Race & Ethnicity Flashcards
- A group sharing apparent physical traits deemed by society to be socially significant
- is a social concept, socially significant
- Genetic differences very small
- The attribution of characteristics to groups of people who share a common cultural (including religion) heritage
Social Construction of Race
One Drop Rule
- any person with even one ancestor of sub saharan african descent is black
- A belief about an individual or group that is not subject to change on the basis of evidence
- Inflexible attitudes toward others
- unequal treatment of individuals based on their membership of a group
- intentional unequal treatment often based on prejudice
- unequal treatment that has become a part of the routine operations of a business, school, hospital, or government.
Redlining: banks refusing mortgages in certain areas
- Generalizing a set of characteristics to all members of the group
White Privilege
- white people shaped their own history
- everything features white people on it
- don’t have to worry about affirmative action
- race won’t be a hindrance to getting medical or legal help
Laws that enforce racial segregation at the level of marriage and intimate relationships
Race and Health Disparities
- blacks typically have worse health, low birth rate, higher infant mortality, and higher chances of premature birth
- race trumps other identified predictors of health such as age, income, and education
Racial and Ethnic Groups in the US
- American indians
- African Americans
- Latinos (mexican and cuban)
- Asian Americans
- Arab Americans
Supreme Court cases related to race
- Shelly v Kramer: racial covenants in property deeds were unconstitutional
- Loving v Virginia: married in DC, moved to virginia, arrested for interracial marriage
The forcible removal of a population
The physical and social separation of different groups of people
- social = gerrymandering (drawing voting lines to include blacks all in one district to limit influence)
The absorption of a minority group into the dominant color
- melting pot
The planned killing of a group of people
Group that lacks power
Cultural Pluralism
- coexistence of different racial/cultural/ethnic groups with no one being dominant
- Salad bowl
- Respect for one another
Can you discriminate without prejudice?
Yes, structure causing certain people to attend certain schools, or the casual use of slurs gay/retard
Cultural Appropriation
assume the culture and don’t recognize the significance attached to it
redskins, seminoles, fortune cookies, halloween costumes