radionuclide imaging Flashcards
What are the main differences between Radionuclide imaging from radiography with x-rays?
It utilises gamma radiation from a radioactive substance
The radioactive substance (in the form of a radiopharmaceutical) is administered to the patient (i.e. it is introduced into the patient’s body) so that the patient becomes the source of radiation
Images are created using equipment known as a gamma camera
Image contrast is largely determined by organ uptake (which depends on physiological function) rather than physical factors such as density and average atomic number
The radiation dose to the patient is largely determined by the nature and quantity (activity) of the radiopharmaceutical
What does contrast in radionuclide imaging depend on?
Contrast in radionuclide images depends primarily on the difference in the amount of radioactivity (activity) that has localised in organs and tissues. Thus, it depends mainly on physiological function rather than physical factors, such as density and average atomic number, which determine contrast in x-radiography.
What is the most common interaction in soft tissue with gamma radiation?
In soft tissue, Compton scattering is by far the most likely interaction mechanism, although photoelectric absorption and coherent scattering are also possible.
How is HVL calculated?
How much energy dose a scattered photon of 99Tc have?
In the case of 99mTc, photons that have suffered only one Compton interaction have a range of energies from about 90 keV (corresponding to 180° or back-scattering) to nearly 140 keV (corresponding to low-angle forward scattering).
Photons that have been Compton scattered many times within the patient (multiply scattered) may have very low energies.
What are the main components of a gamma camera?
The main components of a gamma camera are:
A collimator and a large-area radiation detector (both contained within a shielded gamma camera head)
Electronics for radiation detection and signal processing
A computer (for control, further signal processing and image acquisition)
Facilities for image storage and display
What proportion of the radiation from a patient reches the detector?
typically 0.01-0.1%
What is the problem of scattered radiation in radionuclide imaging?
If scattered photons were allowed to contribute significantly to the radionuclide image, this would have an adverse effect on contrast and spatial resolution because the point at which a photon was last scattered is not the photon’s point of origin. The collimator cannot distinguish between scattered and unscattered photons. Fortunately, scattered photons have lower energy and thus generate smaller electrical signals from the radiation detector. These are electronically rejected by the gamma camera
How does noise and spatial resolution compare in radionuclide imaging and radiographic imaging?
Radionuclide images generally have more noise and poorer spatial resolution than radiographs. The high noise is due to the relatively small number of gamma photons that contribute to the image.
The poor spatial resolution is related to the way in which the points of origin of the photons are determined and the properties of the collimator.
How can organ position effect signal?
different depths in tissue, Thus the gamma radiation from more superficial structures is less attenuated and therefore gives a higher signal
What is SPECT?
By acquiring a series of projection images around the long axis of the patient, it is possible to reconstruct a set of transverse tomographic slices. This is most often done by rotating the gamma camera head around the patient. The technique is known as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or sometimes just single-photon emission tomography (SPET). Most modern gamma cameras have more than one head and this has the potential to reduce total image acquisition times in both planar and tomographic imaging
What is effective halflife?
the activity of a radiopharmaceutical in the body decreases at a rate described by the effective half-life Teff.
1/Teff = 1/physical half life + 1/biological halflife
This decrease is caused by two processes:
Radioactive decay - described by the physical half-life Tphys
Elimination from the body by physiological processes such as clearance by the kidneys - described by the biological half-life Tbiol
What is patient dose in radionuclide imaging dependent on?
It is determined by the nature of the radiopharmaceutical (including the properties of the radionuclide label), its activity, its route of administration and its effective half-life.
Energy is deposited in the body through ionisations caused by Compton recoil electrons and photoelectrons from gamma interactions with tissues.
There may also be contributions from beta particles, internal conversion electrons and Auger electrons.
With sufficient information, it is possible to estimate the absorbed and equivalent dose to organs and tissues and the effective dose to the whole body
A radiopharmaceutical:
A. Provides contrast in radionuclide images when it is uniformly distributed in body organs and tissues
B. May emit both beta and gamma radiation
C. Is usually administered to the patient by intravenous injection
D. May be described as a sealed source of radioactivity
E. Has a biological half-life which is always the same as the physical half-life of the radionuclide
A. False. Contrast arises from differences in the uptake of the radiopharmaceutical in different organs and tissues.
B. True. Beta and gamma radiation may be emitted by radiopharmaceuticals. The presence of a large amount of beta radiation is undesirable for in vivo studies because it is not sufficiently penetrating and it increases the radiation dose to the patient. However beta emitters may be used for some in vitro investigations.
C. True. Intravenous injection is the most common route of administration, although other routes may be used for particular investigations (e.g. inhalation for lung ventilation studies).
D. False. Radiopharmaceuticals are unsealed sources of radioactivity.
E. False. The biological half life refers to the rate of clearance of a radiopharmaceutical from the body. The physical half life refers to the rate of radioactive decay. In general, the two values will be different.
