Radiation protection + dosimetry in practice Flashcards
What are entrance and exit doses normally measured in?
Typical entrance doses will be measured in mGy. Exit doses will be measured in μGy
What dose rate can you get if you put your finger in primary beam in fluoro?
50 mGy/min
What are the two types of radiation which will result in a radiation dose to patients and/or members of staff?
Leakage radiation - There will inevitably be some leakage from an x-ray tube housing. this is limited to a maximum of 1 mGy/hr at 1 metre
Scattered radiation - emitted in all directions and is caused by scattering interactions within the patient. Very few scattered photons are produced by elastic scattering and the large majority are the result of the Compton effect.
What does the amount of scatter in the patient depend on?
The amount (fluence) of scattered radiation depends on the field size, volume of patient irradiated and the quality of the primary beam. Both fluence and quality of the scattered radiation have a strong angular dependence
How does the scatter vary from the exit and entrance side of the patient?
Because photons scattered in the forward direction are attenuated in the body, the amount of scatter increases with scattering angle and is less on the exit side of the patient than on the tube side.
Furthermore, there is preferential attenuation of low energy scattered photons and so the scatter is harder (more penetrating) on the exit side
What factors increase scatter?
If you increase the kV, the amount of scatter will increase because there are more photons produced. The number of photons is proportional to the square of the applied potential
If you increase the mA, there will be more scatter because there are more photons produced. The number of photons is proportional to the tube current
If you image for longer, there will be more scatter because there are more photons produced. The number of photons is proportional to the length of time the kV is applied
If you image a larger volume of the patient, there will be more scatter because there will be more atoms of tissue elements with which the photons in the x-ray beam can interact. The tighter the collimation, the smaller is the volume of tissue irradiated, the less is the amount of scatter and the lower is the potential staff dose
T or F: The bigger the patient, the greater the amount of scatter.
This statement is true because:
There are more interactions possible because of the greater patient volume
Bigger patients will require a higher kV and mA to obtain a diagnostic image
In fluoroscopy, larger patients will probably require longer exposures to obtain a diagnosis
What equipment factors effect beam-on time?
Pulsed operation
Last image hold
Virtual collimation - enables collimation to be changed via the LIH facility, so that the beam does not have to be on while this is done.
Why is the ISL not totally obeyed with scatter?
ISL is only approximately obeyed by scattered radiation because the source is a volume of tissue within the patient not a point source
How is the shielding in an xray room designed?
he intention of the design is to ensure that persons outside the x-ray room do not receive a dose that is more than a fraction (normally 0.3) of the annual dose limit. The fraction is called a constraint.
What is the dose limit for a member of the public?
The dose limit for a member of the public is 1 mSv per annum, so most x-ray rooms are designed so that any member of the public will not receive a dose from x-ray procedures being performed in that room of more than 0.3 mSv.
What is the typical shielding thickness for an xray room?
150 mm thick concrete walls or 2.0 mm lead ply strapped to an existing less substantial wall.
Do lead aprons provide protection from primary beam?
What lead equivalence should aprons have?
at least 0.25 mm for x-ray tube voltages up to 100 kV and 0.35 mm for voltages up to 150 kV.
It is not uncommon to find 0.5 mm lead equivalent aprons but it is actually more helpful to use a thyroid shield rather than a thicker apron in order to reduce the effective dose.
What is the normal lead equivalence of a thyroid shield?
Thyroid shields typically have a lead equivalence of 0.5 mm.
Is an overcouch or undercouch configuration better for doe reduction?
an overcouach configuration the operator is subject to a greater amount of scattered radiation compared to a undercouch configuration
In an undercouch fluoroscopy configuration, the dose to the staff member will be up to x10 less than in an overcouch (tube over the couch) configuration. This is because the intensity of the scattered radiation varies with angle of scatter (with reference to the primary beam) and at 120° the scatter is 3 or more times that at 60°.
In mobile ward XR how is dose reduced?
Ensuring that the primary beam is directed away from individuals
Use of the inverse square law
Ensuring that appropriate members of staff wear lead aprons
On wards, it is conventional for the radiographer to define a region of radius 2 m around the patient as a controlled area from which other staff members are excluded. The radiographer/operator wears a lead apron and exercises control of access to the controlled area verbally. The x-ray beam is oriented vertically wherever possible.
What is the dose constraint to the pregnant abdomen?
A dose constraint of 1.3 mSv is often applied to the maternal abdomen over a 9-month declared term.
This is a conservative value and will result in a foetal dose less than 1 mSv (the abdomen will attenuate the x-rays).
