotic phase: to 6 months: gain awareness of caregivers, no sense of individuality
separation-individuation phase: 4-5 months: begin to develop sense of self. Subphases include hatching, practicing, and rapprochement/Backing off.
what is blocking?
in CLASSICAL conditioning, the idea that the relationship between a CS and a US can be impaired if the CS is always presented with another, different CS that is already associated with the US
what is higher order conditioning?
AKA second order conditioning
when a conditioned stimulus becomes associated with a new unconditioned stimulus.
higher order conditioning is a concept in CLASSICAL conditioning. Similar to secondary reinforcement in OPERANT conditioning.
can opener -> cat salivates
squeaky door -> can opener -> cat salivates
squeaky door -> cat salivates
what is animistic thinking
per Piaget, the cognitive process of perceiving objects or abstract ideas as possessing living characteristics.
characteristic in precausal thinking substage of the preoperational stage, along with artificialism and transductive reasoning
what is centration
per Piaget, the act of focusing all attention on one characteristic or dimension of a situation while disregarding all others.
this is when kids do NOT yet have Conservation, the awareness that altering a substance’s appearance does not change its basic properties.
what is magical thinking
per Piaget, the idea that a person can have magical powers
approx what percent of people fall within 2 SD of the mean?
mediated generalization
in CLASSICAL conditioning
the transfer of stimulus control across different physical dimensions
kind of like stimulus equivalence?
Cluster A personality disorders
odd or eccentric, social avoidance
Paranoid: distrusting and suspicious of others.
Schizoid; socially detached and uninterested, limited emotional range.
Schizotypal: social and interpersonal problems, uncomfortable in social settings. Odd beliefs like thoughts being stolen, some perceptual abnormalities like flashing lights
Cluster B personality disorders
dramatic, emotional, or impulsive
Antisocial: disregard for others. Deceit, manipulation
Borderline: intense and unstable emotions and moods. Impulsive and struggle to calm down. All-or-nothing.
Histrionic: excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Flirtatious and seductive. Emotional expression is vague and shallow.
Narcissistic: sense of entitlement, feel special, powerful, uniquely talented or brilliant. Disrepect and disregard others.
Cluster C Personality disorders
Anxious, fearful, or avoidant
Avoidant: social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation
Dependent: strong need to be taken care of by other people
Obsessive-Compulsive PD: preoccupied with rules, regulations, and orderliness. At the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
paid a fixed amount for each person served under a risk contract. what HMOs do
what is the doctrine of comparable worth?
AKA sex equity or pay equity
the principle that men and women should be compensated equally for work requiring comparable skills, responsibilities, and effort
Lenore Walker is famous for research on
“battered women”
eight threats to internal validity:
Selection Bias
Experiment mortality (AKA) Attrition
Statistical regression to the mean
Social interaction
paresis vs plegia
paresis: decreased strength
plegia: complete paralysis
self-verification theory
Swann, 1981
people want others to view them as they see themselves, to the point where they will take steps to ensure that others confirm their stable self-views.
central limit theorem
the distribution of sample means approximates a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger, regardless of the population’s distribution.
Salvador Minuchin
structural family therapy: strives to identify subsets within a family construct in order to isolate dysfunctional subsets and remap them to be more harmonious.
therapists goal is to identify patterns and help family members establish healthier relationships
relies on family rules
“enmeshed” and “disengaged” families
tell me about MMPI validity scales
F scale: endorsement of unusual symptoms
L scale: socially laudable, but unusual traits
K: defensiveness
VRIN: Variable response inconsistency scale
TRIN: true response inconsistency scale
tell me about different ways of designing personality tests
construct validation approach: scales developed a priori, then evaluated (eg PAI
empirical criterion keying strategy: create test items and score on a scale based on how differently patients and “controls” perform (eg MMPI
rational theory approach; determine content items based on overarching theory of personality, then validated (eg MCMI)
describe adlerian therapy
humanistic and goal oriented, focusing on striving for success, connectedness with others, contributions to society.
Birth order is considered important in understanding personality
superiority/inferiority complex
4 stages: engagement, assessment, insight, reorientation
Fritz Perls
German-born psychologist
developed Gestalt therapy: enhanced awareness of sensation, perception, bodily feelings, emotion and behavior in the present moment.
tell me about the dimensional vs categorical model
the DSM uses a categorical model
however a dimensional model has been proposed for continued rsch in personality disorders: includes sxs in 5 domains: negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism
list the big 5 personality traits
opennness to experience
criterion deficiency
the measure used fails to capture all domains of the conceptual criterion
moderator vs mediator
mediator: explains relationship between 2 other variables
moderator: affects the direction or strength of the relationship between two other variables
what are min and max values of the SEM
0 and the standard deviation of scores
tell me the symptoms and location responsible for Gerstmann syndrome
L-R confusion
finger agnosia
angular gyrus (parietal lobe) of dominant hemisphere
schizophrenia concordance rates between monozygotic and dizygotic twins
MZ: 30-40%
DZ: 5-10%
what is dexedrine used for?
treating ADHD
describe the rational economic model of decision making
assumes that individuals always make decisions that provide the highest amount of personal utility.
assumes people can be completely rationale, have time to consider all options,
describe the administrative model of decision making
individuals’ rationality is NOT unlimited and there are limited resources - can’t consider every single option
what is brain’s reward pathway
mesocorticolimbic-dopaminergic axis
what is HPA axis important for?
responding to stress
sexual maturation (think hypothalamic hamartoma!)
what is selective abstraction (per Beck)
focus on a detail taken out of context, at the expense of other information.
what is dichotomous/polarized thinking (per Beck)?
categorizing experiences into one of two extremes (either/or thinking)
describe Herzberg’s two factor theory of employee satisfaction
theory that employee satisfaction has two dimensions: “hygeine” and motivation.
these two dimensions include different factors in each, so you can be both satisfied and disatsified
what is reciprocal determinism
idea within social learning theory that a person, their behavior, and their environment influence and are influenced by one another.
need to:
- be paying attention
- able to retain
- production
- motivation
what kind of reinforcement schedule results in scalloped curves of bx frequency?
fixed (interval or ratio)
what type of reinforcement schedule results in the highest response rate?
variable ratio
fixed interval has lowest
what is behavioral contrast
when 2 bxs are being reinforced and one suddenly stops being reinforced.
See increased freq of other behavior
avoidance conditioning
establishment of behavior that prevents or postpones aversive stimulation
manic episode vs hypomanic episode: what are the differences?
hypomania: same sxs, but 4 days in duration and doesn’t impair functioning
manic: sxs for at least 1 week OR necessitating hospitalization. sxs interfere with functioning.
PTSD symptom domains
A. Exposure to trauma
B. 1+ intrusive sx
C. Avoidance
D. 2+ Negative alterations in cognitions
E. 2+ changes in arousal/reactivity
F. duration >1mo
Lewinsohn’s behavioral model of depression
Operant conditioning
Low rates of response contingent reinforcement
Sapir whorf hypothesis
The Language you speak influences the way that you think
Idiographic va nomothetic
Idiographic: study small number of ppl in great detail
Nomothetic: study large geoyps
Decollage per Piaget
Piaget concept of uneven development
Rosenthal effect
self-fulfilling prophecy (Rosenthal) effect. Studies show that children who are expected to do well will tend to do so.