radiology 1 Flashcards
Bayesian analysis
posttest odds = pretest odds * likelihod ratio
degree of attenuation of xray beams based on 3 things
- density
- thickness
- energy of xray beam
radiolucency -> radiodensity of common materials (6)
- air = most radiolucent- looks black
- fat
- water
- bone
- contrast
- heavy metals= most radiodense - looks white
digital storage systems for info
PACS= picture archiving and communication systems
DICOM= digital imaging and communication in medicine
RIS= radiology information system
HIS= hospital information system
orienting an image on xray
AP/PA view
hang anatomically- like u are looking at the person
laterals are hung in same direction they are taken
hands and feet hand so you are looking at dorsal surface and digits face up
satisfaction of search (2)
can lead to false negative
when detection of 1 radiologic finding interferes w/ that of another
hounsfied units
3 common #s to know
def: measure of how much attenuation occurs in each pixel of CT scan
air = -1000
water = 0
bone = 1000
artifacts in CT
why they are caused
3 things that can cause them
caused by partial volume average of each voxel (less of a problem with new machines with thinner slices)
caused by:
- motion (eg cardiac motion)
- metal artifacts- distorts tissue around it
- beam hardening = algorithm filters out areas of low energy - which is high density places
risks of CT contrast (3)
- allergic reactions
can be mild (rash ) => severe -HTN, swelling, CV collapse*
- renal failure (creatinine >1.5-1.8)**
diabetics, dialysis pts, multiple myelomas
- contrast extravasation = contrast in soft tissue instead of vein
what type of contrast is okay for pts on dialysis?
what type of contrast is not okay for pts on dialysis?
OKAY: IV CT contrast
NOT OKAY: MRI contrast
3 advantages of CT
- fast
- high resolution
- multiplanar reformatting (3D)
3 disadvantages of CT
- radiation**
- possible risks
- possible artifacts
ionizing radiation
why we care
- electromagnetic waves that have the potential of creating an ion by knocking an electron out of its valence shell
- can damage DNA
radiation safety
ALARA- as low as reasonably achievable
trade off btwn dose and quality of image
2 biological effects of radiation
examples of each
linear no threshold model (assumption)
- deterministic effects - means its dose dependent and there is threshold below which there is no effecteg; epilation, permanent sterility, cataracts
- stochastic effects= random = not dose dependent and no lower threshold
a. k.a. cancer from radiation (leukemia, breast, thyroid)
** linear no threshold model (assumption)= risk is directly proportional to dose at all levels. sum of several small exposures can = 1 large exposure