Fluoroscopy Flashcards
What are the three stages of an intensifier tube?
Input stage
Electron optics
Output stage
What are the three components of the input stage of the Image intensifier?
The image intensifier input window comprises a convex metal shield which covers the input face of the image intensifier. provides protection for the sensitive input components of the tube and maintains the vacuum. The input window is usually fabricated from a low Z metal, for example, aluminium [Z = 13] or titanium [Z = 22] foil. Therefore the x-ray beam can enter the image intensifier with minimum attenuation. It also provides mechanical rigidity and maintains the vacuum.
The input phosphor comprises a layer of sodium activated caesium iodide (CsI:Na) deposited on a thin aluminium substrate. as good x-ray absorption efficiency, typically 70 to 90%, plus good x-ray to light (energy) conversion efficiency. CsI:Na is grown as a channelled phosphor comprising tiny needle-like crystals with fibre-optic like characteristics.This makes it possible to use comparatively thick layers of CsI:Na (400 to 500 μm thick) to maximise x-ray photon absorption without causing excessive unsharpness due to scatter and diffusion of light photons.Each absorbed x-ray photon gives rise to ~3000 light photons in the blue part of the spectrum.
The fluorescent emission is then absorbed in a light-sensitive photocathode, normally comprising a very thin layer of caesium/antimony alloy. The photon sensitivity of the photocathode typically lies in the range of 0.1 to 0.15.Absorption of the fluorescent light photons releases a pattern of electrons into the body of the image intensifier tube. Approximately 200 electrons are released per absorbed x-ray photon.
What happens to the photoelectrons released by the photocathode?
are accelerated across the image intensifier tube by applying +25 to +35 kV to the anode, significantly increasing their kinetic energy in the process. The resulting high speed electrons then impact upon the output screen.
What is the typical minification of the image??
The diameter of the output screen is typically a tenth that of the input screen and therefore the image intensifier produces a minified image.
How are the electrons focussed onto the output screen?
As the electrons travel across the tube, they are carefully focused on the output screen via an electric field distribution defined by applying suitable bias voltages to a set of (typically 3) cylindrical metal electrodes.
Why is a fluoroscopy image inverted?
The geometry of image formation in an image intensifier tube requires that the stream of electrons cross at a defined point (or cross-over point) situated in front of the anode. As a result, the image on the output screen is inverted.
How can an II image be magnified?
magnified electronically by altering the distribution of electrode voltages, shifting the cross-over point to a position further away from the anode. Electronic zoom (as this technique is often called) not only magnifies the image but improves the spatial resolution, but at a cost of reducing the input field coverage.
How does the output screen of an II work?
The output screen comprises a thin layer of silver-activated zinc cadmium sulphide (ZnCdS:Ag) crystals deposited on the inner surface of the output window. Bombardment of the output screen with the stream of high speed electrons produces fluorescence in the green part of the optical spectrum.
The output window is the optically transparent port through which the intensified light image exits the image intensifier tube
Why is the output window of the II coated in aluminium?
It forms part of the anode structure
High speed electrons travel through this aluminium layer
The layer is opaque preventing the light emitted by the output phosphor from back-illuminating the photocathode and therefore degrading image intensifier performance. The light is reflected back towards the output increasing the gain of the image intensifier tube
What is halation?
Scatter of light, or halation
How can halation be reduced?
halation, in the output window can seriously degrade the contrast of the image intensifier output image.
Anti-halation techniques typically include use of:
Smoked glass
Special optical coatings
Very thick glass
Fibre-optic bundle
What is brightness gain?
The degree to which an image intensifier tube ntensifies (or amplifies) an x-ray image is described by the brightness gain
how is brightness gain calculated?
by the product of the so-called minification gain (Gminification) and the flux gain (Gflux)
What is minification gain?
describes the increase in brightness due to geometrical demagnification of the image in the image intensifier tube and is given by:
Ainput/Aoutput = (Dinput/Doutput)^2
Ainput and Aoutput are the areas and Dinput and Doutput are the diameters of the image intensifier input and output screens respectively.
What happens to the value of minification gain when a zoom mode is selected?
The minification gain reduces in proportion to area when a zoom mode is selected.
What is a typical value of brightness gain?
Gminification ~100 for a modern image intensifier in normal (full-field) mode operation.
For a modern image intensifier tube Gflux is also ~100.
Therefore, for a modern image intensifier in normal (full-field) mode Gbrightness is typically ~104.
What measurement has now superseded brightness gain?
The brightness of the input screen is not accessible to direct measurement, and this limits the utility of Gbrightness. For this and other reasons, image intensifier conversion factor (Gx) is now the preferred measure of x-ray image intensifier tube sensitivity and has superseded brightness gain.
How is II conversion factor calculated?
luminance of the image intensifier output [expressed in candelas m^-2] divided by X’ is the image intensifier entrance dose rate [expressed in μGy s^-1].
The Gx of a modern x-ray image intensifier tube typically lies in the range 10 to 30 cd s μGy-1m-2 for the normal (full-field) mode.
What happens to Gx when zoomed and what dose this mean for dose?