Regarding a gamma camera collimator:
A. It is usually made of tungsten
B. It must have holes of circular cross-section
C. It attenuates gamma radiation mainly by photoelectric interactions
D. It acts in the same way as a lens
E. It has no direct effect on the radiation dose to the patient
A. Incorrect. Gamma camera collimators are made of lead.
B. Incorrect. The holes in a collimator may have any one of a variety of cross-sections (e.g. round, square, hexagonal).
C. Correct. In lead, most photons interact by photoelectric absorption.
D. Incorrect. There is no lens for gamma radiation. A collimator acts by selecting gamma photons according to their direction of travel
E. Correct. The radiation dose to the patient is determined by the nature of the radiopharmaceutical, its activity, its route of administration and the rate at which it is eliminated from the body. The collimator has no direct effect on the dose.
What are three methods of radionuclide production?
Cyclotron - produces radionuclides by bombarding stable nuclei with high-energy charged particles.
Nuclear reactor - nuclear fission or neutron activation of a stable target material.
Radionuclide generator - Radionuclides with short half-lives can be produced from a radionuclide generator, by decay of the parent radionuclide.
The generator allows the parent and daughter product to be easily separated.
How does a cyclotron work?
ions travel in a vacuum inside two D-shaped electrodes. A magnetic field causes the ions to travel in circular paths.
Application of an alternating voltage of the correct frequency between the Ds causes ions to be accelerated across the gap, thus gaining velocity and kinetic energy. As ion velocity increases, so does the radius of the circular path.
Ions with the greatest velocity and kinetic energy travel near the outside of the Ds, and are deflected onto a suitable target.
Nuclear reactions occur in the target to produce the required radionuclide
How are radionuclides produced in a nuclear reactor?
A naturally occurring uranium-235 (235U) nucleus absorbs a neutron which causes fission (breaking apart of the nucleus) with the release of more neutrons.
The fission is controlled by control rods, which can be inserted or withdrawn from the reactor core. These are made of a material which absorbs neutrons without producing fission.
Suitable target materials can be lowered into holes (ports) in the reactor so that they are irradiated by the neutrons. Neutron-capture reactions create radioisotopes of the target element; an example is the creation of radioactive molybdenum-99 (99Mo) from stable molybdenum-98 (98Mo).
The fission of 235U nuclei creates a mixture of radionuclides of lower mass number and lower atomic number. Some of these products of fission, such as iodine-131 (131I), are useful in nuclear medicine. Molybdenum-99 is also a fission product, and so there are two ways in which this radionuclide may be obtained from a nuclear reactor.
How is 99mTc produced?
beta-minus (β-) decay of parent radionuclide nuclide 99Mo (half-life 67 hours) produces a daughter radionuclide 99mTc (half-life 6 hours). Technetium-99m then decays by isomeric transition (IT) to 99Tc with the emission of 140 kiloelectron volt (keV) gamma rays that are suitable for medical imaging
What is the half life of 99mMo?
2.8 days (β- decay).
how is 99mTc extracted from the generator?
Technetium-99m is extracted from the generator by a process called elution. Immediately after each elution, the activity of 99mTc is reduced to zero.
How is a 99mTc generator made?
Fission produced 99Mo is adsorbed on alumina in a sterilised glass column surrounded by a lead or depleted uranium shield.
Technetium-99m is eluted from the alumina column, by an ion exchange mechanism when sterile saline is passed through it.
The resulting eluate is sodium pertechnetate (NaTcO4).
What is the half life of 99m Tc?
6-hour half-life
Long enough to be useful for imaging, but not so long as to result in an unacceptable radiation dose to the patient.
How does 99mTc decay?
Decay mode-isomeric transition
Only gamma rays are emitted, thus limiting radiation dose, since alpha and beta particles give a high localised radiation dose.
What is the energy of 99mTc emissions and its HVL?
140 keV gamma photon energy
Half-value thickness
0.3 mm lead (Pb)
46 mm tissue
3 mm NaI
High enough energy to pass through the body of the patient, but low enough to be stopped by the detector of the imaging device. Gamma rays with energies 50-500 keV can be used for imaging, about 150 keV being ideal. Facilitates shielding and collimation. Good penetration, scatter not excessive. Good detection efficiency.
WHat is the half life of the decay product of 99mTC?
Half-life of decay product 2.5 x 105 years. Effectively stable. No significant radiation dose to the patient from the decay product.
What are three are basic approaches to the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals?
Substitution of a stable nuclide with a radioisotope
Addition of radionuclide to chemical compound - eg with a kit
Incorporation of radionuclide onto autologous blood cells
What are the advantages of kit preparation?