Who are ‘members of the public’ according to IRR?
In broad terms, a member of the public is anyone who is not a radiation employee or a patient or willing participant in a research study employing ionising radiation.
Members of the public would therefore include diverse staff groups who do not use x-rays in the course of their employment as well as people unconnected with the hospital.
How is a carer different to a member of the public?
subject to a different dose constraint - 5 mSv in any period of 5 consecutive calendar years.
roles and responsibilities in the radiation protection of the patient:
A. The referrer is responsible for optimisation
B. The practitioner is responsible for optimisation
C. The operator is responsible for optimisation
D. The referrer decides if the examination is justified
E. The practitioner decides if the examination is justified
F. The operator decides if the examination is justified
G. A radiographer can be a practitioner
H. A nurse can be a referrer
A. False.
B. False.
C. True.
D. False.
E. True.
F. False.
G. True.
H. True.
What is the role of the practitioner?
It is the role of the practitioner to justify the examination and determine that the prospective benefit from a positive or negative outcome outweighs the risk to the patient which results from the radiation exposure.
This will be done following consideration of:
The clinical information supplied on the request card
How appropriate the request is
The potential benefit of the requested procedure
The availability and utility of other techniques involving the use of less (or no) ionising radiation
A. A skull x-ray is usually justifiable following a bang on the head
B. A CT scan of the abdomen will usually result in an effective dose of greater than 5 mSv
C. A lumbar spine examination will result in an effective dose of less than 0.1 mSv
D. A request for an abdominal x-ray to investigate constipation is justifiable
E. A request for a chest x-ray to investigate pleural effusion is justifiable
A. False. See the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) guidelines ‘iRefer: Making the best use of clinical radiology’. A link to the appropriate page on the RCR website is available on the Links page, accessible on the Resource icon.
B. True.
C. False. A lumbar spine examination will result in an effective dose of around 1 mSv.
D. False. In general, the important factors are clinical history and clinical findings. Only in exceptional clinical situations should imaging be used.
E. True. This would be a normal investigation in evaluating this type of patient.
Who carries out a radiological examination?
an operator
What is the role of the operator?
responsible for the practical aspects of the examination, which means that once the justification has been made, the operator is the person charged with ensuring that the examination produces the desired outcome, whilst ensuring that the radiation dose to the patient is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
Thus the operator is responsible for ensuring that the optimisation process is carried out on the correct patient and for maintaining the balance between patient dose and image quality.
Each of the following people is acting as an operator.
A. A radiologist reporting a mammogram
B. An interventional radiologist inserting a PICC line
C. A GP who requests an open access skull x-ray
D. A staff member responsible for film processor quality control
E. A medical physicist setting up an AEC device
A. True.
B. True.
C. False.
D. True.
E. True.
The reporting radiologist and the referring GP do not do anything to physically affect the exposure to the patient, whereas the others do. However, the regulators regard the clinical evaluation (reporting) of the outcome of an exposure to ionising radiation as an operator function.
A. An AP radiograph of the abdomen of an obese patient requires more dose than that of a slim patient
B. A typical grid factor is 20:1
C. Patient entrance surface dose (ESD) will decrease with increasing kV when AEC is employed
D. Copper filtration will decrease patient ESD
E. A typical grid ratio is 12:1
F. A 200 speed film/screen combination will result in a lower dose to the patient than a 400 speed combination
G. Ignoring backscatter, field size changes effective dose without altering the ESD
A. True. The patient will be thicker and will therefore attenuate the x-rays to a greater degree. Thus in order to achieve the same exit dose, the entrance dose will need to be greater.
B. False. The grid or Bucky factor which describes the exposure increase required when using a grid will typically be in the region of 4 to 8 and will decrease as the kV increases.
C. True. As kV increases a larger proportion of the radiation penetrates the patient and thus for constant exit dose, less entrance dose is required.
D. True. The copper filter will remove the lower energies in the x-ray spectrum thus increasing the average energy of the beam. See above.
E. True. The session in Module 8a Physics/Anti-Scatter Grids Screens in Radiography (300-0777) has more information on this.
F. False. The speed is the reciprocal of the exposure required to achieve an optical density of 1. So the higher the speed, the lower the dose.
G. True. The session in Module 8a Physics/Patient Dosimetry (300-0692) has more information on this.
How does a smaller field size impact dose?
Strict limitation of the field size to the area being examined should be a matter of routine. This will both reduce the patient dose and result in a better image because of the reduction in scatter.
How does kV impact dose?