When a zoom mode is selected the Gx falls in proportion to the reduction in the area of the input field.
This reduction in Gx normally means that the entrance dose rate is increased (to some degree) when a zoom field is selected to help maintain system sensitivity. Reportedly the value of Gx deteriorates as the image intensifier tube ages.
Regarding an image intensifier:
A. Absorption of x-ray photons in the input window should be kept to maximum
B. Caesium antimonide is a channelled x-ray scintillator
C. Demagnification of the image by the electron optics contributes to image intensifier conversion factor
D. X-ray scatter in the output window is a serious cause of contrast loss
A. False. X-ray photons absorbed in the input window cannot contribute to the image so absorption should be kept to minimum. The input window is usually fabricated from a low Z metal so that the x-ray beam can enter the image intensifier with minimum attenuation.
B. False. Caesium iodide is a channelled x-ray scintillator used as the input phosphor in an image intensifier.
C. True. Demagnification contributes to the brightness of the image on the output screen and thus contributes to the image intensifier conversion factor.
D. False. Scatter of light in the output window is a serious cause of contrast loss.
Which of the following factors affect the brightness gain of an image intensifier tube?
A. The x-ray absorption efficiency of the image intensifier input phosphor screen
B. The electron-optical demagnification factor
C. The voltage applied across the image intensifier tube
D. Selection of a zoom field
A. Incorrect. Brightness gain is the ratio of the brightness of the output screen to the brightness of the input screen. X-ray absorption efficiency of the input screen does not affect this ratio. However, absorption efficiency affects the input dose rate required and therefore affects the conversion factor of the image intensifier.
B. Correct. The demagnification factor determines the minification gain and thus affects the brightness gain.
C. Correct. The applied voltage determines the flux gain and thus affects the brightness gain.
D. Correct. The selection of a zoom field changes the demagnification factor so it affects the minification gain and thus the brightness gain.
How is the image from the output screen translated to a screen to view?
An optical distributor is a light-tight housing which contains the optical components required to transfer the image on the II output screen to the TV sensor (or ancillary recording device such as a fluorographic film camera). Image transfer takes place via a so-called tandem lens pair arrangement, which uses a separate focusing lens for each imaging component.
What structures may be added between the tandem lens pair?
Adjustable iris aperture - A circular iris aperture of adjustable diameter is normally used to calibrate the light intensity illuminating the image recording device. The iris aperture is also used to compensate (at least in part) for the fall in II gain when a zoom field is selected. Opening the iris aperture reduces the need to increase the dose rate to compensate for such a fall in gain.
Electronic light sensor - An electronic light sensor can be mounted between the two lenses to measure the brightness of the II image. This can be used as a real-time feedback signal for an automatic dose (rate) control system.
Beam-splitting mirror - A semi-silvered (or beam splitting) mirror is used to record images via the two imaging channels simultaneously.
What is now used as the preferred image recording device in modern IITV fluoroscopy systems?
Solid-state charge coupled device (CCD)
How is a frame transfer CCD made?
Frame transfer CCD chips comprise two conjoined sub-arrays of elements of equal area as shown in the diagram:
One sub-array contains the active light-sensitive elements and is used to capture the initial image which is subsequently transferred to ->
The second sub-array, which is shielded from light and provides temporary charge storage of the preceding image frame during readout
Frame transfer CCDs have large charge capacity, low noise, fast temporal response and wide dynamic range and therefore are ideal for dynamic x-ray imaging.
How is an image made in the CCD?
Each pixel in the CCD array is addressed by an associated electrode. Application of a positive bias voltage to an electrode forms a ‘potential well’ in the region of the silicon substrate below.
Each light photon (from the II output) absorbed in the silicon substrate of the CCD gives rise to an electron-hole pair (where the electron is negatively charged and the hole is positively charged). The holes drain away while signal electrons accumulate in the potential well. The quantity of electronic charge which accumulates at each pixel is directly proportional to the intensity of the incident light and the frame integration time.
Charge packages build up in the light-sensitive array before being transferred to the charge storage section.
The data output register then reads out the image signal from the storage section line-by-line. Meanwhile the next image frame is being acquired in the active area of the CCD. The sequence of charge packets are converted to an analogue video or (using an ADC) a digital signal as appropriate.
What are the technological benefits of CCD sensors?
Small, inexpensive and compact with low-power consumption
Self-scanning image readout (no large electromagnetic deflection coils required)
Negligible lag (temporal unsharpness)
Resilience against burned-in signals at high-lights
Geometrical precision and spatial uniformity
Excellent thermal, electrical and magnetic stability
Excellent serviceability and long life-time
Compatibility with digital x-ray imaging modalities
Regarding an electronic TV camera tube:
A. The video image is produced by absorbing light in the signal plate
B. The lead oxide layer used in a Plumbicon works as an x-ray photoconductor
C. The video output signal is used to reconstitute a visible image on a display monitor
D. The electron gun scans the electron beam across the target layer generating the video signal
A. False. Light is absorbed in the photoconductive target, not the signal plate.
B. False. The photoconductor is exposed to light, not x-rays.
C. True.
D. True.