The product is rapidly and easily prepared
The radiation hazard to the operator is low
The product is stable, sterile and pyrogen free
The product is reproducible and reliable
Unlabelled material has a long shelf-life (whereas labelled product has a limited shelf-life of a few hours)
The product is readily available and economic
Examples include:
99mTc methylene diphosphonate (MDP), used for bone scanning
99mTc macro aggregates (MAA), used for lung perfusion imaging
99mTc mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3), used for renography
How is radionuclide activity measured?
with an ionisation chamber, into which a syringe or vial can be lowered. Electric current is proportional to radioactivity of a given radionuclide. The activity is indicated on a digital display, usually in megabequerels (MBq).
How is radionuclide purity measured?
Radionuclide purity is the proportion of radioactivity present in the stated radionuclide form. A possible contaminant in 99mTc radiopharmaceuticals is 99Mo from the generator.
Testing should be carried out daily for 99Mo breakthrough by placing the freshly eluted NaTcO4 in a 6-mm-thick lead container and measuring the ionisation current in the calibrator. The lead will absorb virtually all of the 140 keV gamma rays from the 99mTc, but only 50% of the 740 keV gamma rays from the 99Mo. The ionisation current reading is compared with the current expected from the maximum permitted level of 99Mo in the sample
What is radiochemical purity and how is it measured?
Radiochemical purity is a proportion of the total activity of a radioactive material that is present in the stated chemical form. Possible contaminants in 99mTc labelled radiopharmaceuticals are free 99mTcO4- and reduced forms of 99mTc.
Radiochemical purity is ascertained using paper or thin layer chromatography. A drop of the radiopharmaceutical is applied near the bottom (origin) of the chromatogram (Fig 3). This is placed in a solvent ensuring that the origin is not immersed. As the solvent migrates along the chromatogram different chemical species in the radiopharmaceutical are separated. The chromatogram is then analysed to calculate the percentage of bound, free and reduced 99mTc in the preparation. For radiopharmaceuticals, radiochemical purity should be >95%.
What is chemical purity and how is it measured?
Chemical purity is the fraction of the total mass that is present in the stated chemical form.
Possible chemical contaminant of 99mTc is aluminium (Al3+) from the alumina column in the generator.
commercially available kit. This contains Al3+ indicator papers and a standard Al3+ solution of 10 mg/ml. A drop of the standard solution is placed on the indicator paper next to a sample drop from the eluate. The intensity of the colour produced by the eluate should be less than that produced by the standard.
Regarding facilities for the production of radiopharmaceuticals:
A. All radiopharmaceuticals must be prepared in a sterile, pyrogen-free environment
B. Aseptic operations can be carried out in a cleanroom with a laminar flow cabinet, or an isolator with a filtered air supply
C. Cleanrooms have a negative pressure difference with respect to adjacent areas
D. Cleanrooms require a three-stage changing room
A. False. Only radiopharmaceuticals for injection must be sterile. Radiopharmaceuticals that are administered orally or by inhalation should be prepared in hygienic, but not necessarily sterile, conditions.
B. True. Both options provide an environment that conforms to EC GMP Grade A.
C. False. Cleanrooms have a positive pressure difference with respect to adjacent areas to prevent particulate contamination entering the room.
D. True. Cleanrooms require a three-stage changing room, for staff to change from outer clothing into sterilised cleanroom clothing.
Regarding the characteristics of 99mTc:
A. It has a half-life of 67 hours that is ideal for medical imaging
B. It decays by beta decay
C. It emits gamma photons that have an energy of 140 keV
D. It decays to 99Tc, a radionuclide with a very long half-life
A. False. The half-life of 99mTc is 6 hours. This is long enough to be useful for imaging, but not too long resulting in an unacceptable radiation dose to the patient. The parent radionuclide, 99Mo, has a half-life of 67 hours.
B. False. Technetium-99m decays by isomeric transition.
C. True. Note that an energy of 140 keV is good for imaging, being high enough to pass through the body of the patient but low enough to be stopped by the detector of the imaging device.
D. True. Technetium-99 has a half-life of 2.5 x 105 years. This means it is effectively stable and does not cause a significant radiation dose.
What is the most common type of collimator in the gamma camera?
The most common type is the parallel hole collimator in which hole shapes may be round, square, triangular or more typically, hexagonal
What are gamma camera collimators made from and why?
Collimators are made of lead because of its higher linear attenuation coefficient; the lead between two adjacent holes is called the septum. A collimator for imaging technetium-99m (99mTc) radiopharmaceuticals may have tens of thousands of holes each of about 1-2 mm in diameter
How can the collimators be made and which is best?
Parallel hole collimators may be made using a number of different methods:
Crimped lead foil sheets
A drilled lead block
Casting from molten lead
Drilling or casting is a better mode of collimator construction because no gaps are left in the septa, thus giving better image contrast and spatial resolution. However, crimped lead foil collimators are less expensive.
