MS- knee Flashcards
femoral-tibial joint type of joint motion/ DOF accessory motions (2)
- complex (because of meniscus)
- modified hinge joint, dual condylar
- does flex/extend (in transverse axis)
- accessory motions: rotation and
aB/aD from valgus force
femoral- patella joint
type of joint
sellar joint, modified plane joint
resting position of knee
closed pack position of knee
capsular patter
resting position- 25-40deg of flexion
closed pack- max ext (with ER of tibia) screw home mechanism
capsular pattern- lose flex > ext
physiological valgus
anatomy of femur => why favored position is flexion (2)
physiological valgus
- femoral neck overhangs shaft
- femur is angled 5-10 degrees of vertical
articular surfaces of tibial condyle
why favored position is flexion (2)
medial and lateral condyle convexity
relative sizes
flexion is favored because…
- retroversion of tibial condyles (inclined posteriorly)
- retroflexion = tib bent convex for muscle bellies
medial condyle is biconcave
lateral condyle is concave in frontal plane
convex in saggital plane
medial condyle 50% larger > lateral
articular surface 3x thicker > lateral (b/c weight bearing forces and angle of inclination)
femoral condyles shape relative sizes to each other and to tibial condyle medial vs. lateral WB stresses
bi-convex, longer A/P than M/L
2x as long as tibial condyles because of “runner”
medial condyle juts out more and is narrower which allows knee to be horizontal b/c of angle of inclination => better distribution of force
lateral condyle more in line w/ shaft of femur
WB stresses med and lateral equally in double stance
arthrokinematics of knee joint sitting down (extension -> flexion)
femoral condyles have a “runner” that make it 2x the length of tibial condyle
Ext -> flexion femoral condyles roll posterior w/o gliding, then ACL slides femur anterior
sliding = new points of contact on each bone
** sliding is why its a modified hinge joint*
femoral condyle movements during gait &
how much each moves
condyles mostly roll during gait, which is very efficient
lat condyle moves 20 deg
med condyle moves 10-15 deg
knee capsule
anterior attachements (4)
M/L attachements (4)
- largest capsule b/c largest joint in our body
- has window anterior for patella
attach anterior: tib med/lateral tibal condyles med/lateral patella surfaces extensor retinaculum
posterior: at level of popliteal notch
med/lateral retinaculum
IT band (not position dependent)
VMO and VL link fascia -> muscle
bicep femoris link fascia -> muscle
ITB relationship to medial collateral
IT band adds secondary reinforcement to MCL because they are complete opposite alignments
not postion dependent so maintains tension throughout ROM
what is it
3 compartments and whats in them
left over compartments from embryological development
3 compartments
1. superior compartment - suprapatellar bursa
2. infrapatella plica (fold) = inferior aspect of femur- filled with fatpad (infrapatellar fatpad)
can become edemaneous mostly in people who work on their hands and knees
flex- gastroc pushed fluid forward so palpable
extend - rec fem pushes fluid back
3. mediopatella plica - palpable
6 knee bursae
names and locations
- suprapatellar bursa - quad bursa (located in superior plicae)
- prepatellar bursa - under skin, anterior to patella
- infrapatellar bursa- superficial, anterior to patella ligament
- deep infrapatellar bursa- under patella ligament
- gastrocnemius - under head of gastroc
- popliteus - btwn popliteus and femoral condyle
these two are hard to differentiate but gastroc bursitis is more common
incomplete rings
lateral - ant/post horns closer together => more circular
medial - more half moon shape
purpose: to increase radius of curvature of tibial condyle, distribute WB and decrease friction
inner 2/3 avascular
meniscal transmission of forces
(in flexion and extension)
and what happens if loss of cartilage
50% of force in extension
80% of force in flexion
so loss of cartilage =>
increase 2x force on femur
increase 6-7x force on tibia
common meniscal attachments
anterior horns
to tib (2)
to patella (2)
- intercondylar tubercles of tibia
- coronary ligaments (meniscotibial) are comprised of fibers of jt capsule
- anterior horns attached to eachother by transverse ligament
attach to patella by
- patellomeniscal
- patellotibial ligaments (capsule thickenings)
3 lateral meniscal attachements
connections are considered ______ => _______
- posterior cruciate ligament
- popliteus muscle (vis coronary lig & posterior capsule)
- femoal condyles
connections are considered loose => less injuries
3 medial meniscal attachements
- medial collateral ligament -deep fibers
direct attachement - semimembranous (indirect, thru capsule)
- anterior horn from ACL
connections are tight => more tears
unhappy triad of knee injuries
- MM
what happens if you lose degrees of Q angle?
Q angle is angle femur makes with middle of patella
if lose degrees of Q angle => increase 50% compression on medial knee
movement of meniscus in flexion and extension
lateral menisci movement vs medial
menisci follow point of contact btwn femoral and tibial condyles (pushed by femur)
in flexion => posterior
in extension => anterior
lateral menisci moves 2x > medial
movement of menisci in rotation
in lateral rotation
how do they get injured?
lateral rotation: lateral meniscus is pulled anteriorly and medial pulled posterior
because pushed by femur
injured if they dont follow movement of femoral condyles- can become wedge btwn femoral and tibial condyles
facets (#)
- triangular shaped
- 7 facets, 3 on each side and odd facet
- purpose- improve efficiency of extension; increases mechanical advantage of quads by 25%