Appropriate choice of kV is important. In general, a higher kV will result in a lower patient skin and effective dose for the same exit dose as the mA is often automatically adjusted. If mA kept the same then increased kV will increase dose
How does projection impact dose?
The projection used can influence the radiation dose to the patient. For example a PA chest x-ray will result in a lower effective dose than an AP chest x-ray, a left lateral lumbar spine projection will result in a lower effective dose than a right lateral.
If a tissue, sensitive to radiation, lies close to the surface of the patient where the x-ray beam enters then that tissue would receive a relatively large dose. If the radiograph is taken using the opposite projection, say AP instead of PA, the dose to that tissue will be reduced.
How does focus skin distance effect dose?
Increasing the tube focus to skin distance will reduce the entrance surface dose
why should the fastest speed class consistent with the required image quality be used in all exposures?
Fast image receptor speed reduces patient dose.
However, in conventional radiography, increasing speed by increasing the screen intensification factor results in either increased noise (if it is the conversion efficiency that is increased) or poorer spatial resolution (if it is the screen thickness that is increased). These effects adversely affect image quality.
What are typical frame rates for digital angiography (DA) and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) acquisitions and why?
Frame rates can vary from 1 to 6 fps, depending on the anatomical site under consideration. Greater temporal resolution isn’t required and the increased dose cannot be justified.
The important fact is the rate of blood flow in the area under consideration. For example, from the aortic bifurcation down to the calf a fluoroscopy imaging rate of 2 fps would probably be suitable whilst from the calf downwards 1 fps would suffice. Similarly, hepatic angiography is usually performed at 2 fps whilst in the case of cerebral angiography the initial phase at least may be performed at 4 to 6 fps.
What is the effect of tube filtration on dose?
the effect of tube filtration is to modify the x-ray spectrum by preferentially absorbing lower energy x-rays. The effect is to reduce the radiation dose to the patient.
How does Al or Cu filtration change the beam?
Aluminium (Al) filtration reduces the dose to the patient with minimal effect on image quality. In addition to the mandatory aluminium filtration, many fluoroscopic units, especially those used in the interventional environment, incorporate extra copper (Cu) filtration (with thicknesses up to 0.9 mm being used). Copper filtration is primarily intended as a means of reducing entrance surface dose. In situations where this filtration is not switched in automatically, consideration should be always given to its use in high dose examinations.
Note that if copper filtration is used, there will be a reduction in x-ray output requiring an increase in exposure (mAs), and a decrease in contrast caused by the change in x-ray beam quality. The increase in exposure required for heavier patients may be so great that it cannot be achieved, thus making the use of Cu filtration impossible.
Both effective and entrance doses will be greater for a large patient than for a thin patient. Why is this?
The x-rays will need to be more penetrating for a large patient and so the kV will need to increase.
In addition, it is quite likely that there will need to be an increase in mA to achieve a suitable contrast to noise ratio. The result can be a considerable increase in dose compared to that for a thin patient. The increase can be by as much as ten times.
Furthermore, because of tube loading effects, it can turn out that copper filtration cannot be used on larger patients resulting in even higher (skin) dose.
What are dose curves on fluoroscopic machines and how can they impact dose?
Many fluoroscopic devices come with a variety of options for controlling the kV and mA. At the very least there will be selectable dose rate options. These will usually work by adjusting the mA. A lower dose rate may result in a noisier image but it may well be suitable for the task at hand and should be used whenever possible.
There may be also be specific task oriented curves controlling how the kV and mA interact. As well as general curves, there may be curves for paediatric radiology, curves for use when high contrast is required and curves for use with contrast media.
A curve that increases kV more quickly thus utilising a more penetrating radiation beam for a given patient attenuation results in lower dose.
What is the rough dose per frame in DSA/DA
Patient entrance doses are of the order of 1 mGy per frame. Care must therefore be taken to avoid cumulative exposures that might result in the onset of deterministic effects.
In a paediatric case, why should you consider not using a grid in fluoro?
Children are more sensitive to radiation. Therefore, paediatric cases are performed at a lower kV and a smaller volume is irradiated, so there will be less scatter.
Air gap to reduce scatter has less increase in dose needed than a grid
Why is collimation important? What is the effect of collimation on patient dose, staff dose and image quality?
The tighter the collimation, the smaller the volume of the patient that is irradiated (Fig 1). As a result, there will be less scattered radiation and image quality will be improved. The effective dose to the patient will also be reduced. In addition, the reduction in scatter means that there will be a concomitant reduction in staff dose.