Why must the septa thickness be just right?
If the septa are too thin, there is an increased probability of penetration by gamma photons that are not travelling parallel to the axes of the holes. These would degrade contrast and spatial resolution.
Too thick and sensitivity is reduced due to more photons being attenuated
What does a diverging collimator do?
gives a minified image and may be useful when the object is larger than the field of view of the gamma camera.
What does a converging collimator do?
gives a magnified image and this may be useful when the object is smaller than the field of view
When is a pin-hole collimator used?
The pinhole is a single-hole collimator that is used to produce magnified views of small objects such as the thyroid. It consists of a small (3-5 mm) hole in a piece of lead or tungsten, mounted at the apex of a leaded cone.
Magnification is achieved provided that the pinhole-object distance is less than the detector-pinhole distance. The use of a pinhole collimator for small objects means that gamma photons interact with a much larger area of the radiation detector than would be the case with a parallel hole collimator.
what is the gamma camera detector normally made from?
large-area thallium (Tl)-doped sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation crystal - a single crystal of NaI to which a small amount of Tl has been added during its manufacture. Sodium iodide is a fluorescent material which converts the energy absorbed from a gamma photon interaction into a scintillation (a small flash of visible and ultraviolet light). Doping the NaI with Tl improves its light output. The crystal is usually 6-13 mm thick (i.e. ¼ to ½ an inch).
Why is the NaI crystal sealed in aluminium?
Modern detectors tend to be rectangular with sizes up to 60 × 40 cm. Sodium iodide is hygroscopic and so the crystal is hermetically sealed in an aluminium can with a glass window adjacent to one face so that the light can escape.
What lies behind the crystal in a gamma camera?
Behind the crystal is an array of 30-100 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) that detect the visible and ultraviolet photons from the scintillation. These are separated from the crystal by a light pipe in the form of a slab of polymethyl methacrylate (commonly known by trade names such as Perspex® and Lucite®). Silicone grease is used to maintain good optical contact between the light pipe and both the exit window of the detector and the entrance window of the PMTs. Associated with each PMT is a pre-amplifier whose output is an analogue electrical voltage pulse.
How does the PMT work in a gamma camera?
The photomultiplier tube (PMT) is a vacuum tube that detects a very small amount of light such as that produced in a scintillation.
The light energy releases electrons from a photocathode deposited as a thin layer on the inside of the entrance window. Inside the tube are a series of electrodes called dynodes that are held at increasing positive potential to each other by a high voltage supply.
The electrons are accelerated from the photocathode to the first dynode by the potential difference and gain kinetic energy. The kinetic energy of each electron releases more than one electron from the dynode surface and these electrons are accelerated to the next dynode.
Thus the PMT acts as an electron amplifier and a relatively large amount of negative electrical charge is collected at the anode (the last dynode). The arrival of the negative charge (i.e. electrons) at the anode over a brief period of time generates a current pulse which forms the signal that is received by the pre-amplifier.
How is gain (amplification) stabilised in the PMTs?
One method of gain stabilisation is to periodically feed a fixed amount of light into each PMT, monitor the amount of charge produced at the anode and adjust the high voltage as necessary. A light emitting diode (LED) acts as a stable source of light and this is conducted to the PMTs by fibre optic cables.
Why are PMTs covered in mumetal?
shields the dynodes from the earth’s magnetic field which would otherwise deflect the electrons.
What is the main type of photon interaction in the gamma camera?
At 140 keV, most photons that interact with the crystal do so through the photoelectric effect with the remainder undergoing Compton scattering. Gamma photon energy is absorbed through photoelectrons and Compton recoil electrons to create a scintillation (small flash of visible and ultraviolet light). Thus a scintillation follows each gamma interaction
What does the light pipe do in the gamma camera?
By introducing a physical separation between the crystal and the PMTs, the light pipe (through which the visible and ultraviolet (UV) photons pass) helps to spread the light over many tubes. The amount of light received by a particular PMT depends on the inverse square of the distance from the scintillation to that PMT. Photomultiplier tubes close to the scintillation receive a relatively large amount of light while those further from the scintillation receive a relatively small amount of light.
How is the position and energy of a scintillation calculated?
the distribution of pulse heights from the PMTs carries information about the position of the scintillation in the plane of the crystal (and therefore the line of origin of the gamma photon in the patient). Furthermore, the sum of the pulse heights is proportional to the total amount of light produced and hence the energy absorbed from the gamma photon by the crystal.
How is the analogue signal from the PMTs digitised?
In modern digital gamma cameras, analogue voltage pulses from PMTs are digitised by analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) circuits and the calculation of X, Y and Z is performed digitally.
What is energy discrimination?
