Chapter 6 - Deviance Flashcards
Breaking a social norm that is met with disapproval
Can include non-chosen things (physical defects etc)
- Lack of consensus on what is deviant due to pluralistic society (diverse groups with different norms and values)
An act defined by law as punishable by fines and or imprisonment.
- Can have deviance w/ or w/o crime
Strain Theory - Merton
- Disconnect between goals and the means to reach them = deviance
- Anomie: when you experience this^Response Goal Means
- Conformity + +
- Innovation + -
- Ritualism - +
- Retreatism - -
- Rebellion +/- +/-
Ritualism: don’t care about money but still go to college to make parents happy or whatever
Retreatism: being a drifter
Rebellion: Reject and replace traditional
Labelling Theory
- devient behavior is a product of the labels people attach to certain types of behavior
- deviance is seen as being socially constructed
Primary deviance (labelling theory)
Occurs at the moment an activity is labelled deviant
Secondary Deviance (Labelling theory)
When the person accepts the label as a part of their identity
Types of Deviance
- Everyday Deviance: speeding, lying jaywalking, cheating
- Crime
- Sexual
Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
- reports 8 different types of crime, not white collar or upper class crimes though
- Violent = robbery, murder, assault, rape
- Property: burglary, arson, larceny, car theft
- Only reports worse event of double crimes
- Not all burglaries/robberies actually reported
National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
Who the victims are
Prison Populations
Rising due to:
- Mandatory minimum sentences
- 3 Strike felony laws
- The war on drugs
UM Honor Code
Academic Dishonesty