diff dx neuro - basics Flashcards
in a neurological exam…
what is a negative sign
what is a positive sign
negative sign - reveals a disorder by the absence of what should be present
eg; non-reactive pupils, atrophy, absent reflex
positive sign- reveals a disorder by a finding that should not be present
eg; babinski, spasticity, rigidity
grades for DTR
0= absent 1+ = diminished 2+ = normal 3+ = increased 4+ hyperactive
how does root compression affect DTR grade?
how does CNS issue affect DTR grade?
root compression => lower grade
CNS issue => spasticity = higher grade
sensory classifications (what do they lose) peripheral involvement (4) cortical involvement (5)
peripheral sensations inclue…
- light touch
- pain & temp
- proprioception
- vibration
cortical sensations are things that are interpreted…
- 2 point discrimination
- stereognosis
- graphesthesia
- bi-lat simultaneous extinction
- localization
abnormal reflexes & tone clasp knife lead pipe clonus babinski grasp reflex
clasp knife- spasticity = corticospinal lead pipe - rigidity = basal ganglia (PD) clonus = corticospinal tract babinski - corticospinal tract grasp reflex - frontal lobe
motor system & motor control
sherrington reflex model
sensory input => motor output
heirarchial model
control is top down
motor programs drive movement, feedback oriented
motor programming theories
motor engrams exist and become hardwired
eg handwriting is the same on paper and on a board
systems model
movements come from integration from all systems, CNS, PNS, musculoskeletal & the environment
apraxia (def)
loss of ability to execute movement
motor homunculus (3)
- the primary motor cortex has lowest threshold of activation
- 1:1 correspondence btwn cells and AHC
- the more you stimulate, the more complex the movement
corticospinal tracts
where they originate (which cortex)
which lobe?
- corticobulbar & corticospinal
2. 40-50% of fibers originate in primary motor cortex, located in parietal lobe
CVA most common site appearance (at rest) muscle tone voluntary movement coordination reflexes babinski
most common site- internal capsule appearance (at rest) - normal muscle tone - flacid then spastic voluntary movement- severe weakness, the pathological synergies coordination - poor reflexes- absent then hyperreflexive babinski - absent then heyperreflexive
basal ganglia process appearance (at rest) muscle tone voluntary movement coordination reflexes babinski
process- loss of balance between cholinergic and dopaminergic
appearance (at rest)- rigidity, tremor at rest
muscle tone - rigid
voluntary movement - bradykinesia
coordination - slow
reflexes - normal
babinski - absent
cerebellar dysfunction process appearance (at rest) muscle tone voluntary movement coordination reflexes babinski
process- deficit in coordination, balance and/or hypotonia (depending where lesion is)
appearance (at rest) - normal
muscle tone - normal or decreased
voluntary movement - normal or decreased
coordination - poor with intention tremor
reflexes - swinging or pendular reflex
babinski - absent