Scattered radiation is rejected by testing whether the corrected Z value represents the full energy of the gamma photon – this is called energy discrimination
What does digitising the signal from the PMTs allow?
the calculation of X, Y and Z is performed digitally. Subsequently, these are refined by the application of spatial linearity and energy corrections and the corrected values are used to create an image in digital computer memory.
What is spatial non-linearity in a gamma camera caused by?
Spatial non-linearity is caused by systematic mispositioning of counts, i.e. errors in the calculation of X and Y values. In particular, the locations of individual counts tend to be shifted towards the centre of the nearest PMT. Thus a straight line source of radioactivity tends to give a wavy line image and there is an increased count density at the locations of the PMTs when a uniform source is used. The Z value may vary with position due to factors such as variation in light production, light transmission, light detection and residual PMT gain. This can result in the fraction of counts rejected by energy discrimination varying from one area of the crystal to another. Positional variation in sensitivity (count rate per unit activity) may be due to manufacturing defects in the crystal and/or collimator.
What is the photopeak?
The spectrum of Z values has a prominent peak centred on the value corresponding to full gamma energy absorption; this is called the photopeak
What is the width of the photopeak used to measure?
because of variations in factors such as light production, transmission and detection, it has a measurable width. This is usually expressed as the full width at half maximum
The energy resolution of the scintillation crystal is given as a percentage by: (FWHM/energy at peak)x100
What is the compton band comprised of?
Counts in the Compton band comprise both:
Potentially useful unscattered radiation from the patient that has been scattered in the crystal
Scattered radiation from the patient that has interacted with the crystal by either mechanism
Unfortunately they are indistinguishable.
How is energy discrimation introduced?
Scattered radiation from the patient has an adverse effect on image contrast and spatial resolution and so it should be rejected. This cannot be done by the collimator; it can only be done electronically by energy discrimination. This is achieved by only accepting counts within the photopeak. Most commonly, a 20% acceptance window is used centred on the photopeak energy
How is the image formed in the gamma camera?
Each scintillation generates a trio of corrected X, Y and Z values.
The digital image is usually acquired in computer memory organised as a matrix of locations which may be imagined to be superimposed on the crystal.
The X and Y values define the position of the scintillation in the plane of the crystal and hence the address of the corresponding memory location.
Provided that the Z value is within the acceptance window set by the user, the contents of the identified memory location are increased by 1 count
Acquisition usually terminates after a preset number of counts (e.g. 1 million) has been accepted. This may take several minutes. Alternatively, it is also possible to acquire the image for a preset time, e.g. 100 s.
How is the image displayed from the gamma camera?
Once acquired, the digital image may be displayed on a video monitor with each image pixel corresponding to a particular memory location. It is possible to use monochrome or colour display scales with the brightness and/or colour of a given pixel depending on the count in the associated memory location.
How can gamma camera images be manipulated?
Images may be smoothed to reduce noise
Images may be windowed to increase contrast and highlight regions of low count density
Interpolation may be used to increase the display matrix relative to the acquisition matrix in order to make the pixels less apparent
Images may be added or subtracted and analysed to extract quantitative information
Regarding collimator septal thickness:
A. Iodine-131 requires a greater septal thickness than 99mTc
B. Low energy collimators may be used with photon energies up to 250 keV
C. A radiopharmaceutical labelled with 99mTc may be imaged with a medium energy collimator
D. In low-energy collimators, the septal thickness is typically about 0.3 cm
E. High-energy collimators may be used to image positron emitting radionuclides
A. True. The gamma photon energy of 131I is 364 keV while that of 99mTc is 140 keV.
B. False. The upper limit of photon energy for low-energy collimators is approximately 150 keV, depending on the manufacturer.
C. True. Technetium-99m has a gamma photon energy of 140 keV and medium-energy collimators may be used with energies up to approximately 300 keV. However, low-energy collimators are more suitable for 99mTc.
D. False. It is about 0.3 mm.
E. False. Positron emitters give annihilation radiation at 511 keV. The typical upper limit of photon energy for a high-energy collimator is 400 keV. Some manufacturers supply ultra-high-energy collimators for imaging annihilation radiation.
What are the three major parameters of image quality in radionuclide imaging?
Contrast (the difference in signal intensity between different parts of the image)
Noise (mainly due to random variations in signal intensity within the image)
Spatial resolution (detail or sharpness)
What is subject contrast?
Subject contrast CS is defined as the difference in activity concentration between the lesion and healthy tissue divided by the value for healthy tissue.
contrast is largely determined by the differential uptake of the radiopharmaceutical in a lesion and surrounding healthy tissue. Thus it depends primarily on physiological function rather than physical factors (such as the density and average atomic number of tissue) as in x-radiography.
What is the nnlimit of negative contrast?
