Quiz 9 Flashcards
do humans spend more energy on which of the following than everything else combined?
maintaining basal metabolism
the ___________ organisms generate body heat so they can remain significantly above the temperature of the environment
the _________ organisms depend on external sources for body heat instead of generating it themselves
the _______ can be thought of as the body’s attempt to maintain ____
processes that reduce any discrepancies from the setpoint are known as ____.
negative feedback
what evidence exists that the preoptic area controls body temperature?
heating or cooling the preoptic area leads to sweating or shivering
a fever represents an increased ________ for body temperature
set point
Dinah’s body has produced aldosterone so that she ____
is able to conserve sodium
your posterior pituitary is most likely to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH) ___
if you are very thirsty
the tendency of water to flow across a semipermeable membrane from the area of low solute concentration to the area of higher concentration is termed ___
osmotic pressure
vasopressin raises blood pressure by ___
constricting the blood vessels
which statement about the relationship between anorexia nervosa and depression is accurate?
antidepressant medications are ineffective in treating anorexia
alternating between deprivation and periods of excessive eating is called _______
bulimia nervosa
the genetic ability to metabolize lactose in adulthood is common in societies with long histories of ____
keeping domesticated cattle
in general, giving a person who is obese leptin will ___
increase sensitivity to leptin
when neuropeptide Y inhibits the paraventricular nucleus, it ___
produces extreme overeating
the brain finds out about the degree of stretch of the stomach from ___
activity of the vagus nerve
after damage in and around the ventromedial hypothalamus, animals are more likely to ___
overeat and gain weight
the release of cholecystokinin stimulates hunger
in most mammals, the level of lactase declines at about the time of weaning