The ESD will not be reduced by collimating but the effective dose will.
how can some dose be saved in CT?
To try and make dose savings without affecting image quality or diagnostic reliability, ask yourself the following questions:
Is the pre-contrast CT scan necessary?
Are all the image acquisition phases really required?
Are you scanning too long a region of the patient?
Is there another test available that has the same (or better) diagnostic reliability?
What is the single most important factor in reducing CT dose?
mAs is probably the single most important factor.
Where possible, CT scans should be tailored to the individual patient. The mAs should be adjusted to suit patient size and body part – for example, a child should not be scanned at the same mAs as an adult.
Modulation of the mA, where the tube current adjusts according to patient attenuation, should be used where possible - but be aware of the initial setup conditions, i.e. where you set the maximum mAs.
How does slice thickness in CT impact dose?
Thinner sections require a higher mAs to achieve the desired contrast to noise ratio (CNR)
high contrast regions, such as the pelvis and thorax, do not need high mAs settings. In particular, the same mAs is not required for a pelvis exam as an abdominal exam to achieve the required CNR.
In general, kV is standardised at about 120 kV. What will be the result of lower kV settings such as 80 kV or 100 kV?
A. Higher dose for same image noise
B. Lower contrast than at 120 kV
C. Should be considered for paediatric protocols
A. True. Because the photoelectric effect has a greater effect at lower kV, patient attenuation will be greater and the x-ray beam less penetrating. Therefore more photons will be required at the entrance to get the same number at the exit (Fig 1).
B. False. There will be a greater differential attenuation at lower kV and so image contrast will be greater. With iodine contrast medium, soft tissue contrast will be better with the use of lower kV and so this technique may be advantageous for some work involving angiography in the head.
C. True. Children are less attenuating than adults and so fewer entrance photons will be required in paediatric cases.
In general, kV is standardised at about 120 kV. What will be the result of a higher kV setting such as 140 kV?
A. A slightly lower dose for same noise
B. Poorer contrast
C. Better penetration
A. True. The x-ray beam will be slightly more penetrating and so fewer entrance photons will be required (Fig 1).
B. True. There will be less differential attenuation between tissues at higher kV.
C. True. Tissue attenuation coefficients decreases as mean photon energy increases.
What is the 10 day rule?
During the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle prior to ovulation, it is thought that there is no increase in risk for any foetal radiation effects since the patient is unlikely to be pregnant.
What can you remember of the effects of radiation in utero?
A. The risk of Down’s syndrome is increased by irradiation in the first trimester
B. Risks of mental retardation are greatest during the late stages of pregnancy
C. A foetal dose of 5 mGy will double the natural risk of cancer
D. There is a risk of mental retardation in a foetus if the mother is given an abdominal CT scan between 8 and 15 weeks after conception
E. Risks of induction of childhood cancer are likely to be lower during the earlier stages of pregnancy
A. False. The session in Module 8a Physics/Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure on the Embryo, Foetus and Infant (300-0678) has more detail.
B. False. They are greatest in the period 8th to the 15th week after conception.
C. False. It is considered that a dose of 20 to 30 mGy doubles the natural cancer risk..
D. False. The dose from a CT scan would be 10-20 mGy but the threshold for mental retardation is 200 mGy.
E. True. The session in Module 8a Physics/Biological Effects of Radiation Exposure on the Embryo, Foetus and Infant (300-0678) has more detail.
What is the cut off between low and high foetal dose?
10 mGy
Concerning dose limits:
A. The effective dose limit for employees is 20 mSv per year
B. An employee who is likely to receive more than 6 mSv effective dose per year is designated as a classified person
C. Dose limits for other persons are often referred to as members of the public dose limits
D. The effective dose limit for other persons is 1 mSv per year
E. The equivalent dose limit for hands is 500 mSv per year
All the statements are true.
For members of staff, the effective dose is often termed whole-body dose.
Equivalent dose to hands, forearms, feet and ankles are often termed together as skin dose or extremity dose.
Which of these nuclear medicine procedures could constitute an external radiation risk to staff?
A. Preparation of radiopharmaceuticals
B. Transport of patient radiopharmaceuticals
C. Administration of radiopharmaceutical
D. Acquiring an image
E. Taking a biological sample
F. Removal of radioactive waste
These all constitute an external radiation risk to staff.
Radiopharmaceuticals are continually emitting radiation, therefore external hazards exist from the moment radioactive material arrives on site to the moment it is removed, either as waste or by the patient leaving. The extent of the external hazard depends on a number of factors