The limit of negative subject contrast is -1 (when AL = 0)
What is the limit of positive contrast?
there is no theoretical limit to positive subject contrast. For this reason, radiopharmaceuticals that produce positive subject contrast are generally preferred to those that produce negative subject contrast.
What is image contrast?
difference between count density in the lesion and the healthy tissue
Count density is sometimes known as information density and can also be expressed as counts per pixel.
What is image contrast dependent on?
The subject contrast - greater the subject contrast, the greater the image contrast
Background gamma radiation. The greater the background, the lower the image contrast; this is usually an important contribution
Differential attenuation of gamma radiation from the lesion compared with healthy tissue. Attenuation of gamma radiation from a lesion deep within the body (i.e. far from the gamma camera collimator) is often greater than the average attenuation experienced by gamma radiation from surrounding healthy tissue and this decreases image contrast. It is less of a problem for superficial lesions
Patient movement. This will decrease image contrast (and spatial resolution) and is more likely with long image acquisition times
The spatial resolution of the gamma camera system. The poorer the spatial resolution, the lower the image contrast.
How does image contrast compare to subject contrast?
Image contrast is invariably lower than subject contrast.
What contributes to background radiation in radionuclide imaging?
Radioactive sources (other than the patient) in the vicinity of the gamma camera
Natural radioactivity in the environment
Radioactivity in tissue above and below the lesion
Septal penetration in the collimator
Scattered radiation from the patient
What is applied to help reduce background radiation effect?
Background subtraction is often applied to radionuclide images. This improves contrast, but increases noise.
What is structured noise?
Structured noise is due to non-random variations in count density that are superimposed upon and interfere with the objects of interest. In radionuclide imaging, structured noise may arise from the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical for example bowel uptake of gallium-67 citrate in abdominal scintigraphy to detect inflammation or abscesses, or imaging system artefacts such as gamma camera non-uniformity.
What is unstructured noise?
is random noise, also called statistical noise or quantum mottle. This is due to random variations in count density which result from the random nature of radioactive decay.
How is randow noise related to counts?
the random noise in that region is the standard deviation (σ) of N (counts)
How is SNR related to counts?
square root of N
How is noise contrast related to counts?
1/ square root N
What factors effect relative random noise?
Image acquisition time - longer is better
Activity of radiopharmaceutical - higher is better
Sensitivity of the gamma camera system
How is Sensitivity of the gamma camera system defined?
count rate (counts per second (cps)) per unit activity (in units of cps per becquerel). The greater the system sensitivity, the lower the relative noise for a given acquisition time and administered activity. Unfortunately, the factors that increase sensitivity are also those that degrade contrast and/or spatial resolution: a wide absorbed energy (Z) acceptance window, a thick sodium iodide (NaI) crystal and a collimator with short holes of large diameter.
What is CNR?
contrast to noise ratio which is defined as the ratio of the modulus of the image contrast to the noise contrast in the surrounding tissue.
What is the rose criterion?
In order for the lesion to be detectable, the CNR must exceed a particular value known as the Rose criterion. This size of this value depends on factors such as lesion shape, spatial resolution, viewing distance, observer experience etc. It is typically about 4.
What is spatial resolution?
Spatial resolution is a measure of the gamma camera’s ability to record variations in activity concentration and to distinguish between small radioactive sources that are close to each other.
How can spatial resolution be quantified?
It may be quantified as the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the curve of counts or count rate (line spread function) vs. distance when a line or point source of radioactivity is imaged (point spread function)
In radionuclide imaging, it is more usual to use the LSF.
What is the modulation transfer function?
The Fourier transform of the LSF is the modulation transfer function (MTF). The MTF is a complete mathematical description of the resolution properties of an imaging system. It gives the fraction of an object’s contrast that is recorded by the imaging system as a function of the size (actually spatial frequency) of the object.
What factors effect spatial resolution?
Intrinsic spatial resolution of the gamma camera
Spatial resolution of the collimator
Patient motion
Pixelation effects
Scattered radiation
Imperfections in image display or recording devices
WHy is patient motion a problem in radionuclide imaging?
Patient motion will degrade spatial resolution and is a particular problem in radionuclide imaging because of the relatively long imaging times.
What size of pixel is needed to avoid loss of function?
at least two pixels per FWHM are needed to avoid loss of detail. Given that FWHM values are comparatively large in radionuclide imaging, this can be achieved with a relatively coarse pixel matrix.
What factors effect intrinsic spatial resolution?
Energy and linearity correction of the X, Y and Z values produced by each scintillation
Photoelectron range in the NaI crystal
Gamma photon energy
Collection of scintillation light
Detection of scintillation light
Number and size of photomultiplier tubes
Thresholding the photomultiplier tube voltage signal
Thickness of the NaI(Tl) detector crystal
What is the typical intrinsic spatial resolution at 140kv?
Values of intrinsic spatial resolution at 140 keV vary between 2.5 mm FWHM (corresponding to about 4 line pairs cm-1) and 4 mm FWHM (corresponding to about 2.5 line pairs cm-1).
How does increased gamma energy effect spatial resolution?
The greater the gamma energy, the greater the number of scintillation photons reaching a particular photomultiplier tube (PMT) and so the smaller their relative statistical variation; this gives better spatial resolution.
How is collection of light improved?
Optimising light collection gives better spatial resolution by reducing the relative statistical variation in the number of scintillation photons per PMT. Collection is improved by good optical coupling and PMT shape - square or hexagonal PMTs cover a greater area of crystal than circular ones. In some designs of gamma camera head, the uniformity of light collection may be improved by the presence of a light guide between the detector and the PMTs.
Why does a thicker crystal give worse spatial resolution?
There is greater possible variation in the depth within the detector at which scintillations occur and this leads to variations in the distribution of scintillation light among the PMTs
There is greater probability of multiple Compton scatter of a gamma photon in the crystal; this produces a total absorbed energy Z value within the acceptance window but X and Y values that represent the position of the average luminous intensity of the scintillation rather than the true position at which the photon entered the crystal
What collimator factors effect spatial resolution?
using a collimator with long holes of small diameter and ensuring that the patient is as close as possible to the collimator improve spatial resolution
How is whole system spatial resolution calculated?
system resolution is given by the square root of the sum of the squares of the components. Thus system spatial resolution is worse than that of any single component and the collimator is the dominant factor.
What is the trade off in crystal thickness in the gamma camera?
A thick crystal optimises sensitivity by increasing the attenuation Optimal spatial resolution, on the other hand, requires a thin crystal. The compromise used in most gamma cameras is to use a thickness of 9.5 mm (3/8 inch).
What is the trade off in the collimator in the gamma camera?
For optimal sensitivity, a parallel hole collimator should have short holes of large diameter whereas the opposite is required for optimal spatial resolution. It is usual to have a range of low energy collimators (suitable for technetium-99m (99mTc)) ranging from high sensitivity to general purpose (a compromise between sensitivity and resolution) to high resolution.
Why does the sensitivity of a collimator not change with distance?
The spatial resolution of a parallel hole collimator becomes poorer as the distance between the source of radioactivity and the collimator face increases. However, the sensitivity remains approximately constant. The number of gamma photons passing through a particular collimator hole decreases with the square of the distance but the number of holes through which the photons can pass increases as the square of the distance. These two effects cancel each other out.
How does spatial resolution change with depth in tissue?
rapid degradation of spatial resolution with depth in tissue. Deep organs are further from the collimator face than more superficial organs. This fact, together with the increase in attenuation with depth, is the reason why it is common to take more than one view (with different orientations of the gamma camera head) in planar radionuclide imaging
In planar radionuclide bone imaging, which one of the following may improve the contrast between bone and surrounding soft tissue?
A. Increasing the administered activity
B. Using a high sensitivity collimator
C. Encouraging the patient to drink fluids
D. Placing an air gap between the patient and the collimator
A. Incorrect. Increasing the administered activity would produce the same relative increase of count density in both lesions and healthy tissue so the contrast would not change. However, the CNR would increase.
B. Incorrect. Using a high sensitivity collimator would produce the same relative increase of count density in both lesions and healthy tissue so the contrast would not change. However, the CNR would increase.
C. Correct. Compounds such as 99mTc labelled methylene diphosphonate (MDP) are excreted by the kidneys as well as being taken up by bone. Drinking fluids increases the rate of excretion of MDP which is not bound to bone and this improves both subject and image contrast.
D. Incorrect. Placing an air gap between the patient and the collimator would increase the distance between the source and the collimator, causing a decrease in spatial resolution and thereby reducing contrast.
In planar radionuclide imaging, relative noise decreases with which of the following three?
A. Increasing image acquisition time
B. Decreasing administered activity
C. Decreasing collimator sensitivity
D. Increasing detector sensitivity
E. Increasing total number of image counts
A. Correct.
B. Incorrect. Decreasing the administered activity would decrease the count density and therefore increase the relative noise.
C. Incorrect. Decreasing the collimator sensitivity would decrease the count density and therefore increase the relative noise.
D. Correct.
E. Correct.
Only one statement is correct regarding the spatial resolution of a parallel hole collimator. Which one is it?
A. Is independent of the distance between the patient and the collimator
B. Improves as hole length increases
C. Does not depend on hole diameter
D. May be optimised at the same time as sensitivity
E. Depends on the thickness of the NaI crystal
A. Incorrect. The spatial resolution of a parallel hole collimator improves as the distance between the patient and the collimator decreases.
B. Correct.
C. Incorrect. The spatial resolution of a parallel hole collimator is proportional to the hole diameter.
D. Incorrect. For optimal sensitivity, a parallel hole collimator should have short holes of large diameter whereas the opposite is required for optimal spatial resolution.
E. Incorrect. The thickness of the NaI crystal affects intrinsic resolution, not collimator resolution.
What are the three types of planar radionuclide imaging?
Static imaging
Dynamic imaging
Gated imaging
When is static radionuclide imaging used?
this is used where the distribution of a radiopharmaceutical within the patient is changing very slowly with time (is effectively stable for the duration of the acquisition).
When is dynamic radionuclide imaging used?
this is used where the radioactivity within the area of interest is changing rapidly with time.
When is gated radionuclide imaging used?
this is used to image organs with regular physiological motion. The most important examples are cardiac and respiratory gating
What is the difference between high resolution collimators and high sensitivity collimators?
High resolution collimators achieve better spatial resolution images at the expense of a low count rate and hence longer imaging times. High sensitivity collimators result in a higher count rate, but yield lower resolution images.
In practice, high resolution collimators are used where small structures need to be resolved, e.g. bone scans. High sensitivity or general purpose collimators are used in dynamic images where count rate is more important than anatomical detail such as renography.
How can SNR in planar radionuclide imaging be increased?
Increasing imaging time. This is limited by the need to maintain patient comfort in order to avoid motion and the logistics of timing patients throughout the working day
Increasing the amount of administered radioactivity. This is limited by the legal requirement to ensure that doses arising from a medical exposure are kept as low as reasonably practicable consistent with the intended purpose
Ensuring acceptable gamma camera sensitivity. The sensitivity of the gamma camera, expressed in counts per second per megabecquerel (counts/s/MBq), should be checked as part of the routine quality control program for the camera
How does choice of matrix effect the image?
The choice of matrix alters the size of the pixels into which the image is acquired. Using a smaller matrix, images appear ‘coarser’. For high quality imaging, a larger matrix should be chosen. One disadvantage of using a larger matrix is the larger amount of computer memory required.
Where should the camera be in relation to the patient?
the gamma camera should be as close as possible to the patient during imaging to optimise spatial resolution.
How does zoom effect the radionuclide image?
reduces pixel size
Reducing the pixel size by a factor of N reduces the counts per pixel by a factor of N^2 so the SNR is decreased.
What is list mode and why can it be beneficial?
In list mode the X and Y values of each detected event are recorded together with regular timing information. The data can then be split into segments or frames post-acquisition.
The advantage of list mode is that the frame length does not need to be known in advance, so it can be used in any dynamic imaging where the physiological rate is unknown. It is also used in gated cardiac blood pool imaging where there are potential variations in the R-R interval.
The disadvantage of list mode acquisition is the large amount of computer memory required to store each detected event individually.
How is the pixel count and brightness displayed determined?
a look-up table
Most display screens are 8 bits deep, so the look-up table has 256 different intensities or display levels.
In many nuclear medicine images, most of the counts are concentrated in a small number of pixels, often not in the area of interest for example, the bladder in a bone image. Use of a linear look-up table would result in the majority of display levels being used to display this small number of pixels and differences between the pixels of interest would not be seen. This problem can be overcome using non-linear look-up tables
What is linear filtering?
One of the most common forms of linear filtering is convolution (a mathematical function).
Filtering enables smoothing and sharpening.
What is the relationship between convolution in the spatial domain and the frequency domain?
Convolution in the spatial domain is equal to multiplication in the frequency domain
What is the process to perform convolution in the frequency domain?
Take the Fourier transforms of i(x,y) and f(x,y), apply pointwise multiplication, and take the inverse Fourier transform of the result
What advantage does frequency domain convolution have over direct convolution?
It requires less computational power
In the frequency domain, what does high spatial frequency represent?
Fine spatial detail
In the frequency domain, what does low spatial frequency represent?
Larger structures
What happens to the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the gamma camera with increasing spatial frequency?
It decreases rapidly
How does image noise behave in relation to frequency?
It is independent of frequency
What is the effect on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as spatial frequency increases?
The SNR decreases
How can the SNR be improved in the context of spatial frequencies?
By attenuating the higher spatial frequencies
What type of filter can be applied to improve SNR by attenuating noise?
Low-pass filter such as Hanning or Butterworth filter
What does ROI stand for in image analysis?
Region of Interest
What is the purpose of ROI analysis?
To generate the total number of counts in a region and its area in pixels.
How can the area in ROI analysis be defined?
By the user or automatically by the processing system.
What are the common options for drawing the area in ROI analysis?
- Rectangular
- Circular
- Freehand
What techniques are used in ROI analysis to define the region?
Thresholding techniques.
In ROI analysis, how is the region typically drawn?
To include pixels with count values above a certain percentage of the maximum count value in the image.